Fire-piston, Philippine Islands

Amorce cap lighter

Ronson "Typhoon" petrol lighter

Mechang pouch (chuckmuck), Tibet

Instantaneous Light Bottle containing an acid-bottle and an ink-bottle

Tinder Box of Wood

Brass oil-lamp-shaded candle handlamp containing ten indexing diminutive self-igniting candles

Tinder Box of Brass


Tinder-pistol (length 8 ins) wholly of wrought iron

Tinder Pistol

Tinder-pistol (length 8 1/4 ins) of iron

Tinder-pistol (length 11 ins) of iron

Tinder-pistol (length 8 ins) of iron

Cedar-wood, finely pulverized; as used by some Indian tribes

Tinder-pistol (length 7 ins) of brass

Tinder-pistol contained in a rectangular box of brass (length 4 1/2 ins) having a sliding lid

Tinder-pistol contained in a handsome rectangular box of brass (length 7 1/4 ins)

Tinder Bag, Red Canvas

Tinder-box (length 2 1/8 ins); a sitting hare chased on lid

Tinder-pistol (length 5 1/2 ins) of iron

Tinder Box of Brass

Tinder-box (diam 8 3/4 ins) of tin

Tinder-box (height 5 1/2 ins) of tin

Tinder Box of Iron

Tinder made of agave flower stalk

"DLI" flintless

Pocket candle holder with matches, mid 19th century

Dobereiner's Lamp (c.1840-60)

Instantaneous Light Box (height 3 1/8 ins) of tin; oval

Fire-steel (length 4 1/2 ins)

Tinder-box (length 2 1/8 ins); similar to above

Tinder Box of Iron

Tinder Box of Iron

Instantaneous Light Box of Sheffield plate.

Fire-drill and Hearth (lengths 16 1/4 ins and 14 1/2 ins); drill of cane; hearth shows many pits

Modern Lighter for lighting domestic gas jets.

Sulphur-matches (length 3 ins) of wood; very small; dipped after bundling

A Lighter (length 2 5/8 ins) of white-metal

Tinder-tube (length 2 3/4 ins)

One of Four Books made by "M.A." for the French Government Monopoly

Clarke's patent electric gas lighter

Small round box containing fifteen "cigar - tips" (early form of cigar lighter) by A.M. Pollak

Model of a Fire-piston (length 5 1/2 ins) of brass

One of a series of thirty-one fire-steels

Instantaneous Light Box (height 2 3/4 ins)

A Lighter (length 3 3/4 ins)

One of eight fusee-boxes (3 x 1 3/4 x 1/2 ins)