Dental x-ray machine, wooden cabinet, metal frame, separate transformer, made in Germany, 1920-1935 Dental x-ray machine 1920-1935
High frequency electrotherapeutic apparatus, mobile, on hardwood cabinet, by Ludwig Schulmeister, Spitalgasse 5, Vienna 9, Austria, 1925-1935. High frequency electrotherapeutic apparatus 1925-1935
Materia medica collection in cabinet comprising 219 labelled sample tins and boxes, made by the Apprentice Chemists Association, England, 1860-1900 Materia medica collection in cabinet, 1860-1900 1860-1900
Chemist's display cabinet, for "Meritor" range of toothbrushes, by S. Maw, Son and Sons, London, 1920-1940 Chemist's display cabinet 1920-1940
Two-drawer trolley cabinet for dispensing chiropodial dressings, complete with dressings, maker unknown, 1945-1965 Two-drawer trolley cabinet for dispensing chiropodial dressings 1945-1965
Wimshurst machine in wood and glass case, from King's College Hospital, 1851-1910 Wimshurst machine in wood and glass case, from King's College Hospital, 1851-1910 1851-1910