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Dowsing 4-bulb electric fire by The Dowsing Radiant Heat Co. Ltd.


electric fire

circa 1912

Walglow electrical fire


Electric fire made by the General Electric Co. Ltd


Electric fire with base and stem made of reddish phenol formaldehyde


Ferranti electric fire.


Electric fire ("Archer system", No.150138), with four glass heating bulbs

British National Electrics electric fire


Electro-medical electric lamp


Ediswan electric fire in copper (Dowsing's patent)

Ferranti Electric Fire


All-porcelain electric fire, 1 kw, (Wembley), c.1935

All-porcelain electric fire


2 kw electric fire by Carron's

2 kw electric fire by Carron's

Electric fire, in sheet iron made by Dowsing Radiant Heat Co., with box of tubular heating bulbs, c.1910

Electric fire


Dimplex portable infra-red electric fire, model IRF 225, 2.25kw, 230-250V a.c. only, by Dimplex Ltd, Millbrook, Southampton. c.1960.

Dimplex portable infra-red electric fire

circa 1960

Green Vitreous enamel Jackson twin firebar electric fire

Electric fire

Berry "Magicoal" electric fire, c.1930

Berry "Magicoal" electric fire, c.1930


Electric fire with four Dowsing type heating bulbs, c.1925

Electric fire with four Dowsing type heating bulbs

Electric fire with two Dowsing incandescent sausage-shaped bulbs, with ornate art nouveau metal surround, copper reflector and wooden base with switch at front, by the General Electric Company, English, 1900-1920

Early electric fire, 1900-1920.


Electric fire, 'Cosmos' electric bowl fire with central wire-wound fireclay heating element in centre, with copper reflector and black-painted cast iron stand, for use as an auxiliary source of heat, by Metropolitan Vickers Electrical Co. Ltd., England, 1925-1935

"Cosmos" electric fire


Coal and flame effect electric fire, serial no.059887, by (T.I.) Sunhouse Ltd., Walsall, Staffs., c.1966

Coal and flame effect electric fire


Portable electric fire with 4 replaceable vertical wire-wound elements of 700 watts each and 2 switches, whole of brass and copper construction, removeable contact points of elements patented in 1935 (pat no 42 2836) by Koninklijke Fabriek "Inventum" of Bilthoven, Netherlands, made in England, 1935-1940

Portable electric fire with 4 replaceable vertical wire-wound elements of 700 watts each and 2 switches


Belling `Dinky' style Electric Fire, Type 937, c.1915

Belling `Dinky' style Electric Fire


"Standard" portable electric fire with 6 wire-wound fireclay elements, 2 rotary switches and blue-enamelled cast iron surround with hinged trivet at the top to support a kettle or pan, elements patented by C. R Beslling (patent no. 19,054) in 1912, the "Standard" being the first Belling fire to go into production, by Belling and Co, Enfield, 1912-1920

Belling electric fire, 1913.


Belling `Turn Bar' Electric Fire, type 614, 1927

Belling `Turn Bar' Electric Fire, type 614, 1927


Belling amber glass coal-effect electric fire, c.1930s

Belling amber glass coal-effect electric fire


Belling `Casino' coal-effect electric fire, list no.314M. Serial no.002035, c.1979

Belling `Casino' coal-effect electric fire


Two bar radiant electric fire with flicker effect produced by Curie Point motor, c.1925-c.1930

Two bar radiant electric fire, c. 1925-1930.


Two bar electric fire by Hamco, England; each element with silicon sleeve, one broken; pivoting on art-deco stand with sailing ship motif painted on reverse, c. 1935

Hamco two bar electric fire, c. 1935.


'IDEAL' Firerad Combination Hot water Radiator and Belling Electric Fire, regd. no.841418, patent no.574433. 1946-1956

'IDEAL' Firerad Combination Hot Water Radiator and Belling Electric Fire


Electric fire, with four glass heater-bulbs, in brass, about 1910

Electric fire


Portable electric fire type 932 with 2 large coiled-wire and fireclay elements of the "Multi-Parabola" type developed by C. R. belling in 19 21, ornate brass surround and 2 switches, by Belling and Co, London, 1 921-1930

Portable electric fire type 932


4 bulb electric fire, c.1910

4 bulb electric fire, c.1910


Brown Vitreous enamel Jackson twin firebar electric fire

Jackson twin firebar electric fire

"Magnet" electric fire with large 3KW wound-wire fireclay element at t he bottom, with copper reflector, rotary switch and ornate sheet steel suround, for a large room or fireplace, by the General Electric Co., English, 1925-1935

"Magnet" electric fire with large 3KW wound-wire fireclay element at t he bottom


Belling "Concave Dog Grate" electric fire, 1915

Belling "Concave Dog Grate" Electric Fire, 1915.


Model P3310 electric fire made by Ferranti Ltd, Moston c.1950.

Ferranti electric fire

circa 1950

Belling Type 322 `Pillar' style Electric Fire. 2Kw. c.1936

Belling Type 322 `Pillar' style electric fire


Belling coal-effect electric fire, type 360, 230-240V, 2Kw, c.1960

Belling coal-effect electric fire


"Apollo" portable electric fire with 4 Dowsing incandescent sausage-sh aped electric bulbs with a total of 1KW power, 2 switches and an ornat e cast iron surround, by General Electric Co., English, 1900-1910

"Apollo" portable electric fire with 4 Dowsing incandescent sausage-sh aped electric bulbs with a total of 1KW power


Bastian type A20 portable electric fire no 340, with 6 horizontal coil ed-wire heating elements supported by quartz tubes, elements patented by Bastian no 19,333 in 1908, all covered by semicircular wire mesh su pported by metal frame, with lead and plug, by Bastian Electric Heatin g Syndicate Ltd., London, 1908-1920

Bastian type A20 portable electric fire no 340


Belling `Bimbo' Electric Fire; list no.242; serial no. 034055, c.1980

Belling `Bimbo' Electric Fire; list no.242; serial no. 034055


Belling `Canopy' coal-effect electric fire, type 723, 1924

Belling `Canopy' coal-effect electric fire


"Magnet" portable electric fire with 2 wire-wound fireclay elements with total output of 1KW, with single switch and plain cast iron surround, by the General Electric Co., English, 1920-1930

"Magnet" portable electric fire with 2 wire-wound fireclay elements with total output of 1KW
