Object type

Recording hair hygrometer

Aneroid Barometer, graduated in millibars, for use at sea

Double balance pressure step valve, sectioned

One Ayrton-Perry voltmeter

One Tucker hot-wire microphone

Latest type model of sunshine recorder

Portable battery of 3 lead accumulator cells with reticulated grid plates

Bernay's Positive Water Meter


One sectioned 2 HP induction motor with cast aluminium squirrel cage motor

Stone 14 1/2 lbs Av. weight, for weighing chain and nailmaker's work

'Kombi' Early Miniature Camera


Neck-forming tool, for Codd bottles

Solar microscope "O.N. Degerman. Fecit 1756"

Stone 5 lb 14 oz Av. weight, for weighing chain and nailmaker's work

Stone 1 lb 1 oz Av. weight, for weighing chain and nailmaker's work

One exhibit showing an artificial rainbow. Label reads 'Newton & Co Scientific Instrument Makers to H.M. The King 72 Wigmore St London W'.

exhibit showing an artificial rainbow.

One 132 kV condenser type outdoor bushing with mounting tank.

One 132 kV condenser type outdoor bushing with mounting tank

Bates machine for engraving in imitation of medals, sculptures etc.

Bates machine for engraving

Photographs, mounted on one card, of Karcher Geophone Equipment. (Originals lent by Dr. D.C. Barton).

Photographs, mounted on one card

One exhibit illustrating the reflection of light. Consisting of darkened case containing a number of mirrors, lenses, and one prism, showing the tracks of beams of light on reflection.

One exhibit illustrating the reflection of light

Mason's plumb bob & line.

Mason's plumb bob & line.

One panel exhibit: Illuminated diagram of the manufacture of coal gas and its by-products.

One panel exhibit: Illuminated diagram of the manufacture of coal gas and its by-products

One busbar selector switch, size 3' x 1' 6" x 1' maximum depth, by Clarke-Chapman, c.1890.

One busbar selector switch

One set comprising 5 pieces each 2" square, to show stages in the preparation of interference colour filters.

One set comprising 5 pieces each 2" square

Two examples of Bocking Protractors: No.1 pattern. No.2 Pattern.

Two examples of Bocking Protractors

Five seismograms obtained on observation line over a salt dome.

Five seismograms obtained on observation line over a salt dome

One Waverly typewriter.

One Waverly typewriter

One screen-grid condenser for Metro-Vick demountable tetrode.

One screen-grid condenser for Metro-Vick demountable tetrode

One Musgrave hot air coke-fired heating frame, c.1901. From Dover Castle, Kent.

One Musgrave hot air coke-fired heating frame, c.1901

circa 1901

Synchratune double dial with knurled rim drives, bakelite escutcheon.

Synchratune double dial with knurled rim drives

National Velvet vernier drum type dial assembly with lamp and escutcheon.

National Velvet vernier drum type dial assembly with lamp and escutcheon

One B.T.H. crystal receiver type C, form A, No.3222.

One B.T.H. crystal receiver type C

Image of wicker basket, produced by lightning on 10th July 1923.

Image of wicker basket

Millstone grit core out of a borehole, 2'-6" diameter.

Millstone grit core out of a borehole

Deckerts granular transmitter

Deckerts granular transmitter

One decade counter using transistors, with Venner accumulator & spare rack of transistors.

One decade counter using transistors

One framed exhibit of specimens of miniature ball bearings.

One framed exhibit of specimens of miniature ball bearings

One set of four optical filters G.G.495 OR 2403, BG18.OB10

One set of four optical filters G.G.495 OR 2403

Published chart - San Fernando and approaches, surveyed in 1924.

Published chart - San Fernando and approaches

One long horizontal panel "DIDO Research Reactor".

One long horizontal panel "DIDO Research Reactor"

Two beam splitters DM 1.163, DM 2/164

Two beam splitters DM 1.163

One 33 kV metal-clad switch-unit, scale 1:8.

One 33 kV metal-clad switch-unit

Model of the British Islands and surrounding ocean beds, size 4 ft. sq, in contours. The horizontal scale of the model is about 24 miles to the inch, and the vertical scale 8000 ft. to the inch.

Model of the British Islands and surrounding ocean beds

One police whistle, withdrawn from use by the Cornish Constabulary in 1970.

One police whistle

Two log glasses. One 15 minute glass. One 14 second glass.

Two log glasses

Photograph: Salt ridge at Beuthe, near Hannover.

Photograph: Salt ridge at Beuthe

One exhibit showing interference and diffraction of light, containing:- Young's interference fringes. Fresnel's interference fringes. Diffraction at a straight edge. Diffraction by a solid obstacle. Consisting of 2 optical benches and 8 sliding stands, 2 metal test objects, 1 photographic object, 1 Fresnel biprism, 4 convex lenses 38mm diameter 120. dioptres.

One exhibit showing interference and diffraction of light

Photograph: Field work in Java.

Photograph: Field work in Java

One ultra violet spectroscope.

One ultra violet spectroscope

One photograph of print, c.1860, showing various types of Sawyer velocipedes (from photograph lent by W.R.D Sawyer, Esq.).

One photograph of print