Ink line and watercolour technical illustration of Concorde BAC Aerospatiale aircraft, by Trevor Alner [1985]. 122 x 244cm. in large wood frame. [Bournemouth and Poole College of Art and Design, Department of technical illustration, exhibited Science Museum, A way of explaining, 1987, no.197] Concorde BAC Aerospatiale 1985
Painting, watercolour, Stockton & Darlington composite railway carriage c1835, preserved at York Museum, by AJF, 1924. watercolour railway carriage c1835 1924
Mill Engine at Ellenroad Ring Mill, by Edna Lumb 1974. Painting, mixed media, 135x80cm. in modern frame, 145x90x3cm. Signed and dated br. Shows interior of engine house, with engineer Mill engine at Ellenroad Ring Mill 1974
Chatham Dockyard Ropery. wash drawing by Edna Lumb, 1983, signed inscribed and dated Chatham Dockyard Ropery. wash drawing by Edna Lumb 1983
A home-made 'lockdown cinema', designed to sit over a laptop to produce the illustion of cinema attendance. Made by Tom Kingsley, London, January 2021 and first demonstrated on his Twitter feed. Home-made lockdown cinema for laptop January 2021
Drawing of James Watt's Rotary and Semi-Rotary Engines 1782 Drawing of James Watt's Rotary and Semi-Rotary Engines 1897
Coloured Drawing of Hooper's windmill for grinding corn, 1802 Coloured Drawing of Hooper's windmill for grinding corn 1802
Watercolour painting of Iron Duke at Chippenham Station, c.1850, by Sean Bolan, 1984. Shows Iron Duke with carriages at platform. Passengers on platform. Passengers looking across the tracks from the other platform. Rear of a departing train. 22.0472 x 30.315 in, 56 x 77 cm Iron Duke at Chippenham Station c1850 1984
Watercolour, unsigned. Opening of Yarmouth Station, shows train leaving station surrounded by crowds of onlookers, bunting flying above. Accompaning note:- This picture come out of Yarmouth Southtown stationmaster's office. The line closed down 4th May 1970. Most probably represents the opening of the station and the first train in 1857, to Beccles and Ipswich." 9.8425 x 13.7008 in. Opening of yarmouth station
Painting, watercolour, The Record Breaking Run of Mallard by Phil Belbin, about 1984 to 1988. Depicts the London & North Eastern Railway locomotive Mallard breaking the world speed record for a steam locomotive on 3rd July 1938. Mallard is shown on the east coast main line at Stoke Bank, hauling a dynamometer car and passenger carriages, with steam billowing along the train. Watercolour circa 1984-1988
Painting of Armorial Bearings of The Midland Railway Co. By J E McGuiness. Leeds Poly . Design Project. Watercolour on Paper , h. 207mm x w. 253mm. Coat of Arms of the Midland Railway
Watercolour, Southern Railways "King Arthur" No 453 en route, by G. S. Cooper, c.1960. SR locomotive King Arthur No 453 1960
Watercolour, Bullet Train, cartoon artwork depicting the cats Yorkatt and Eric viewing the Japanese Shinkansen Series 0 bullet train on display at the National Railway Museum, by Wolf (Richard Stansfield), 2003. Depicts a grey and a ginger cat, seen from the rear, in the foreground as visitors view the Shinkansen. A speech bubble reading 'Awesome!' appears above the grey cat. Signed at bottom right "Wolf'" with the title "Bullet train" below. Published in the York Evening Press newspaper. Artwork for cartoon - Bullet train shows Yorkcats in front of Bullet train 2003