Object type
Place of origin

Serrin's gravity fed and electromagnetically controlled arc lamp

after 1857

Set of 12 Magic Lantern Slides of Children's Stories


Two Arc-Lamps with Condenser Lenses


Electric arc lamp by B. J. Hall & Co. Ltd

circa 1900

W. Butcher Carbon Arc Lamp

Beards Arc Lamp for Lantern

Arc lamp for 8mm diameter carbons. Manual adjustment with clockwork drive, adjustable speed. Tilt adjustment, cylindrical hood for arc. Used in Kingston arc light projector. No.6472.

Clockwork Drive Carbon Arc Lamp

Arc lamp for 8mm diameter carbons. Manual adjustment with clockwork drive, adjustable speed. Tilt adjustment, cylindrical hood for arc. Used in Kingston arc light projector organ. No.6473.

Clockwork Drive Carbon Arc Lamp

Clockwork drive operates horizontal carbon by rack, vertical carbon by winding up chain. Clockwork released as arc struck, by solenoid release. No 558446.

Autofeed carbon arc lamp Model RGM

"Westminster" type arc lamp for use in magic lantern c. 1910

"Westminster" type arc lamp for use in magic lantern


Circe Lux arc lamp

Circe Lux arc lamp

Arc lamp for slide projector and separate resistance unit. Resistance box lined with asbestos, fitted with carry handle, 3 stage resistance 18 ohm, No 174, 10-30 amp. 230/250 volts. Empire number 174.

arc lamp for slide projector

L type arc lamp. Hand adjusted by double rack and pinion. Hood arc with condensing lens. Tilting device. 4-5 amp for 7 or 8mm carbons. 7279 M. E Leitz.

Leitz Arc Lamp

L arrangement, carbons adjusted by concentric controls. Elevation by sliding stem and locking screw. Tilt and rotation screw adjusted.

Carbon arc projector lamp

Enclosed carbon arc lamp. Vertical and horizontal carbons are in cylindrical enclosing glass (cracked). Rack for adjustment of vertical carbon, lever released clamp for horizontal carbon. Arc position in horizontal plane adjusted by screw swivelling arc mount. On tray base with terminals. Enclosing glass broken.

Enclosed Carbon Arc Lamp