On Display
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Ernemann Ermanox F.2 Rigid Miniature Camera


Eclipse Plate Camera

Wooden gold-coin change machine - 'Safecheck'

Protype box-type rollfilm camera for 80mm wide roll film 95 x 80mmm. 'Parcel' or 'Tombosa' camera. Fitted with a rapid rectilinear lens, sliding plate with three apertures sliding focusing uncalibrated, rotating shutter, adjustable tension, single reflecting finder, film wound without backing paper, friction roller, indicates correct windon., pressure plate pinched by lever to be slackened when winding off. Camera covered with cardboard case with apertures for controls, lens, etc. Surrounded by leather straps and carrying handle, to resemble brown paper parcel. Henry N B Good of Devises. 1889. Never produced commercially.

Tombosa Detective Camera


Awarded to N L Wilson, Harrow, in Eighth Exhibtion. Yellow metal medal . Obverse shows classssically-dressed woman with bellows, camera, shield, engraved ' Kodak Staff Photographic Society'. Reverse engraved in laurel wreath 'Eighth Exhibition 1950, M L Wilson, Harrow'. In lined case. Machine-tooled blue leatherette box, silk lined, blue velvet. Silk inside lid of box printed 'Watches & Clocks, Jewellery, The Glossoid Co Ltd, 45-50 Hillborn Viaduct, London, EC1, Cutlery, silver, electro-plate, cups & sports prizes a speciality'.

Kodak Staff Photographic Society bronze medal in case


Magazine plate camera in form of book, for 38 x 38mm plates. Lens missing, guillotine shutter with tension adjusting knob, plate carried in metal holder then pushed from upper compartment into focal plane and then into the lower compartment by sliding rod. Number on plate holder back visible through red window. No 1742. Marion & Co, 1934. Invented by Dr Rudolf Krugener.

Kruegener's Patent Book Camera No 1510


Folding camera for 5 inch wide rollfilm 4 x 5 inches. Fitted with a Bausch and Lomb rapid symmetrical lens, Series II F:7 1/2 inches f/8-64. Unicum shutter 1/2/5/25/50/100/B/T. Sliding rising front, two adjustments. Vertical swing rise with wide angle lens. Rack and pinion focusing, double extension. Two brilliant reflecting finders.

The Sanderson rollfilm camera

No 4 Folding camera for 104 rollfilm 5 x 4 inches. Fitted with a Bausch and Lomb rapid rectilinear lens, US 4-128. With Eastman triple action shutter B/I/T, slow to fast speed adjustment, right hand side pneumatic valve. Sliding, rising and cross front, rack and pinion focusing, two brilliant reflecting finders. No 25280. Overall (deployed): 170 mm x 210 mm x 235 mm.

No 4 Cartridge Kodak


Eastman Kodak Co. Folding camera for 4" x 5" plates. Bausch and Lomb rapid rectilinear lens, U.S. 4 - 128, Unicum shutter, 1/2/5/25/50/100/B/T with pneumatic release valve, sliding rising and cross front, rack and pinion focusing with extra extension, brilliant reflecting rotating finder on base board, spirit level, swing back both directions, reversable bacl, no 792. Overall (deployed): 165 mm x 152 mm x 220 mm.

Eastman Plate Camera No 4 Series C


Brownie flash IV camera. Overall: 104 mm x 84 mm x 118 mm.

Brownie Flash IV camera.


Candle lamp, small circular holder for candle with large candle attached. Overall (with candle): 162 mm x 80 mm x 55 mm; overall (without candle): 42 mm x 55 mm.

Candle lamp

Clothes brush: Great Eastern Railway ex Harwich Ferry Services. Overall: 45 mm x 350 mm x 75 mm.

Clothes brush, Great Eastern Railway

Cap badge, British Railways, North Eastern Region, lion on wheel device, gilt 'British Railways' on orange band. Overall: 50 mm x 42 mm x 17 mm.

British Railways, North Eastern Region cap badge

Cap badge, British Railways, Eastern Region, Station Master, lion on wheel design with `Station Master' on blue band across centre. Gilt alloy. Overall: 50 mm x 42 mm x 21 mm.

British Railways, Eastern Region cap badge

Lapel badge, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway, Railway Service no.B6859. Overall: 7 mm x 27 mm.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway lapel badge

No. 2 Kodak camera, 1889-1897, manufactured by Eastman Co. Box camera for factory loaded roll film 3 1/2 inch diameter. Rapid rectilinear lens, rotating plate with three apertures sector type shutter, cocked by string, reflecting finder, No 16554. Overall: 130 mm x 110 mm x 230 mm.

No 2 Kodak rollfilm camera


Bulls Eye box camera for daylight-loading paper backed roll film. Manufactured by the Boston Camera Manufacturing Co., USA, 1893. With leather strap. Overall: 125 mm x 115 mm x 146 mm.

Bulls Eye box camera for daylight-loading paper backed roll film


Pocket kodak camera, '98 model, 1898 manufactured by EKCo. Single lens, rotating plate with three apertures, rotary shutter T/I, single rectangular viewfinder. With black leather finish. Made by Eastman Kodak for Eastman Photo Materials Co. 1898. Overall: 60 mm x 75 mm x 98 mm.

Pocket Kodak camera '98 model


Lapel badge, London, Midland & Scottish Railway, Railway Service No 65565 (War Service 1939-45). Stamped on back 'A' and Fattorini & Sons Ltd, Birmingham. Overall: 25 mm x 33 mm x 6 mm.

Lapel badge, London, Midland & Scottish Railway - Railway Service

Six-20 brownie camera, model F, 1956-1959, made by Kodak Ltd. Box camera for 620 rollfilm 2 1/4 x 3 1/4 inch. Meniscus lens, fixed aperture, rotary shutter, I/B with lock for release button. Portrait lens on slide, 5 - 10ft, yellow filter on side. Two pin flash contact. Two large brilliant reflecting finders. Overall: 104 mm x 87 mm x 118 mm.

Six-20 Brownie camera Model F


No. 6 Folding Kodak camera, improved model, 1893-5. Folding box/bellows camera for rollfilm or plates 6 1/2 x 8 1/2 inch. Fitted with a Bausch & Lomb Universal lens F:12 inches. US 4-256 interchangeable elements for W/A lens F:9 inches US 16 - 128. Bausch & Lomb iris diaphragm shutter 3/2/1/2/5/25/50/100/T. With pneumatic release valve. Lens and shutter have bayonet fitting. Sliding and rising cross front, drop-front and swing back. Lever focusing - two positions for converted lens. Rotating reflecting finder. Compartment under lid contains a spare lens elements, tripod screw and roll holder screw. Walker roll holder No.532. Overall (deployed): 290 mm x 300 mm x 470 mm.

No.6 folding Kodak, improved model


Zeiss Ikon box tengor camera, c.1939. All metal box camera for 127 (A8) film, 40 x 30mm. Goetz Frontar lens fixed aperture and focus. T/I shutter. Cable release socket; wire frame finder. Black leathette covered. Overall: 82 mm x 68 mm x 55 mm.

Zeiss Ikon Box Tengor camera


No.2 Folding Brownie camera, model A. Folding camera for 120 rollfilm 2 1/4 x 3 1/4 inches. Fitted with a meniscus lens, apertures 1, 2, 3. Brownie automatic shutter I/B/T. Rotating reflecting finder on baseboard. Preset sliding focusing. Eastman Kodak Company of New Jersey. 1904-1907. Overall (deployed): 104 mm x 176 mm x 134 mm.

No.2 Folding Brownie camera, Model A


No. 3 kodak junior camera, 1890-1897, manufactured by Eastman Company. Box camera for factory loaded roll film 3 1/4 x 4 1/4 inches. 60 exposures. Bausch and Lomb universal lens. Rotating plate with three apertures, sector type shutter, cocked by string, rack and pinion focusing to 5 ft, two reflecting finders with detachable rollholder. Overall: 160 mm x 110 mm x 240 mm.

No 3 Kodak Junior Camera


The Kodak Brownie Camera, cut away for display, manufactured by the Eastman Dry Plate and Film company. Camera for 100 exposure paper film, RR type lens inside cylindrical shutter. Body cut away to show interior. No. 5819; M92.

Kodak Brownie Camera - cut away for display


Brownie flash B camera. Box camera for 620 rollfilm. Simple lens fitted, fixed aperture. 2 speed shutter 80/40/B, flash synchronisation, screw and pin contacts. Built in close up lens and yellow filter. Exposure calculator. Two brilliant reflecting finders. Brown and fawn finish. Kodak limited, 1958-1960. Overall: 110 mm x 84 mm x 116 mm.

Brownie Flash B camera


J Lancaster & Son camera for 10"x12" plates. No movements. Fixed front panel, sliding screen/plate holder. Square bellows. 2'6" extension. With one wooden single darkslide. No lens. Retailed by Benetfink & Co, Cheapside London E.C. Overall: 405 mm x 322 mm x 790 mm.

Lancaster stand plate camera


Richard Verascope stereoscopic camera. A solid metal body camera for 6 x 13cm, plates. Fitted with two Krauss Tessar Zeiss lenses F:85mm f/6.3-64, Nos 92632, 92640 with lens caps. With coupled shutters (and apertures) 9/21/24/36/90/130/T. Sliding and rising front. Brilliant reflecting finder and a folding optical frame finder (lens missing). Two circular spirit levels fitted. Two hinged holders behind lenses with 35mm square yellow filters. Push on accessory with three pairs of close up lenses in sliding plate. N.5521. Overall: 82 mm x 165 mm x 115 mm.

Richard Verascope stereoscopic camera

Packed for the Daily Mail Ideal Home Exhibition Feb 28 - March 22 1924. Incomplete. Cardboard box containing 1 packet of Enitone paper, 1 packet of Slogas paper, 1 packet of Bromide paper, 1 packet of Collodion paper; 1 box 120 rollfilm; 1 packet of Slogas developer, 1 packet of acid hypo; 1 booklet 'Little Books About Photography No 3', 84 pages, 1 leaflet for Illingworth's gas light paper, 1 Illingworth print wallet. Thomas Illingworth and Co Ltd, Wilsden Junction, London.

Illingworth's Ideal Home Exhibition Photographic Outfit


Ensign 2 1/4 B Rollfilm reflex camera, c 1922. With a Rapid Achromatic lens; patent no 21053122; No. 21071722. Overall: 156 mm x 86 mm x 140 mm.

Ensign 2 1/4 B Rollfilm reflex camera


Ross portrait lens and studio shutter. For 1990-5036/1777(fitted). Petzval type portrait lens, F: 12 inches. Waterhouse stop slot. Rack and pinion focusing. Hemispherical bellows studio shutter on lens panel. Rubber bulb with time tap. Ross. Overall (lens assembly): 127 mm x 127 mm x 170 mm; overall (lens): 115 mm.

Ross portrait lens and studio shutter. For 1990-5036/1777(fitted)

Watson cabinet stereoscope viewer for 107x44mm stereographs. Manufactured by

Watson Cabinet Stereoscope Viewer

Box camera for 620 rollfilm 2 1/4 x 3 1/4 inches. Fitted with a simple lens of fixed aperture and focus. With sliding plate with close up lens and yellow filter. Rotary shutter I/B. Flash is synchronised, screw and pin socket. Tan and brown finish. Kodak Limited 1957-1959.

Brownie Flash IV camera


Lapel badge, Great Eastern Railway, Railway Service no N8541 (War Service 1914-18). Overall: 9 mm x 26 mm.

Great Eastern Railway - Railway Service lapel badge

Lapel badge, Hull & Barnsley Railway, Railway Service no J1420 (War Service 1914-18). Overall: 9 mm x 27 mm.

Hull & Barnsley Railway - Railway Service lapel badge

Lapel badge, South Eastern & Chatham Railway, Railway Service no M1939 (War Service 1914-18). Overall: 11 mm x 31 mm.

Lapel badge, South Eastern & Chatham Railway - Railway Service

Lapel badge, Permanent Way Institution. Gilt ornate badge with blue and white enamel. Stamped 'Benetfink' on back. Overall: 33 mm x 7 mm x 27 mm.

Enamel lapel badge, Permanent Way Institution

Artist hand plate camera, 1891. Wooden box camera for 4 3/4 x 6 1/2 inch plates. Manufactured by London Stereoscopic Company. Lens (Euryscope f/6 RR) and hood missing. Rotary shutter has adjustable settings 0-3 large reflecting finder. Storage space for two inside camera. Camera incomplete. Overall: 186 mm x 225 mm 242 mm.

Artist hand plate camera


Canvas first aid satchel, London & North Eastern Railway issue, c1939. Overall: 260 mm x 330 mm x 110 mm.

Canvas first aid satchel


Hawk-Eye Junior box camera for 3.5"x3.5" roll film or glass plates, serial number 10046. Manufactured by the Blair Camera Co., Boston, USA, c 1898. Overall: 130 mm x 116 mm x 157 mm.

Hawk-Eye Junior box camera for 3.5"x3.5" roll film or glass plates


Hawk-Eye Junior box camera for 3.5"x3.5" roll film or glass plates, serial number 6397 or 0897. Manufactured by the Blair Co., Boston, USA, c1897. Overall: 125 mm x 116 mm x 156 mm.

Hawk-Eye Junior box camera for 3.5"x3.5" roll film or glass plates


No 2 Bullet camera Model of 1896, manufactured by Eastman Kodak Co. Box camera for 101 roll film or plate holder 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 inches. Achromatic lens. rotating plate with three apertures, rotary shutter, T/I reflecting finder. Side access at rear for plate holder. No 10117.

No 2 Bullet Camera Model of 1896


No. 2 kodak camera, 1889-1897, manufactured by Eastman Co. Box camera for factory loaded film 100 exposures, 3 1/2 inch diameter. Fitted with a rapid rectilinear lens rotating plate with three apertures, sector type shutter T/I reflecting finder, shutter cocked string. Overall: 135 mm x 112 mm x 230 mm.

No 2 Kodak camera


The pocket Kodak camera, 1895, manufactured by Eastman Kodak Company. Box camera for 102 rollfilm. Single lens, fixed aperture and focus. T/I rotary shutter, with combined cocking and release lever, on separate wooden board. Roller film guides, printed flaps. Circular finder, maroon leather covering. In original leather case, with space for two film rolls. Overall: 64 mm x 75 mm x 98 mm.

Pocket Kodak camera, 1895


No. 3 Kodak camera, 1890-1897, manufactured by The Eastman Co. Box camera for darkroom loaded rollfilm. Bausch and Lomb Universal lens, rotating plate with three apertures. Sector shutter, fixed speed. Rack and pinion focusing. Two reflecting finders. Exposure numbering device to 100. The Eastman Company. Overall: 140 mm x 110 mm x 292 mm.

No 3 Kodak camera


No. 4 Bullet Special model camera of 1896, manufactured by Eastman Kodak Co. Box camera for 103 rollfilm or single plate holders, 4 x 5 inches. Achromatic lens, rotating plate with three apertures, rotary shutter T/I, sliding focusing, two reflecting finders. Eastman Kodak Company, 1896.

No 4 Bullet Special model of 1896


No. 4 Kodak camera, 1890-1897, manufactured by Eastman Company. Box camera for factory loaded film 48 exposures 5 x 4 inches. Bausch and Lomb universal lens, rotating plate with four apertures, sector type shutter cocked by string (broken), rack and pinion focusing, two reflecting finders, exposure counter -110, no 9362. Overall: 165 mm x 130 mm x 322 mm. This camera was the largest of the first generation of Kodak cameras.

No 4 Kodak camera


Matchstriker, London & North Western Railway, enamel, "L & NWR The Best Permanent Way in the World". Overall: 112 mm x 139 mm.

Matchstriker, London & North Western Railway

Lapel Badge, Great Western Railway, Railway Service No.56604 (war service 1939-45). Stamped 'J' and Fattorini & Sons Ltd, Birmingham on back. Overall: 23 mm x 34 mm x 6 mm.

Lapel badge - Great Western Railway - Railway Service

Lapel badge, Norrth Eastern Railway, Railway Service no.I4930 (War Service 1914-18). Overall: 9 mm x 27 mm.

Emamel lapel badge, North Eastern Railway - Railway Service