Map, London & Southampton Railway, line map, 1839, Portsmouth and Southampton inset, Isle of Wight inset, coloured, published by J Wyld, paper-backed linen, card cover with table of 'Watermen's fares'. Map, London & Southampton Railway 1839
Railway Map of Great Britain compiled from the plans deposited according to the standing orders of Parliament / James Wyld, Charing Cross East. 1847. [2 litho sheets, no scale. Part of the John Phillimore Collection: cat. 1, 1847, page 4. Cover title is 'Wyld's Railway Map 1847'. Map folded and bound within boards (22 x 12cm.) with printed sheet detailing railways completed and those in the course of construction, and listing railway plans deposited in the Private Bill Office 1847. Conserved in 2001] Railway Map of Great Britain compiled from the plans deposited .... 1847
Book; The London & Southampton Railway Guide. 197 pages. The London and Southampton Railway Guide 1839
Map, England, Scotland, Wales & Ireland, Geological, c. 1840, 10 inches : 3/4 mile, coloured, James Wyld, paper backed line. Map, England, Scotland 1840
Plan showing the line of the London & Greenwich Railway, published by J Wyld, London, 1833 scale about 5" to 1 mile. Unmounted folded sheet, overall size 22" x 17 1/2" Plan shewing the line on the London & Greenwich Railway 1833