
Verticals for governing A et cetera for algebraic additions, notation 170. Sheet 1 of 2.

Algebraic addition of n times k figures. Sheet 5 of 5.

Approximative multiplication. Sheet 3 of 5.

Plan 28. Trains, vertical positions of the wheels and algebraic addition.

Sketches of various notations.

Notation of consecutive and half zero carriage.

Vertical positions of the wheels of Plan 28. Sheet 1 of 23.

Approximative multiplication. Sheet 5 of 5.

Verticals for governing A et cetera for algebraic additions, notation 170. Sheet 2 of 2.

Vertical positions of the wheels of Plan 28. Sheet 5 of 23.

Digit counting by carriage. Drawing 106.

Sketches of various notations.

Approximative multiplication for Plan 28. Sheet 6 of 8.

Division. Sketches of various notations.

Vertical positions of the wheels of Plan 28. Sheet 6 of 23.

Anticipating half zero carriage. Addition and subtraction by half zero. Sheet 2 of 2.

Vertical movements of axes ordered by barrels for division.

Vertical positions of the wheels of Plan 28. Sheet 7 of 23.

Vertical movements of axes ordered by left barrel for multiplication compiled in part from a genealogical notation. Sheet 3 of 3.

Summary of multiplication.

Vertical movements of axes ordered by right barrel for multiplication compiled in part from a genealogical notation. Sheet 2 of 3.

Vertical positions of the wheels of Plan 28. Sheet 15 of 23.

Division. Rough drafts of parts of Notations 272 and 273.

Division. Sheet 2 of 6.

Vertical movements of axes ordered by right barrel for multiplication compiled in part from a genealogical notation. Sheet 1 of 3.

Vertical positions of the wheels of Plan 28 for multiplication. Sheet 14 of 23.

Algebraic addition of k figures.

Vertical movements of axes ordered by left and right barrels for multiplication.

Vertical positions of the wheels of Plan 28 for artificial stepping of divisor. Sheet 17 of 23.

Division. Working notation belonging to Summary No. 244 which superseded Notation 241.

Vertical positions of the wheels of Plan 28 for algebraic addition of i k figures. First part of cycles ordered by verticals n and 'n of centre barrel. Sheet 20 of 23.


Verticals for left and middle barrels for multiplication. Notation 268. Sheet 3 of 4.

Algebraic addition of i k figures. Cycle ordered by vertical "a of centre barrel. Sheet 21 of 23.

Division. Sheet 1 of 6.

Arithmetical example of multiplication as performed in Notation 220.

Verticals for right and table barrel for multiplication. Notation 268. Sheet 2 of 4.


Algebraic addition.

Summary of algebraic addition.

Cards and barrels.

Verticals for barrels for multiplication.

Algebraic addition.

Vertical positions of the wheels of Plan 28 algebraic addition of k figures. Sheet 19 of 23.

Approximative multiplication for Plans 28 and 28a. Sheet 1 of 8.

Division. Sheet 4 of 6.

Description of parts and their duties. Plan 28.

Verticals for division as performed on Notation 218 arranged on one barrel.

Approximative multiplication for Plan 28. Sheet 2 of 8.

Counting apparatus. Approximative multiplication and division.