Circular detective camera for 15cm diameter glass plates, six pictures 4cm pictures, Fitted with a rapid rectilinear lens, fixed aperture and focus, rotary shutter cocked by winding knob, released by pulling string. Plated finish no 6738. Sold by J. Robinson & Sons, 172 Regent Street London. C.P. Stirn. Stirn waistcoat camera
Protype box-type rollfilm camera for 80mm wide roll film 95 x 80mmm. 'Parcel' or 'Tombosa' camera. Fitted with a rapid rectilinear lens, sliding plate with three apertures sliding focusing uncalibrated, rotating shutter, adjustable tension, single reflecting finder, film wound without backing paper, friction roller, indicates correct windon., pressure plate pinched by lever to be slackened when winding off. Camera covered with cardboard case with apertures for controls, lens, etc. Surrounded by leather straps and carrying handle, to resemble brown paper parcel. Henry N B Good of Devises. 1889. Never produced commercially. Tombosa Detective Camera 1889
Magazine plate camera in form of book, for 38 x 38mm plates. Lens missing, guillotine shutter with tension adjusting knob, plate carried in metal holder then pushed from upper compartment into focal plane and then into the lower compartment by sliding rod. Number on plate holder back visible through red window. No 1742. Marion & Co, 1934. Invented by Dr Rudolf Krugener. Kruegener's Patent Book Camera No 1510 1884-1894
Ticka watch camera, manufactured by Houghtons Ltd., London. Watch form camera for rollfilm in cassettes, 17.5mm wide 16 x 22mm. Fitted with a simple lens in watch winding stem with cap on chain, cylindrical shutter not self capping, single speed, time. With postcards of sample pictures filed. Overall: 24 mm x 57 mm (dia.). Ticka watch camera 1906
Fieldglass-case detective camera. No makers name. Wooden camera for rollfilm, 3 1/2 x 2 1/2" pictures. Simple lens, two apertures in rotating quadrant. T/I shutter (faulty). Optical frame finder. Overall: 88 mm x 175 mm x 155 mm. Fieldglass-case detective camera 1894
Book form detective camera opening to triangular shape. Lens at apex- simple; shutter faulty. Takes 3 3/4" rollfilm. Patents by H A Benedict, US 478837, July 12 1892, 493747 March 21st 1893. No. 56 (M 2680) Improved Pocket Kosy camera 1893
Prototype detective roll film camera made by H.N.B. Good at Devizes, Wiltshire, 1889 Prototype detective roll film camera made by H.N.B. Good at Devizes 1889
Watch form detective camera for 18mm wide rollfilm 25 exposures, 22 x 17mm. Simple lens, fixed focus and aperture, sliding shutter T/I self capping. Lens in "winding stem" with cap attached by chain, as accessory automatic exposure counter. Houghtons Limited, c.1906 Ticka detective camera 1901-1911
Bookfrom detective camera - Kosy. Bookshaped leather covered camera opening to V shape. Rollfilm 3 3/4" wide. Winding key missing. Simple lens three apertures in sliding plate. T?I shutter. Reflecting finder. Bookform detective camera - Kosy
Scoville 'Waterbury' detective camera. Box camera for 5 x 4 inch plates. Fitted with a rapid rectilinear lens with two circular stops f/15 and f/20. Rotary shutter with adjustable tension. Level focusing. Single reflecting finder, focusing screen in spring back storage space underneath room for double darkslide. Patented Oct. 16 1888. c.1889. Manufactured by Scoville Mfg. Co., USA. Overall: 190 mm x 192 mm x 186 mm. Scoville Detective Camera 1884-1894
Watch form detective camera for 18mm wide rollfilm 25 exposures, 22 x 17mm. Simple lens, fixed focus and aperture, sliding shutter T/I self capping. Lens in "winding stem" with cap attached by chain brilliant reflecting finder, as accessory automatic exposure counter. Houghtons Limited, c.1906 Ticka Detective Camera 1901-1911
'Magic Photoret' pocket watch detective camera for 2 inch diameter circular film, six exposures, 12 x 12mm. Pinhole lens rotating shutter, single speed, hole for pin stop as for time exposure, Circular film held in back of camera front rotates to six positions. Patents July 25th 1893 Nov 28. 1893. Magic introduction company. 1894. 'Magic Photoret' detective camera 1894
Stirn 'waistcoat' camera. Manufactured by C P Stirn, Photographische Camera DRP 38391. Circular metal camera for 14cm diameter plate, taking 6 exposures 4cm diameter. RR type lens c.F45mm fixed aperture focus. Rotating plate shutter tensioned by plate windon knob. Shutter release to take cord. Neck strap. Back retained by single knob. Brown enamel finish. No. 5119. Stirn Waistcoast Detective Camera 1890-1900
Expo watch camera. T?I shutter, not self capping - lens cap used. Fitted with a simple lens of fixed aperture and focus. Automatic exposure counter. Manufactured by Expo Camera Co., New York. Identical to Ticka camera. Overall: 24 mm x 58 mm (dia.). Expo watch camera 1905
Magazine box camera for 3 1/4 x 4 1/4 inch plates. Fitted with an achromatic lens, fixed aperture and focus, Lancaster seesaw shutter reflecting viewfinder, plates in frame holders (12), carried horizontally in upper compartment, transferred to focal plane by tilting base to compartment, after exposure moved to back of camera behind flexible wooden shutter. Lancaster, 1893. Rover Detective camera 1893
The Pullman camera. Bellows camera in leather box, detective style, for 3 1/4 x 4 1/4 plates. Rapid rectilinear lens f/8-64. Benetfink supplied Thornton Pickard Time & Inst shutter 15/30/45/75/90/T behind lens, Reg No 211201. With leather lens cap. Sliding rising front. Rack and pinion focusing using removable key stored inside case. Reflecting viewfinder missing from baseboard. Vertical swing back, ground glass screen. Manufactured by J Levi & Co London. Retailed by Benet..., Cheapside, London. The Pullman Detective Camera circa 1896
Photo-Jumelle detective plate camera. Jules Carpentier; sold by Photographic Association, 16 Brook Street, Hanover Square London, W. Field-glass form camera for 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 inch plates in magazine back with 18 plateholders. Plates changed by pulling and pushing rod. Taken lens Zeis Anastigmat by E Krauss, Paris, Serial No 18755, F:110mm, f8-45. Single speed shutter, pneumatic release valve, Screw focusing inf-1.5m. Viewfinder lens image seen through red window. Serial No 6982-4. In leather case. Photo-Jumelle Binocular Camera 1905