On Display
Object type
Place of origin

Bottle for 'Veronal' powder


Small phial of atropine with cocaine


Glass bottle of morphine sulphate


Bottle for Dover Powder


Ribbed green glass poison bottle with glass stopper of Tincture of Morphine and Chloroform


Shop round for tincture of squill


Gutta percha tube for 1/2 gr. compressed Tabloid brand opium tablets, empty with possible traces remaining. 80 mm x 15 mm diameter. Interior of the tube is lined with wax paper and contains a small amount of cotton, possibly obscuring traces of opium. Made by Burroughs Wellcome and Co., English, 1900-1910.

Gutta Percha tube for Opium tablets


Black gutta percha tube for 5 gr. Tabloid brand Aromatic Chalk Powder with Opium tablets, with possible traces remaining. 89 mm x 19 mm diameter. Interior of the tube is lined with wax paper and contains a small amount of cotton, possibly obscuring traces of opium or remaining tablets. Made by Burroughs Wellcome and Co., English, 1900-1910.

Gutta percha tube of Aromatic Chalk Powder with Opium tablets


Glass bottle with glass stopper for 'Cholera Drops' with traces of original contents remaining. 117 mm x 37 mm x 45 mm, 173g. Label reads, 'Cholera Drops/ A teaspoonful in a little/ water and repeat in an/ hour if required.' Bottle is dated to the 19th of August 1864. Dispensed by Decastro and Watson Chemists, English, 1864.

Bottle for Cholera Drops


Blue glass poison bottle with broken cork stopper for Laudanum (opium tincture), with dried traces of contents remaining. 56 mm x 20 mm diameter, 18 g. Dispensed by Dinneford and Co., London, c.1834.

Blue glass poison bottle for Laudanum


Square glass bottle with painted inscription for Laudanum (LAUD: HYSTER) (opium tincture) with traces remaining. 144 mm x 50 mm x 50 mm, 138g. Unknown maker, possibly German, 18th century.

Glass bottle for Laudanum


Cylindrical painted glass drug-jar with parchment cover, labelled "Laud. Opiat." (Opium Tincture), traces remaining. 117 mm x 63 mm diameter, 100 g. Unknown maker, probably Spanish, 17th or 18th century

Glass drug jar for Opiate Laudanum


Cylindrical glass jar with leather covering and painted label for "Laud.S.Op. Hart." (Opium Tincture with Hartshorn), traces remaining. 115 mm x 66 mm diameter, 103g. Unknown maker, probably Spanish, 17th or 18th century.

Glass jar for Laudanum and Hartshorn


Floral painted opaline glass shop round with lid used for Dover's powder (contains opium). By the Farmacia de Onate, Spanish, 1850-1900.

Opaline glass shop round for Dover's powder


Glass bottle with glass stopper covered in chamois for Laudanum (opium tincture) with traces remaining. 116 mm x 40 mm, 147 g. Sprackett Chemists, Bristol, 1862-1900.

Bottle of Laudanum


Floral painted opaline glass shop round used for opium (OPIO), with traces remaining. By the Farmacia de Onate, Spain, 1850-1900.

Shop round for opium


Painted wooden drug jar, for unidentified opium mixture (OPUM/ TEBAIC) with wood lid and traces remaining. 151 mm x 75 mm, 237 g. Unknown maker, probably Swiss, 1770-1830.

Wooden jar for opium mixture


Yellow glass tube with cork stopper for Morphine Sulphate hypodermic tablets, 1/8 grain, with trace remaining. 70 mm x 5.5 mm 1g. Parke, Davis and Co., American, 1885-1920.

Glass phial for morphine sulphate


Green glass poison bottle, ribbed, of Phenobarbitone Sodium powder, with traces remaining and bakelite lid. 110 mm x 59 mm diameter, 197 g. By Savory and Moore Ltd., Standard Works, Lawrence Road, Tottenham, London, N15, England, 1955-1970.

Glass poison bottle of Phenobarbitone sodium


Small glass dispensing bottle with ivory and cork stopper with traces of Calomel( mercury chloride) and opium. 42mm x 16mm diameter. Gold printed label reads, 'CALOMEL C. OPI/gr.ij./gr.fs.' Calomel was often used as a laxative or an a disinfectant. English, 1850-1900.

Small dispensing bottle for Calomel and Opium


Round glass bottle with glass stopper for Laudanum (opium tincture) with traces remaining. 127 mm x 32 mm diameter, 94 g. Unknown maker, English, c. 1870.

Bottle for laudanum


Glass bottle with cork stopper with traces of Neboline Compound, no.5, (contains cocaine). 83 mm x 34 mm x 27 mm, 43 g. Prepared by Oppenheimer,Son and Co. Ltd. , London, 1910-1920.

Bottle of Neboline compound


Clear glass shop round with glass stopper for tincture of morphine with ipecacuanha, with some dried traces remaining. 195 mm x 55 mm diameter, 406g. English, late 19th century

Shop round for tincture of morphine and ipecac


Green glass poison bottle, rectangular, with ribbed back and glass stopper for tincture of camphorated opium (TR: OPII: CAMPH), traces remaining. 210 mm x 80 mm x 50 mm, 349 g. Unknown maker, probably English, 1860-1920.

Poison bottle for camphorated tincture of opium


Green glass poison bottle with bakelite lid, containing powdered traces of barbitone sodium. 99 mm x 55 mm diameter, 141 g. Made by Savory and Moore Ltd., Standard Works, Lawrence Road, Tottenham, London, N15, England, 1930-1960.

Bottle of Barbitone Sodium powder


Amber glass bottle with cork stopper for 500 ml of syrup of red poppies (SYRUPUS RHOEADOS) B.P.C. 1934, with traces remaining. 230 mm x 75 mm diameter, 526g. Made by Wright Layman and Umney, London, 1934-1949.

500ml bottle of syrup of red poppies B.P.C.


Glass bottle with glass stopper of Dovers' Powder. 36 mm x 108 mm, 127 g. Handwritten label reads 'Dovers' Powder.' By Seabury and Johnson, London, 1810-1840.

Bottle of Dovers' Powder


Glass bottle with glass stopper for Laudanum (opium tincture), with traces of original contents remaining. 110 mm x 32 mm x 26 mm, 95g. Unknown maker, English, c1870.

Bottle for Laudanum


Square glass bottle with cut-glass stopper for Paregoric Elixir (camphorated tincture of opium) with traces of original contents remaining. 120 mm x 36 mm x 30 mm, 119g. Unknown maker, English, mid-nineteenth century.

Glass bottle for Paregoric Elixir


Square glass bottle with glass stopper for Paregoric (camphorated tincture of opium) with trace amounts remaining. 35 mm x 110 mm, 135 g. Seabury and Johnson, London, 1810-1840.

Bottle of Paregoric


Rounded glass bottle with cut glass stopper for Laudanum (opium tincture) with traces of original contents remaining. 58 mm x 36 mm x 18 mm, 45g. Unknown maker, English, mid-nineteenth century.

Glass bottle for Laudanum


Round syrup bottle, dark blue glass, with trace content, for squill syrup (SYR: SCILLAE.) 255 mm x 96 mm diameter, 628 g. Unknown maker, English, late 19th century

Blue glass shop round of squill syrup


Dispensing bottle with traces of opium. Gold label with black print reads, 'Opium/ gr. j.' English, 1850-1900.

Dispensing bottle of opium


Clear glass shop round with glass stopper for opium liniment (LIN: OPII), with dried residues in base and neck. 205 mm x 77 mm diameter. This liniment would have been applied topically. Unknown maker, English, late nineteenth century.

Shop round for opium liniment


Glass bottle of 'Indigestion Mixture' with bakelite lid, containing sodium bicarbonate, rhubarb, chloroform and morphine. 171 mm x 66 mm x 34 mm, 236 g. Printed label reads, '.../INDIGESTION/MIXTURE/An invaluable preparation for disorders of the/ Stomach and Digestion.../SAVORY & MOORE LTD./Chemists to the King/LONDON. W.1' Manufactured by Savory and Moore Ltd., English, 1910-1936.

Bottle of 'Indigestion Mixture'


Large glass drug jar with glass lid for Liquorice and Chlorodyne (morphine and chloroform) pastilles, with traces remaining. 160 mm x 115 mm diameter. Unknown maker, English, late nineteenth century.

Glass drug jar with glass lid for Liquorice and Chlorodyne (morphine and chloroform) pastilles


Clear glass shop round with bakelite lid for 1,000 dexamphetamine sulphate (dextroamphetamine) tablets, 5mg, with trace contents. 149 mm x 73 mm diameter, 314 g. Dextroamphetamine is a pscyhotropic drug which relieves fatigue. Savory & Moore, Ltd., English, 1920-1955.

Shop round of Dexamphetamine sulphate


Lipped poison bottle, clear glass,with trace contents for TR. OPII (tincture of opium). 82 mm x 243 mm, 609 g. English, 1860-1900

Bottle for opium tincture


Large green glass pharmacy bottle for opium tincture (TR: OPII) with traces remaining. 355 mm x 144 mm diameter. Unknown maker, English, 1851-900.

Storage bottle for opium tincture


Hypodermic syringe, glass and silver plated brass, in aluminium case, with syringe cleaner and two glass tubes with cork stoppers for Strychnine sulphate and Morphine and Atropine Sulphate (compound) tablets. Case by Allen and Hanburys, London, 1890-1910. Medicaments by Burroughs Wellcome and Co., London.

Case for syringe with phials


Round glass bottle with croken cork stopper for Paregoric Elixir (camphorated tincture of opium), with traces of contents remaining. 95 mm x 25 mm diameter, 30g. Dispensed by Smith, Stanistreet and Co, Calcutta, India, 1831-1900.

Bottle for Paregoric Elixir


Small bottle for morphia (morphine) bottle with ground glass stopper in wooden case with traces remaining. 78 mm x 22 mm diameter, 22 g. Unknown maker, possibly English, 1851 to 1920.

Bottle for morphia in a wooden case


Glass phial for 'Morphia' (morphine) with traces remaining. 93 mm long, 13 g. Engraved label reads, 'Morphia'. From Michael Faraday's chemical chest, unknown maker, English, c. 1820.

Glass phial for 'Morphia' (morphine) with traces remaining. 93 mm long


Square bottle of colourless glass with faceted glass stopper. Contains trace contents of tincture of opium. Painted label in an elaborate scrolling style with golden background, red borders and black lettering, reads 'TR: OPII.' Probably European, 1851-1900.

Square glass bottle of opium tincture


3 ampoules of water and with three accompanying ampoules of gonadotrophin (trace remaining) for preparing an injection of serum gonadotrophin, with instructions, in original carton. 18 mm x 59 mm x 98 mm. This product is brand named 'Serogan' by BDH. Instructional packet explains that this serum was used to encourage fertility in both males and females. Suggested dosage: ' 400 to 20000 international units weekly'. Manufactured by the British Drug Houses Ltd., London, 1953.

Carton of 3 x 1 ml ampoules of Serogan


Rectangular glass dispensing bottle with glass stopper for laudanum (opium tincture) with trace contents. 89mm x 40 mm, 52 g. Printed label with red type face reads, 'LAUDUNUM. -POISON/CIVIL SERVICE CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY/( LIMITED,)/28 HAYMARKET, LONDON. S.W/HENRY WEST CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST' Made by the Civil Service Co-operative Society, 28 Haymarket, London, England. Supplied by Henry West, chemist and druggist.

Glass bottle of laudanum


Hypodermic syringe, glass and silver, in leatherette case, with 2 needles and 2 glass bottles with ground stoppers containing traces of Ergotin and Morphine, respectively. Overall: 42 mm x 118 mm x 22 mm, 62 g. By C. Wright and Co., 108 New Bond Street, London, England, 1871-1910.

Case for syringes with phials


Glass bottle with paper covered cork stopper for Neboline Compound No. 5 (contains cocaine), with traces remaining. 92 mm x 34 mm x 26 mm, 47 g. Made by Oppenheimer Son and Co. Ltd. of London, English, 1910-1940.

Bottle of Neboline Compound No. 5


Brown stoneware drug jar, cylindrical with japanned metal lid, moulded Royal Coat-of-arms and painted label on side, "OPIUM OPT:" with traces remaining. 170 mm x 137 mm diameter, 1164 g. Unknown maker, English, early nineteenth century.

Stoneware drug jar for opium


Square glass bottle with chamois covering containing a small quanitity of Dover's Powder. 62 mm x 32 mm x 32 mm, 70 g. Unknown maker, English, 1860-1900.

Glass bottle of Dover's powder
