11 plan press drawers and 8 linear meters of shelving

The Babbage Papers

Drawing of the Difference Engine

Plan 17, store on a rack. Arrangement.

Untitled. This drawing is a cardboard model.

Sketch 13. General arrangement, circular. Showing 30 variables, 5 barrels with reducing apparatus, punch card mechanism, printing apparatus. Notes introduction of great bevel wheel 18 March 1837.

Sketch of sectors for lifting the axes.

Gearing et cetera of Sketch dated July 31 1835. Plan, once part of Drawing 22.

Sketch of the sectors for moving axes of store vertically.

No. 1 lifters for the purpose of division by table. Notation and description in sheets 11 and 12 of large quarto notations. Plan, elevation.

Grouping arrangement. Abandoned end April 1835.

Sketch No. 5. Two parts each. 1835 July 4. General arrangement.

Arrangement and rack of Plan 25

Method of grouping for the large machine.

Gearings, et cetera of Sketch No. 8 dated July 31 1835. Arrangement.

Carriage by vertical chain. Plan, elevation.

This plan is entitled 'Carriage 9. Gearing et cetera of Sketch No. 8'

Lifters for selecting the multiple of the Multiplicand or Divisor. Plan, two elevations.

Sketch of wheels for reducing carrying figure wheel axes to zero and setting spiral axes. Sketch elevations.

Figure 1. Clutch et cetera for driving the adding axes. Plan, elevation.

Sketches of mill used for arranging operations on the engine of four wheels in each cage from April 1836 - August 1837.

Plan and section of an 8 inch figure wheel; hoarding carriage and framing plate. Plan, elevation.

Method of governing barrels et cetera. No. 1, plan of elevation.

Consecutive counting apparatus.

Carriage and method of setting spiral axes for a machine of 50 cages with two figure wheels in each cage. Plan, elevation, details.

Combinatorial and decimal counting apparatus comprising plan, elevation and description.

Centres of axes and pen sketches of lockings for Sketch 14. Arrangement.

Sketch of central wheel and principal framing. Plan, elevation.

Multiplication before the invention of multiplication by table. Sheet 1 of 2.

Multiplication before the invention of multiplication by table. Sheet 2 of 2.

Method of bolting to platforms for vertical motion of axes, plan.

Sketch No. 11, circular, arrangement. Shows 27 variables.

Notation of units

Figure 1. First method of stepping by long pinions, elevation.

Sketch 12. Stepping by the method designed 15 April 1836. Circular arrangement, 27 variables.

Sketch of sectors for lifting the axes.

Sketch of some of the centres et cetera for Plan 16. Arrangement.

Plan 16. Arrangement, several partial arrangements, numerous notes.

Sketch of mould for adding column collars.

Sketch of sectors for giving vertical motion to axes. Arrangement, design, sketch for interference.

Part of the end view of the Difference Engine

Notation of units

Sketch of a decimal counting apparatus. Plan, elevation, description.

Plan 27. Linear arrangement with letter notations.

Plan No. 24. Arrangement and rack, rearrangement or notes.

Elevation of arrangement 13 with some of the driving and directive. Elevation includes section of a barrel '65 bands 80 verticals'.

Locking motions for carriage column.

Figure 1, Plan / Figure 2, elevation, Figure C Carriage No 4.

General Plan No. 23. Arrangement and rack.

Plan of an improved carriage by vertical chain, and a page of handwritten notes

Drawing, sheet 3, un-mounted.