Book of matches, British Rail, Gatwick Express "Victoria to Gatwick in 30 minutes". gatwick express book of matches 1984
Match, tubular length of fibre, white fibre core, green outer fibre, calibrated along its length by blobs of phosphorus, European, 1800-1880 Match, tubular length of fibre 1800-1880
Strip of amadou fusee matches, divided into ten individual match stems but joined at base, English, 1832-1860 Strip of amadou fusee matches 1832-1860
One Lucifer match, slender splint of pipe, rectangular in section, typed with a chemical head of sulphur potassium chlorate, European, 1829-1860 One Lucifer match 1829-1860
Wooden "strike anywhere" match, slither of flat wood with red tip, English, 1880-1920 Wooden "strike anywhere" match 1880-1920
[One of] Twelve bundles of Sulphur-matches (lengths 8 ins to 5 ins) of deal or pine, split thin, the ends pointed and dipped in sulphur; tied in bundles, many of them original; all believed to be British. [No. 559 is missing from List A]. One of twelve bundles of Sulphur-matches
[One of] Two bundles of Sulphur-matches (length 6 ins), similar to the foregoing [nos 550-561], but modern imitations. One of two bundles of Sulphur-matches