Object type
Place of origin

Cine-Kodak Eight Model 20 camera.

Kodak instamatic M55-L projector


Brownie Model F roll-film box camera made by Kodak Ltd

Kodak Portrait Brownie Camera


Kodascope Eight-500 projector, 1955


Vertical Enlarger by Kodak Ltd

circa 1925

Kodak Sound 8 projector model 1E. Integral case.

One un-opened instant film cartridge


instant film cartridge


Instamatic M4 Movie Camera


Instamatic 25 Camera


Kodak 'Kodatoy' projector, c 1930


Kodak Cine Camera


Six-20 Kodak Folding Camera


Kodascope 50R cine projector by Kodak Ltd


Kodak Velox Postcards


Kodak Photographic Paper


Kodak Lantern Plates


Six-20 Folding Roll-Film Camera


"Wratten Series" Safelight


Kodak Greeting Cards Masks


'Brownie' Cresta II 120 roll film camera, Kodak

circa 1960

Wratten K1 Filter


Kodak Photographic Paper


Studio Equipment- Studio Dolly


Kodak Brownie Flash III Camera


Six-20 Brownie E Camera


Super Six-20 Brownier Junior Camera


Kodak M2 Instamatic Movie Camera in Lined Case

Kodak Reduction and Copying Camera

Hawkette Camera


"Bantam" Colorsnap Camera


Enlarging Exposure Scale


Kodak Enlarger Negative Carrier


Kodak Brownie No. 127 Camera


Kodak Photographic Paper


10 filing cabinets

Kodak Museum Ephemera Collection

Kodak Amateur Flashlight Outfit. Tin with powder holder tray, taper and instructions.

Kodak Amateur Flashlight Outfit

Kodaslide Home Projector (first model). Kodak Ltd. For 2x2 inch slides. Kodak Projection Ektanon lens f/3.5; f:4 inch Slides pushed down through gate. Made of dark brown plastic.

Kodaslide Home Projector

Kodak Brownie Movie camera Model II. Cinecamera for 8mm double run film; F:13mm f/2.7 lens. Folding frame finder. No 1352260H.

Kodak Brownie Movie camera Model II


Produced by Kodak Ltd., this advertisement was printed for supply to publishers for reproduction in publications. Focusing on Easter as an occasion to try photography, this advert is promoting the 'Kodak Book' and supplies dealer details.

'Kodak. Try Photography this Easter' Advertising Proof

Produced by Kodak Ltd., this advertisement was printed for supply to publishers for reproduction in publications. 'Kodak Photography - A simple, fascinating & interesting pursuit for all", which "anybody can understand". An illustration of the simple, lightweight Brownie camera features alongside the pricing information for that, and several other Brownie models.

'Kodak Photography, Kodak Means Photography Without a Darkroom' Advertising Proof

Produced by Kodak Ltd., this advertisement was printed for supply to publishers for reproduction in publications. Focusing on 'Kodak NC Film', this advert outlines the benefits of using this Kodak film including being "The fastest roll film. Gives the widest latitude in exposure. Highly colour-sensitive & non-curling." An indication of the film market is given by the inclusion of "Ask for Kodak film and refuse inferior substitutes".

Kodak N.C. Film Advertising Proof

Produced by Kodak Ltd., this advertisement was printed for supply to publishers for reproduction in publications. Focusing on 'Kodak NC Film', this advert outlines the benefits of using this Kodak film including being "The fastest roll film. Gives the widest latitude in exposure. Highly colour-sensitive & non-curling."

Kodak N.C. Film Advertising Proof

Produced by Kodak Ltd., this advertisement was printed for supply to publishers for reproduction in publications. An advert featuring five individual adverts in the form of headlines and accompanying details. These include 'The 5s/- Brownie Kodak, 'Let The Children Kodak', Free! The Kodak Book', 'Take a Kodak With You' and 'Anyone can use a Kodak' (duplicate of 1990-5036/17128).

The 5s/- Brownie Kodak' Advertising Proof

Produced by Kodak Ltd., this advertisement was printed for supply to publishers for reproduction in publications. An advert featuring five individual adverts in the form of headlines and accompanying details. These include 'The 5s/- Brownie Kodak, 'Let The Children Kodak', Free! The Kodak Book', 'Take a Kodak With You' and 'Anyone can use a Kodak' (duplicate of 1990-5036/17129).

The 5s/- Brownie Kodak' Advertising Proof

Take a Kodak with You and Bring Back Picture Souvenirs of Your Holiday' which includes a photographic illustration of a Folding Pocket Camera. Featured in an unidentified publication as indicated by the news story on the reverse.

Take a Kodak' Advertisement

Produced by Kodak Ltd., this advertisement was printed for supply to publishers for reproduction in publications. ' Get a Kodak for Easter; All the delights of Kodak photography are yours for an outlay of thirteen shillings'. Details on how to acquire a Kodak book and Kodak dealers are provided.

Get a Kodak for Easter' Advertising Proof

Produced by Kodak Ltd., this advertisement was printed for supply to publishers for reproduction in publications. Advertising the Kodak brand, the advert reads "A Kodak keeps the memory of your holiday green and is a recognised part of every traveller's and tourist's outfit" with an illustration of a vest pocket folding camera and film-rolls.

'Kodak Pictures of Your Holidays' Advertising Proof

Produced by Kodak Ltd., this advertisement was printed for supply to publishers for reproduction in publications. A range of Kodak products are advertised with illustrations which encourage would-be photographers to move away from the idea a darkroom is needed.

There is No Holiday Like a Kodak Holiday!' Advertising Proof