Object type

Wooden match container


23 strips of fusee lights


Sulphur-matches (length 3 ins) of wood; very small; dipped after bundling

Box of Bryant and May's strike-anywhere "Harlequin Matches"

One of twelve bundles of Sulphur-matches

One of twelve bundles of Sulphur-matches

Sulphur-matches (length 6 3/4 ins) of pine-wood; very broad and square-ended

Two Sulphur Matches, about 5 1/2 inches long

Sulphur-matches (length 5 ins) of semi-fossilized wood

Sulphur-matches (length 6 1/2 ins) of hemp-stalk (chènevottes souffrées)

Sulphur-matches (length 6 ins) of wood; pointed; made at Houffalize

Sulphur-matches (length 5 ins) of wood; square-ended; made in Paris

Sulphur-matches made of oat-straw (nine additional examples)

Sulphur-matches (length 4 ins) of wood; thin broad rectangular shavings

Bundle of five Sulphur-matches (length 3 1/2 ins) of wood

Promethean match

A Promethean Match; similar to those of usual type

Sulphur-matches (length 3 ins) of wood; small size

one book - Bryant & May's "De Luxe" Matches

Promethean matches in original tin

Self igniting matches, by British Pullmatch Co. Ltd

One of twelve bundles of Sulphur-matches

One of twelve bundles of Sulphur-matches

Sulphur-matches (length 7 ins) of hemp-stalk; made near Alost

Sulphur-matches of lime-wood

Sulphur-matches of pine-wood

Sulphur-matches of hemp-stalk

Sulphur-matches (length 4 1/2 ins) of wood; small size; pointed and dipped at one end only

Sulphur-matches (length 6 1/4 ins) of wood; in a block

Two Sulphur-matches (length 4 1/2 ins) of wood

A Promethean Match (length 2 1/8 ins) of usual type

"The Matchhog" pull matches

One of twelve bundles of Sulphur-matches

Sulphur-match of large size (length 7 1/4 ins); presented


One of two books of "Ladoc" Matches

A Match (2 5/8 x 1/5 x 1/10 ins) of lime-wood (?),

Ethereal Match or Philosophic Taper


Collection of 85 wooden congreve matches


Bunch of eleven early safety matches


Box of Pollak's cigar-lighting matches for inserting in cigar before striking


Bryant & May's "Ship's Lifeboat Matches"

Seven Ethereal Matches and Box with instruction sheet

Seven Ethereal Matches and Box with instruction sheet

Match, tubular length of fibre, white fibre core, green outer fibre, calibrated along its length by blobs of phosphorus, European, 1800-1880

Match, tubular length of fibre


Strip of amadou fusee matches, divided into ten individual match stems but joined at base, English, 1832-1860

Strip of amadou fusee matches


One Lucifer match, slender splint of pipe, rectangular in section, typed with a chemical head of sulphur potassium chlorate, European, 1829-1860

One Lucifer match


Wooden "strike anywhere" match, slither of flat wood with red tip, English, 1880-1920

Wooden "strike anywhere" match


2 paper phosphorus tipped matches, one long flat paper stem, one short twisted stem, European, 1800-1900, in paper wrapper

2 paper phosphorus tipped matches


Plain envelope containing 6 matches, "strike anywhere", pine stem, cylindrical with two grooves carved along length, bulbous, blue and green head, Ohio Match Co., Wadsworth, Ohio, 1860-1930

Plain envelope containing 6 matches


Fusee, strip of eight, cardboard soaked in nitre, divided into individual matches but joined at base, tipped at one edge with phosphorus, Scottish, 1832-1880

Fusee, strip of eight
