Forceps, obstetrical, steel, possibly Baumers-type, by Dubois of Paris, 1750 to 1850 Pair of steel obstetrical forceps 1750-1850
415 Plan d'un Marais Salant avec la description des parties qui le composent et la maniere de faire le sel
Copper medal of the Societe Naturelles de Seine et Oise, by Dubois, France, 1831 Copper medal of the Societe Naturelles de Seine et Oise 1183
Bronze medal or token commemorating Societe de Psychologie Physiologique, medal designed by Dubois, French, 1820-1890 Bronze medal or token commemorating Societe de Psychologie Physiologique 1820-1890
[French technical drawing] Plan d'un Marais Salant avec la description des parties qui le composent et la maniere de faire le sel, [17--. 1 sheet, ink and colour wash/ms. Drawing depicts plan and perspective of salt pans at Brouage near Marennes in western France and bears textual information, signed by Dubois, explaining both their construction and the manufacture of salt. This item is on SM b & w neg. and col. trans.] Plan d'un Marais Salant avec la description des parties qui le composent et la maniere de faire le sel 1701-1800
Silver medal, octagonal, of the Society of Agriculture, Sciences, Arts and Literature, Louis Philippe I on obverse, by Dubois, French, 1832 Silver medal 1832
Silver medal of the Societe Protestante de Prevoyance de Paris, by Dubois, France, 1820-1870 Silver medal of the Societe Protestante de Prevoyance de Paris 1820-1870
Ten circuluar identical bronze medals, commemorates the Obstetrical and Gynaecological of Paris, designed by Dubois, French, 1885 Ten circuluar identical bronze medals 1885