SEC vidicon camera tube - identical to one used in IUE (international ultra-violet explorer) satellite 1972
Soft x-ray microscope using zone plate focussing, made at King's College, London, England, in about 1985 and used on a beam line of the Daresbury synchrotron radiation source until about 1997. Soft X-Ray Microscope, 1986 1986
4 MeV electron linear accelerator built by D.W. Fry et al, c. 1948. Ancillary - equipment: IONISATION GAUGE CONTROL UNIT model 3. Made in England by Edwards High Vacuum Ltd., Crawley, Sussex. 4 MeV electron linear accelerator built by D.W. Fry et al 1947
hydrogen bubble chamber, 10 cm, made at Imperial College, London in 1957 . Liquid hydrogen bubble chamber. 1957
Human Support Robot, by Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan, 2012. Built under their ‘Robot Partners’ programme. Human Support Robot, built under their ‘Robot Partners’ programme 2012