On Display
Object type
Place of origin

Drawings (9) of colonial cruisers "Tauranga" and "Ringarooma"


Coal from China, 1860s


Half-size model of 'deep-sea clamm’ sampler designed by Captain John Ross


Model of half midship section of an ordinary merchant ship


Model of half midship section of a double bottom merchant ship


Rigged model of English Ketch-rigged sloop


Plans (3) for steel protected cruiser "Pandora"


Admiralty steering compass demonstrating the laminated compass needles typical of the mid-19th century


Drawing entitled 'Sectional Drawing for a Steel Protected Cruiser for Colonial Defence to be named'

Drawing entitled 'Sectional Drawing for a Steel Protected Cruiser for Colonial Defence to be named'

Drawing entitled 'Sheer Drawing for a Steel Protected Cruiser for Colonial Defence to be named'

Drawing entitled 'Sheer Drawing for a Steel Protected Crusier for Colonial Defence to be named'

Model of C-type airship, C.23.

Royal Navy C23 Coastal Airship, c 1917.


6 items

Drawings showing HMS Katoomba

10 items

Specification and plans of single screw gun boats 'Albacore', 'Mistletoe' and 'Watchful'

5 sheets

Arrangement drawings of ships 'Bellona' and 'Barham'

5 items

Arrangement drawings of gunboat 'Redbreast'

7 sheets

Arrangement drawings of 1200 h.p. iron armour clad frigate 'Hercules'

7 sheets

Arrangement drawings et al. of the gunboat 'Rifleman'

3 sheets

Drawings of S.S. 'Trent' and S.S. 'Tiber', numbers 147-149

6 sheets

Arrangement drawings of single-screw composite sloops 'Arab' and 'Lily'

4 sheets

Arrangement drawings of HMS 'Redwing', coast guard cruiser

5 sheets

Arrangement drawings of ship 'Falcon'

6 sheets

Arrangement drawings of ship 'Active'

5 sheets

Arrangement drawings of ship 'Emerald'

5 sheets

Arrangement drawings of ship 'Sapphire'

5 sheets

Arrangement drawings of twin screw steel gun and torpedo vessels 'Curlew' and 'Landrail'

5 sheets

Arrangement drawings of ship 'Marathon'

5 sheets

Arrangement drawings of cruiser 'Mohawk'

4 sheets

Arrangement drawings of ship 'Firebrand'

4 sheets

Arrangement drawings of ship 'Moorhen'

5 sheets

Arrangement drawings of sloop 'Pelican'

2 sheets

Plans for an iron frigate similar to 'Inconstant'

5 sheets

Arrangement drawings of ships 'Royal Oak' and 'Royal Alfred'

7 sheets with 12 manuscript pages

Description of, and plans for, proposed ventilating arrangements for ship 'Immortalite'

6 sheets

Arrangement drawings of ship 'Iron Duke'

5 sheets

Arrangement drawings of ship 'Landrail'

5 sheets

Arrangement drawings of ship 'Egeria'

12 pages and 2 plans

Specification and plans of single screw composite corvette 'Garnet'

6 sheets

Arrangement drawings of ship 'Basilisk'

6 sheets

Arrangement drawings of HMS 'Phaeton'

6 sheets

Specification and arrangement drawings of single-screw, iron-clad frigate 'Shannon'

7 sheets

Arrangement drawings of HMS 'Australia'

9 pages and 9 sheets

Description of artificial ventilation for, and arrangement drawings of, HMS 'Narcissus'

7 sheets

Arrangement drawings of twin screw protected corvette 'Mersey'

2 items

Two volumes by the British Admiralty relating to boat and warship construction

5 sheets

Arrangement drawings of cruiser 'Pylades'

3 sheets

Arrangement drawings of ship 'Amphion'

7 sheets

Arrangement drawings of ship 'Severn'

4 sheets

Arrangement drawings of ship 'Foam'