On Display
Object type

Drawings (9) of colonial cruisers "Tauranga" and "Ringarooma"


Coal from China, 1860s


Half-size model of 'deep-sea clamm’ sampler designed by Captain John Ross


Model of half midship section of an ordinary merchant ship


Model of half midship section of a double bottom merchant ship


Rigged model of English Ketch-rigged sloop


Plans (3) for steel protected cruiser "Pandora"


Admiralty steering compass demonstrating the laminated compass needles typical of the mid-19th century


Model of C-type airship, C.23.

Royal Navy C23 Coastal Airship, c 1917.


Specification for Single Screw Composite Gun Vessels, to be named "Algerine", "Rambler" and "Ranger" / Admiralty. 1879 Apr. [24p., printed by Eyre and Spottiswoode for HMSO. With 2p of inserted ms. amendments]

Specification for Single Screw Composite Gun Vessels


[Ms. description re artificial ventilation for, and arrangement drawings (9) of, HMS 'Narcissus' / Admiralty (& Chatham and Portsmouth Dockyards). 1885-1895. 9p. + 9 sheets (on roll), line drawings with wash, scale 1/16" : 1' (1); 1/4" : 1' (8). Comprise 'General description of Artificial Ventilation for information of Officers of Ship'; drawing of 'Watertight Compartments shewing Watertight Doors, Sluice Valves &c.'; plans of skid beams, platforms, upper deck, main deck, protective deck; profile; plan of hold (and sections); sheer drawing. See also inv. no. 1988-620 (MSR 139) for other 'Narcissus' drawings]

Ms. description re artificial ventilation for


Drawing of the Flat Bottom Boats as built by Mr Waterman for the Transport Service / Admiralty (& Devonport Dockyard). 1854 Apr 20. [1 sheet (on roll with others), line drawing, part with wash, scale 3/4" : 1'. Includes ms. particulars added 11 May 1854]

Drawing of the Flat Bottom Boats as built by Mr Waterman for the Transport Service/Admiralty


[Arrangement drawings (7) of twin screw protected corvette 'Mersey' / Admiralty. 1883. 7 sheets (on roll), line drawings, part with wash, scale 1/4" : 1'. Comprise plans of platforms, lower deck, protective deck, spar deck, upper deck, hold (and sections); profile]

Arrangement drawings (7) of twin screw protected corvette 'Mersey'


[Drawing] Sketch shewing the Plan of fitting Iron Trestletrees & Crosstrees to Fore and Main Masts of Gun Vessels of 695 Tons, 'Eclipse' Class [and] Sketch Shewing the Plan of fitting Iron Trestletrees, Crosstrees and Cap to Fore and Main Masts of Gun Vessels of 425 Tons, 'Ranger' Class / Admiralty (& Woolwich Dockyard). 1860 May 4. [1 sheet (on roll with others), line drawing with wash, scale 1" : 1']

Sketch showing the Plan of fitting Iron Trestletrees & Crosstrees to Fore and Main Masts of Gun Vessels of 695 Tons


[Arrangement drawings (5) of ship 'Falcon' / Admiralty (& Devonport Dockyard). 1878. 5 sheets (on roll, with another), line drawings with wash, scale 1/4" : 1'. Comprise plans of forecastle, lower deck, hold (and sections), upper deck; profile]

Arrangement drawings (5) of ship 'Falcon'


[Specification (12p.) and plans (2) of single screw composite corvette 'Garnet', (originally to be called Magicienne?) / Admiralty. 1874. Plans comprise midship section, sheer draught]

Specification (12p.) and plans (2) of single screw composite corvette 'Garnet'


[Arrangement drawings (5) of ship "Hyacinth" / Admiralty (& Devonport Dockyard). 1883. 5 sheets (on roll with others), line drawings with wash, scale 1/4" : 1'. Comprise plans of poop and forecastle, and of lower deck; profile; plans of upper deck, and of hold (and sections). See also inv. no. 1999-38 (MSR 75/1-6)]

Arrangement drawings (5) of ship "Hyacinth"


[Arrangement drawings (4) of ship "Moorhen" / Admiralty. 1876. 4 sheets (on roll with others), line drawings with wash, scale 1/4" : 1'. Comprise plan of lower deck; profile; plans of hold (and sections), and upper deck]

Arrangement drawings (4) of ship "Moorhen"


[Arrangement drawings (4) of ship 'Decoy' / Admiralty (& Devonport and Portsmouth Dockyards). 1872. 4 sheets (on roll with another), line drawings with wash, scale 1/4" : 1'. Comprise profile, and plans of upper deck, lower deck and hold (and sections)]

Arrangement drawings (4) of ship 'Decoy'


[Arrangement drawings (5) of ship 'Egeria' / Admiralty (& Devonport and Sheerness Dockyards). 1887. 5 sheets (on roll with others), line drawings with wash, scale 1/4" : 1'. Comprise plan of lower deck; profile; plans of poop and forecastle, upper deck, hold (and sections)]

Arrangement drawings (5) of ship 'Egeria'


[Arrangement drawings (5) of ship 'Emerald' (of the Tourmaline class) / Admiralty (& Portsmouth Dockyard). 1886. 5 sheets (on roll with others), line drawings with wash, scale 1/4" : 1'. Comprise plans of lower deck, upper deck and topsides, poop forecastle, skid beams &c, and hold (and sections); profile]

Arrangement drawings (5) of ship 'Emerald' (of the Tourmaline class)


[Plan of the Quarter Deck and Forecastle of ship "Leander" / Admiralty (& Portsmouth Dockyard). 1849. 1 sheet (on roll, with others), line drawing, part with wash, no scale]

Plan of the Quarter Deck and Forecastle of ship "Leander"


[Arrangement drawings (5) of ship 'Diamond' / Admiralty & Sheerness, Cleveland and Devonport Dockyards). 1875. 5 sheets (on roll), line drawings with wash, scale 1/4" : 1'. Comprise plans of poop and forecastle, hold (and sections), upper deck and elevation of topside, lower deck; profile. See also inv. no. 1998-786 (MSR 58/5)]

Arrangement drawings (5) of ship 'Diamond'


[Arrangement drawings (3) of ship "Amphion" / Admiarlty (& Devonport Dockyard). 1880-1887. 3 sheets on roll, scales 1/16" : 1', 1" : 4'. Comprise sketch showing arrangement of watertight compartments, sluice valves etc.; sheer drawings (2). Drawings bear numerous signatures]

Arrangement drawings (3) of ship "Amphion"


[Arrangement drawings (5) of ships Royal Oak and Royal Alfred / Admiralty. 1861 Oct. 5 sheets (on roll), line drawings, part with wash, scale 1" : 4'. Comprise plans of holds (and sections), main deck, lower deck, upper deck, inboard works. Each bears signatures]

Arrangement drawings (5) of ships Royal Oak and Royal Alfred


[Arrangement drawings (7) of HMS "Narcissus" / Admiralty (& Portsmouth Dockyard). 1895 Sept. 7 sheets (on roll), line drawings, scale 1/4" : 1'. Comprise Plans of platforms, protective deck, main deck, hold and upper deck, all showing ventilation; proposed arrangement of fresh and salt water services; profile showing ventilation. See also inv. no. 1999-134 (MSR 83/1-10)]

Arrangement drawings (7) of HMS "Narcissus"


[Arrangement drawings (4) of ship Royal Sovereign / Admiralty. 1862 Apr. 4 sheets (on roll), line drawings, part with wash, scale 1" : 4'. Comprise plans of upper deck, lower deck, hold (and sections), inboard works]

Arrangement drawings (4) of ship 'Royal Sovereign'


[Description of, and plans for, ventilating arrangements for ship 'Immortalite' / Admiralty. 1887. 12p. + 7 sheets (on roll with others), line drawings, scale 1/4" : 1'. Comprise ms. description; plan of main deck, sections, plans of upper deck and of platforms; profile; plan of protective deck, sections. See inv. no. 1997-1621/3 (MSL 146/3)]

Description of, and plans for, ventilating arrangements for ship 'Immortalite'


[Plans (2) for an iron frigate similar to 'Inconstant' / Admiralty. 1866. 2 sheets (on roll with others), line drawings with wash, scales 1" : 2', 1" : 4'. Frigate, sheathed with wood, to be of 1000 H.P. and 4010 tons. Drawings comprise midship section and sheer draught]

Plans (2) for an iron frigate similar to 'Inconstant'


[Specification, plans etc of single screw gun boats Albacore, Mistletoe and Watchful / Admiralty. 1881. 10 items (on roll), most being line drawings, chiefly with wash, scales various. Comprise specification; form giving dimensions of masts and yards; plans: midship section, sketch of sails, profile of inboard works, forecastle, upper deck, lower deck, hold; sheer drawing]

Specification, plans etc of single screw gun boats Albacore


[Arrangement drawings (5) of frigates 'Warrior' and 'Black Prince' / Admiralty. 1859 Jul. 5 sheets (on 5 rolls), line drawings, part with wash, scale 1" : 4'. Comprise plans of profile of inboard works, upper deck, main deck, lower deck, hold (and sections). See also inv. no. 2001-746 (MSR 112/3)]

Arrangement drawings (5) of frigates 'Warrior' and 'Black Prince'


[Arrangement drawings (7) of HMS 'Australia' / Admiralty (& Chatham Dockyard). 1888. 7 sheets (on roll), line drawings with wash, scale 1/4" : 1'. Comprise plans of skid beams, upper deck, main deck, platforms, protective deck and part of upper platform; profile; plan of hold (and sections)]

Arrangement drawings (7) of HMS 'Australia'


[Arrangement drawings (4) of ship 'Frolic' / Admiralty (& Sheerness Dockyard). 1883. 4 sheets (on roll with others), line drawings with wash, scale 1/4" : 1'. Comprise plans of lower deck, hold (and sections); profile; plan of upper deck]

Arrangement drawings (4) of ship 'Frolic'


[Specification and arrangement drawings (5) of single-screw, iron-clad frigate Shannon / Admiralty (& Devonport Dockyard). 1873. 6 sheets on roll, scale 1" : 4'. Comprise specification (12p); plans of poop and forecastle; upper deck; main deck; platforms of hold and sections; profile of inboard works]

Specification and arrangement drawings (5) of single-screw


[Arrangement drawings (7) of corvette 'Comus' / Admiralty (& Sheerness, Chatham and Portsmouth Dockyards). 1880. 7 sheets (on roll with one other), line drawings with wash, scale 1/4" : 1'. Comprise plans of steel deck, poop and forecastle, lower deck; profile; plan of upper deck; plans (2) of hold and sections, one dated 1886]

Arrangement drawings (7) of corvette 'Comus'

1880, 1886

[Specification for, and plans (3) of, twin-screw, iron-clad, deck-covered corvette "Northampton" / Admiralty (& Govan, Chatham and Devonport Dockyards). 1874, 1888. 58p. + 3 sheets (on roll with others), line drawings, two with or part with wash, scales various. Comprise specification, midship section, drawing re watertight compartments, sheer drawing]

Specification for, and plans (3) of, twin-screw, iron-clad, deck-covered corvette "Northampton"

1874, 1888

[Arrangement drawings (5) of ships 'Bellona' and 'Barham' / Admiralty. 1888 May. 5 sheets (on roll), line drawings, part with wash, scale 1/4" : 1']

Arrangement drawings (5) of ships 'Bellona' and 'Barham'


[Drawing of watertight compartments, watertight doors, sluice valves &c of ship "Nelson" / Admiralty (& Chatham and Devonport Dockyards). 1881 Sept. 1 sheet (on roll with others), line drawing, part with wash, scale 1/16" : 1']

Drawing of watertight compartments, watertight doors, sluice valves etc. of ship "Nelson"


[Arrangement drawings (5) of ship 'Landrail' / Admiralty (& Devonport and Sheerness Dockyards). 1886. 5 sheets (on roll), line drawings, part with wash, scale 1/4" : 1'. Comprise plans of poop and forecastle, upper deck; profile; plans of protective deck, hold (and sections)]

Arrangement drawings (5) of ship 'Landrail'


[Ts. manuals (2) re /1 Boat construction, /2 Building of a Warship / Admiralty. ca.1954. See below]

Ts. manuals (2) re /1 Boat construction

circa 1954

[Arrangement drawings (5) of ship 'Sapphire' / Admiralty (& Devonport Dockyard). 1875. 5 sheets (on roll with others), line drawings with wash, scale 1/4" : 1'. Comprise plans of poop and forecastle, lower deck, hold (and sections), and upper deck, and profile]

Arrangement drawings (5) of ship 'Sapphire'


[Arrangement drawings (5) of twin screw torpedo cruiser "Scout" / Admiralty. 1883. 5 sheets (on roll), line drawings part with wash, scale 1/4" : 1'. Comprise plans of poop and forecastle, upper deck, profile, lower deck, and of hold (plus sections)]

Arrangement drawings (5) of twin screw torpedo cruiser "Scout"


[Arrangement drawings (5) of gunboat "Redbreast" / Admiralty (& Pembroke Dockyard and Devonport Dockyard). 1889. 5 sheets (on roll with others), line drawings with wash, scale 1/4" : 1'. Comprise plans of hold, poop and forecastle, lower deck and upper deck, and of profile, all as fitted]

Arrangement drawings (5) of gunboat "Redbreast"


[Arrangement drawings (5) of cruiser "Mohawk" / Admiralty (& Sheerness Dockyard and Chatham Dockyard). 1890. 5 sheets (on roll with others), line drawings with wash, scale 1/4" ; 1'. Comprise plans of poop and forecastle, lower and steel decks, as fitted, profile as fitted; plans of upper deck and of hold, as fitted]

Arrangement drawings (5) of cruiser "Mohawk"


[Arrangement drawings (7) of cruiser "Severn" / Admiralty (& Chatham Dockyard). 1887 Oct. 7 sheets (on roll with another), line drawings, part with wash, scale 1/4" : 1'. Comprise protective deck, upper deck, profile, lower deck, poop and forecastle (and upper bridge, platforms, hold (and sections), all as fitted]

Arrangement drawings (7) of cruiser "Severn"


[Arrangement drawings (5) of sloop "Pelican" / Admiralty (& Devonport Dockyard). 1884. 5 sheets (on roll), line drawings with wash, scale 1/4" : 1'. Plans of lower deck, poop and forecastle, upper deck, hold, all as fitted, and profile as fitted]

Arrangement drawings (5) of sloop "Pelican"


[Arrangement drawings (5) of corvette 'Turquoise' / Admiralty (& Sheerness Dockyard). 1884. See below. See also inv. no. 2000-908]

Arrangement drawings (5) of corvette 'Turquoise'


[Drawing: Lines, of HMSs 'Hart', 'Sunfish', 'Janus' and 'Swordfish' / Admiralty. nd. 1 sheet (on roll with others), line drawing, scale 1" : 4']

Drawing: Lines, of HMSs 'Hart', 'Sunfish', 'Janus' and 'Swordfish'


[Arrangement drawings (5) of ship 'Partridge' / Admiralty (& Devonport and Sheerness Dockyards). 1889 Jul. 5 sheets (on roll), line drawings with wash, scale 1/4" : 1'. Comprise plans of poop, forecastle and bridge, of lower deck and of hold (and sections), profile, plan of upper deck]

Arrangement drawings (5) of ship 'Partridge'


[Arrangement drawings (5) of ship 'Zephyr' / Admiralty (& Sheerness Dockyard). 1880-1881. 5 sheets (on roll), line drawings with wash, scales 1/8" : 1', 1/4" to 1'. Comprise arrangement of watertight compartments and plans of lower deck and hold (1 sheet, 1880), plans of lower deck and hold (and sections), profile, plan of upper deck and forecastle (4 sheets, 1881)]

Arrangement drawings (5) of ship 'Zephyr'
