Tinder Box of Wood
Tinder Box of Brass
Tinder-pistol (length 8 ins) wholly of wrought iron
Tinder Pistol
Tinder-pistol (length 8 1/4 ins) of iron
Tinder-pistol (length 11 ins) of iron
Tinder-pistol (length 8 ins) of iron
Cedar-wood, finely pulverized; as used by some Indian tribes
Tinder-pistol (length 7 ins) of brass
Tinder-pistol contained in a rectangular box of brass (length 4 1/2 ins) having a sliding lid
Tinder-pistol contained in a handsome rectangular box of brass (length 7 1/4 ins)
Tinder-box (length 2 1/8 ins); a sitting hare chased on lid
Tinder-pistol (length 5 1/2 ins) of iron
Tinder Box of Brass
Tinder-box (diam 8 3/4 ins) of tin
Tinder-box (height 5 1/2 ins) of tin
Tinder Box of Iron
Tinder made of agave flower stalk
"DLI" flintless
Dobereiner's Lamp (c.1840-60)
Instantaneous Light Box (height 3 1/8 ins) of tin; oval
Tinder-box (length 2 1/8 ins); similar to above
Tinder Box of Iron
Tinder Box of Iron
Instantaneous Light Box of Sheffield plate.
Modern Lighter for lighting domestic gas jets.
Sulphur-matches (length 3 ins) of wood; very small; dipped after bundling
A Lighter (length 2 5/8 ins) of white-metal
Tinder-tube (length 2 3/4 ins)
Box of Bryant and May's strike-anywhere "Harlequin Matches"
Box of Bryant & May's braided cigar lights
Petrol lighter "Avant X"
Bryant and May "Clipper" refillable lighter
Promethean matches in original tin
Gas lighter
Mark III comet ignition device for gas burners
Small metal container for wax vestas
"Poppell" refillable gas lighter
"Monopol" table lighter
Thin iron matchbox containing 100 small wax vestas