On Display
Object type
Place of origin

Thompson's Revolver Camera


Contax camera


Kodak Retina (Type 117)


Thornton-Pickard Amber camera

circa 1897

The Demon Detective camera


Dagron microphotographic camera

circa 1860

Bicycle Carrying Case for No. 4 Cartridge Kodak Camera


LogiTech FotoMan Plus digital camera


Reid III Rangefinder Camera

circa 1956

Skaife's Pistolgraph Camera


Contax S camera


Replica of Daguerre-Giroux camera

1839 (original); circa 1988 (replica)

Jackson's instantaneous shutter. Title on bone inset plaque.

Jackson's instantaneous shutter


Canon AE1 35mm single lens refelx camera body, partially dismantled. Cut-away section through body (no lens).

Canon AE1 Camera Body Partially Dismantled

Clear glass flask, spherical with metal rim, by Ets Leune, 28 bis rue du Cardinal Lemoine, Paris, France, 1851-1900; stopper missing.

Clear glass flask with metal rim, 1851-1900


Nimslo 3-D 35mm camera. 35mm automatic 3 Dimension. Hot shoe.Automatic shutter, electronically programmed, 1/30 to 1/500 seconds. Serilal No.230910334. 30mm Quadra lens system; 30mm f/5.6 Air Spaced Triplets with coated high indexed optical glass elements, prefocussed to 6' (2 metres) to infiniity. Serial No 1202.

Nimslo 3-D 35mm camera


Flask, clear glass, for pouring, European, second half 19th century.

Clear glass flask, 1851-1900


Cabinet portrait of Queen Victoria by Bassano, London, 1887. Presentation card by Tonks, Family Grocer, Scarborough, printed reverse

Cabinet portrait of Queen Victoria by Bassano


Photograph of a figure in garden in Pune, titled 'Poona', by Samuel Bourne, 1860s.

Photograph of a figure in a garden by Samuel Bourne


Kodak Ltd. Box camera for 127 rollfilm 1 5/8 x 1 5/8 inches. Meniscus lens, fixed aperture. B/I shutter. Large brilliant reflecting finder with hood. To pin flash contacts.

Brownie Reflex Camera

Folding wooden drying rack for 24 plates, 4 1/4 x 3 1/2 inches or larger.

plate drying rack

Kodak Brownie 127 (SecondModel). Plastic boded camera for 127 rollfilm 1 5/8 x 2 1/2 inches. Fitted with a Dakon lens of foxed aperture and focus with a single speed shutter and a direct vision optical finder. Neck strap attached. Kodak Limited 1959-1964.

Brownie 127 camera (second model)


Six 16 Kodak Model C camera. Self erecting folding camera for 616 rollfilm 2 1/4 x 4 1/4. Fitted with a K.S. anastigmat lens F:12cm f/4.5-32. No 0 pronto shutter 25/50/10/B/T with delayed action. Cable release socket. Brilliant reflecting rotating finder, collapsing frame finder. No 50909. Kodak Limited. 1935-1936. Black and chrome finish.

Six 16 Kodak Model C camera


Flexible printed circuit board from the Canon AE-1, programmable camera.

Flexible Printed Circuit Board from Canon AE1

Rectangular shaped matt, metal, with rectangle shaped aperture with the top two corners curved.


Stereo camera for 120 rollfilm 2 x 24x24mm. Can take single or duplex albums. Two Iriar lenses F35mm f/3.5 Nos 11349 and 11832. 5 speed shutter 1/10 - 1/200 attached lens cap; optical DV finder; X and M coaxial flash soickets. Two windows. Serial No 6182.

Duplex Super 120 sterocamera


Kodak Ltd. Plastic box camera for 127 rollfilm 1 5/8 x 2 1/2 inches meniscus lens, fixed aperture. Direct vision optical finder, fith marks for superslide format. Instantaneous shutter, set by windon knob. In original carton, with two rolls Verichrome Pan film and carrying case. M4653.

Brownie Vecta Camera Outfit

Rectangular shaped matt, metal, with rectangle shaped aperture with the top two corners curved.


Rectangular shaped matt, metal, with oval shaped aperture.


Box camera for 116 rollfilm 2 1/2 x 4 1/4 inches. Fitted with a meniscus lens, sliding plate with three apertures. Rotary shutter, T/I. Two reflecting finders. Kodak Canada Inc. 1924-1933.

No 2A Brownie Camera


Box camera for 120 rollfilm 2 1/4 x 3 1/4 inches. Fitted with a meniscus lens, sliding plate with three apertures, rotary shutter T/I, with two brilliant reflecting finder. In dark red leatherette. 1929-1935.

No 2 Brownie Model F Camera


Eumig C4 cine camera. For doublerun 8mm film; Berthiot Perlynx lens F12.5, f/2.5, No 301897. Electric motor drive; DV optical finder.

Eumig C4 8mm Cine Camera

Medal, Birmingham Photographic Society, 1934. Awarded to Stanley A Smith. Round relief, cast base metal with silver paint. Seated man developing a photograph with a girl behind. In fabric-lined box.

Medal, Birmingham Photographic Society


Kodak 24mm telephoto converter for Cone Ektann lens f/2.7 and f/1.9 for Brownie Movie camera. Coated with engraved depth of field indications. Provision for 32mm filters. Kodak Limited. With clip on front finder frame.

Kodak Telephoto Convertor

Frame for a cased image consisting of preserver, cover glass and matt, metal and glass. The frame has a patterned border with a curved motif in each corner. The matt has an arch shaped aperture.


Kodak Duaflex II twin lens refelx camera. Box camera for 620 rollfilm 2 1/4 x 2 1/4"; Kodet lens, B/I shutter; large refelecting finder with hood.

Kodak Duaflex II camera

Box camera for 127 rollfilm 1 5/8 x 2 1/2 inches. Fitted with a meniscus lens, rotary shutter T/I. With two reflecting finders. Kodak Limited, 1914-1935

No 0 Brownie Camera Model A


A cardboard three-dimensional display stand for Kodak Brownie camera depicting a person in the foreground photographing a couple in the background.

Kodak Brownie camera display stand

Rectangular shaped matt, metal, with rectangle shaped aperture. The frame has a dotted pattern, with a foliage motif in each corner.


Plaque, New Photographer Award, 1928. Cast bronze relief on wooden mount. Cast with a seated man putting a laurel crown on a seated angel. 'Awarded to S A Smith New Photographer 6168 - LNER April 1928'

New Photographer Award, 1928


Medal, Bradford Camera Club 1930-1931. Awarded to Stanley A Smith. Cast white metal, releif of woman in Classical dress writting on a wall. In case. 'Stanley A Smith Bradford Camera Club Trophy 1930-31'.

Medal, Bradford Camera Club 1930-1931. Awarded to Stanley A Smith. Cast white metal


Box camera for 620 rollfilm 2 1/4 x 3 1/4 inches. Fitted with a meniscus lens, fixed aperture, rotary shutter B/I, push button release and two large reflecting finders. Kodak Limited. 1950-1959.

Brownie Six-20 Camera Model C


Plastic body camera for 126 cartridge 28 x 28mm. Fitted with a simple lens of fixed aperture. The shutter has two speeds, slower engaged when built in flash holder has flashcube inserted. Fitted with Atlas flashcube. With battery compartment for 2 AAA batteries and a direct vision optical finder. Shutter is interlock with lever windon. Kodak Limited, 1966-1969. Bought by Thomas Nichols from a mail order catalogue in 1968 for £7/9/1d.

Instamatic 104 camera


Brown Bakelite collapsing camera for 120 rollfilm 2 1/4 x 3 1/4 inches. Meniscus lens, sliding plate with three apertures, T/I shutter, rotating reflecting finder. Kodak Limited. 1930.

No 2 Hawkette Camera


Sterling silver medal. Obverse depicting allegorical Classical female figure holding bellows camera, engraved 'Kodak Staff International Society'. Reverse engraved 'Sydney 1929 S. Schofield Harrow'; within wreath. In leatherette presentation case lined with blue silk and velvet. Inside lid printed 'Toye & Co Ltd, London, Masonic Jewellers, Liverpool & Manchester, 57 Theobald's Rd & WC'.

Kodak Fourth Internationl Salon Silver Medal


Kodak Kodascope 8 Model 30 projector. For 8mm film 200 feet reels, claw intermittent, 2 sprockets. Motor speed control, lamp switch, for 110 or 240 volts.

Kodak Kodascope 8 Model 30 projector. For 8mm film 200 feet reels

circa 1948

Kodak Ltd. Self-errecting folding camera for 620 rollfilm 2 1/4 x 3 1/4 inches. Meniscus lens, fixed aperture. Kodette III shutter B/I. Direct vision optical finder.

Kodak Junior I camera

Kodaslide 50 Projector; for transparencies. Ektanon lens 4" f3.5. Plug removed.

Kodaslide 50 Projector

Cardboard folding white reflector and Photolux flashbulb holder for fitting to torch. In original packing with carton of Photoflux lamps (bulbs missing). Card tube. Silvered paper wrapping. With instructions.

Johnson Indoor Photography Outfit

Rectangular shaped matt, metal, with rectangle shaped aperture with the top two corners curved.
