On Display
Object type

Thompson's Revolver Camera


Thornton-Pickard Amber camera

circa 1897

Bicycle Carrying Case for No. 4 Cartridge Kodak Camera


Contax camera


The Demon Detective camera


Kodak Retina (Type 117)


Dagron microphotographic camera

circa 1860

LogiTech FotoMan Plus digital camera


Replica of Daguerre-Giroux camera

1839 (original); circa 1988 (replica)

Skaife's Pistolgraph Camera


Reid III Rangefinder Camera

circa 1956

Contax S camera


Union Case, one of two, without photograph; moulded with diamond pattern, velvet lined, no photograph

Empty Union Case


80x92mm red Morocco leather fold-over case with slot-in catch on front. Gold leaf on design on inside edges. Lined with pink satin. Frame edged with lilac material. Oval gilt mat with fern desing. Patterend pinchbeck frame. 57x70mm young woman seated with arm resting on table. Hat with feather on her lap. full skirted dress. Face and hands tinted. Gilt on earings, brooch and belt buckle. Tablecloth also tinted. Lacquer back.

Collodion Positive in Morocco Leather 'Fold Over' Case

One of two retouching desks

One of two retouching desks

Rectangular shaped matt, metal, with rectangle shaped aperture with the top two corners curved.


Rectangular shaped matt, metal, with rectangle shaped aperture with the top two corners curved.


Rectangular shaped matt, metal, with oval shaped aperture.


60x100mm cream-coloured card mount decorated with gold leaf design. Oval frame edged with gold leaf. 40x60mm full length ferrotype portrait of a baby seated on a carved chair. Tinting on face.

Card Mounted Ferrotype

Frame for a cased image consisting of preserver, cover glass and matt, metal and glass. The frame has a patterned border with a curved motif in each corner. The matt has an arch shaped aperture.


100x125mm dark brown rectangular union case same as 1990-5036/UC01, UC02 and UC14. Exterior design has a central scene showing people dancing with a man playing a fiddle on the left and a decorative border of flowers, bread and corn. No picture.

Union Case 'The Country Dance' Manufactured by S. Peck and Company

circa 1856

Carte de visite of a still life showing a book with a bookmark, a compass, and a pair of spectacles.

Carte de visite of a book, compass and spectacles

Rectangular shaped matt, metal, with rectangle shaped aperture. The frame has a dotted pattern, with a foliage motif in each corner.


For whole plate pictures; black composition; formal design on reverse. Exterior design shows a rowing boat with many men rowing and preparing to land with one man standing proudly at the helm with a flag flying behind. Possibly commemorating a discovery of land or naval battle.

Union Case With 'Washington Crossing The Delaware' Motif

Rectangular shaped matt, metal, with rectangle shaped aperture with the top two corners curved.


Ferrotype portrait of a young woman, hair pulled back, wearing a lace collar, some tinting on face. Mounted on pale blue card with gold flower pattern, with oval frame in centre. On the back is printed 'From the Photographic Studios of S. D. Kruger, 139, Park Road, Liverpool.'

Ferrotype portrait in paper frame

52x75mm Red Morocco leather case with single latch. Lined with red plush with rose motif in centre. Gold leaf design around edges. Patterned pinchbeck frame. Rectangular gilt mat with rounded top. Lacquer back. 38x50mm three quarter portrait of middle aged gentleman seated, three quarter face. M2373.

Collodion Positive in Red Morocco case

82x95mm Red Morocco leather case embossed both sides with flower and fern design. Gold leaf pattern around outside edges (now extremely worn). Two latches. Lined with plain red plush with a flower and fern motif. Gold leaf (worn) around edges. Rectangular gilt mat with fluted edges and pattern. Ornate pinchbeck frame. Lacquer and paper back. 60x70mm three quarter portrait of young woman wearing dress tinted green. Seated with arm resting on balustrade. Three quarter face. Face and hands tinted.

Collodion Positive in Red Morocco Leather Case

Pearlware vase with pale blue and pink floral decoration on sides, gilding to rim and handles and surround for photograph, Königlich privilegierte Porzellanmanufaktur Tettau of Bavaria, about 1900. Transfer print on base reads 'Kgl Priv Tettau'. Body of vase has carbon print of author Rudyard Kipling in sepia, fired-in, with gold decorative border.

Vase with fired-in portrait of Rudyard Kipling


4 negative images of Montreal on 90x120mm collodion plate; master copying plate for Dagron microphotograph camera.

Negative Plate for Copying to Produce Microphotographs, c 1870


Framed daguerreotype of a French officer. The soldier's hat, epaulets and buttons are hand tinted with gold. Framed with an ornate black plaster and wood frame with gold oval mount.

French Officer

circa 1850

132x162mm red Morocco leather case with two latches. Lined with plain red plush. Rectangular gilt mat with domed top. Picture bound but not framed. (One latch broken). 85x115mm daguerreotype full length portrait of mother with her four daughters. One sitting on her knees, the other three standing. Fully tinted. Some tarnishing along bottom edge.

Daguerreotype In Red Morocco Case by Mayall

85x100mm black Morocco leather book-type case. Front inlaid with mother-of-pearl and gold leaf in bouquet of flowers design. Gold leaf in scrolls around edges. Black lacquered with gold leaf scrolls. Lined with patterned red plush and gold leaf pattern around inside edge. Pinchbeck frame. 53x65mm daguerreotype three quarter length portrait in profile of young woman seated by table. Face and hands tinted pink.

Daguerreotype In Black Lacquered Book-Type Case

circa 1845

Apple Mac Quick Take 100 digital camera. Serial Number TL4288P325Q. Built-in flash unit and LCD screen. 99000369 written in marker pen on side of camera body.

Apple Mac Quick Take 100 digital camera


Metal headstand (incomplete) with two clamps.


Marble bust of poet John Milton. By unknown artist. Loan from National Portrait Gallery (Inventory No NPG 3781).

Marble bust of the poet John Milton

Photograph of a figure in garden in Pune, titled 'Poona', by Samuel Bourne, 1860s.

Photograph of a figure in a garden by Samuel Bourne


Carrier box for wet plates, with five large format wet collodion negatives, c 1855.

Carrier box for wet plates, c 1855


Display jar, clear glass, label torn. Italian, second half 19th century. Domed glass stopper. Label reads 'FLURDO / SCO / .... / 130P'.

Glass chemical jar, 1880


Display jar, clear glass, for extract of wormwood fluid, Italian, second half 19th century. Handwritten paper label reads ' Estr Fludio / Assenzio / T1200'.

Glass chemical jar, c 1880


Camera Obscura, sliding box construction with hinged ground glass screen cover, c.1800.

Camera Obscura

circa 1800

110x140mm red Morocco leather case with tolled lined front. Single press-in latch. Lined with plain red plush. Plain rectangular gilt mat with rounded top. No frame. Velvet back. Case stamped in gold at back 'Clarkington's Photo. Estab. Sponsalia Regent St'. 80x105mm portrait of elderly lady seated with arm resting on table. Nicely tinted.

Collodion Positive in Red Morocco Leather Case by Clarkington's

85x100mm red Morocco leather case with two latches. Lined with plain red plush. Rectangular gilt mat with domed top. Bound but not framed. 58x70mm daguerreotype three quarter length portrait of elderly lady seated with book. Wearing white poke bonnet. Fully tinted with gilt on book. Slight tarnishing along bottom edge.

Daguerreotype In Red Morocco Case by American Daguerreotype Institution

'Mariquita' by Henry Grant, 1863, published by Emily Faithful; narrative poem; frontispiece is pasted in photograph of a painting or lithograph; red morocco with gilt title and water lily design (by John Leighton); one of 186 books illustrated with original photographs, covering the period 1854-1895

'Mariquita' by Henry Grant


Carte de visite of Charles Dickens, Mason and Co., 28 Old Bond Street, London, published by Marion & Co., London. Marked in pencil on the back 'C. Dickens AD 1890 from J Ruskin Collection'.

Carte de visite of Charles Dickens

Ferrotype in paper mount, portrait of woman wearing hat. Mount printed gold on cream with roses. Printed label on back: WALTON'S VICTORIA PORTRAITS

Portrait of woman wearing hat

Two funnels, glass, probably English, 19th century

Two funnels, glass, probably English, 19th century


Bottle, shop round, clear glass, used for elderflower water, from Savory and Moore, English, 1801 to 1850. Label on fron reads 'AO: FL: Sang'.

Clear glass bottle for elderflower water, c 1830


Jackson's instantaneous shutter. Title on bone inset plaque.

Jackson's instantaneous shutter


Cabinet portrait of Queen Victoria by Bassano, London, 1887. Presentation card by Tonks, Family Grocer, Scarborough, printed reverse

Cabinet portrait of Queen Victoria by Bassano