On Display
Object type
Place of origin

Portable barometer, 1800-1820


Admiral FitzRoy type Barometer, 1876-1884


Diagonal Mercury Barometer with Hygrometer, 1763-1765


Mercury stick barometer by Baptist Ronchetti

circa 1790; circa 1790

Mercury wheel Barometer


Weather compendium combining cistern mercury barometer, alcohol thermometer and thread hygrometer by George Graham, Fleet Street, London, 1739

Weather compendium by George Graham


Mercury wheel barometer by James Predari, c.1830

Mercury wheel barometer by James Predari

circa 1830

Mercury stick barometer made by Joseph Casartelli, Manchester, c.1865

Mercury stick barometer made by Joseph Casartelli

circa 1865

Standard Fortin-type barometer by Joseph Casartelli, Manchester, c.1895, with associated certificate.

Standard Fortin-type barometer by Joseph Casartelli

circa 1895

Mercury wheel barometer made by James Peduzzi, Manchester, c.1820.

Mercury wheel barometer made by James Peduzzi

circa 1820

Mountain barometer, unsigned, 1845-1855

Mountain barometer, 1845-1855


Mercury barometer, with thermometer and storm glass, by Lebleu-Turpin, La Gorgue, France, 1838-1860. The printed paper scales are marked with dates for sub zero temperatures in various places in Europe.

Barometer with thermometer and storm glass, 1838-1860


Fishery mercury barometer, by Negretti & Zambra, 11 Hatton Garden and Cornhill, London, 1858

Fishery barometer, 1858


Large-cistern standard barometer by Robert Carr Woods, London, England, 1837

Large-cistern standard barometer, 1837


Wheel barometer, Hooke's principle (1655-65), probably by Negretti and Zambra, London, England, 1960

Hooke's wheel type barometer, 1655-1665

1960? (original 1655-1665)

Stick barometer made by Vittore Zanetti, Manchester, c.1810

Stick barometer made by Vittore Zanetti

circa 1810

Fitzroy-type mercury barometer, made by J. B. Dancer, Manchester, c.1850.

Fitzroy-type mercury barometer

circa 1850

Mercury stick barometer, made by J. B. Dancer, Manchester, c.1860.

Mercury stick barometer

circa 1865

Mercury wheel barometer made by Jacob Franklin, Manchester, c.1835

Mercury wheel barometer made by Jacob Franklin

circa 1835

Mercury wheel barometer by Joshua Ronchetti, Manchester, c.1830

Mercury wheel barometer by Joshua Ronchetti

circa 1830

Barometer by Watkins, London, England, 1747-1765

Barometer, by Francis Watkins, 1747-1765


Domestic mercury barometer, in restored condition, by Poncione and Colombo, No. 180, High Holborn, London, England, 1780-1790

Domestic mercury barometer, by Poncione & Colombo, 1780-1790


Glycerine barometer by James B Jordan, modified by J.H. Steward, 406 Strand, London, June, 1886

Jordan's glycerine barometer, modified by J H. Steward, 1886


Admiral Fitzroy's domestic barometer, unsigned, Britain, 1861-1870

Domestic FitzRoy's Barometer, 1861-1870.


Glycerine barometer by James B Jordan, modified by J.H. Steward, 406 Strand, London, June, 1886

Jordan's glycerine barometer, modified by J H. Steward, 1886


Royal Society standard barometer by John Frederick Newman, London, 1837. Plaque indicating repair by Negretti & Zambra, London

Royal Society standard barometer, 1837


Weather station comprising mercury barometer with sliding comparison tables, printed table, hygrometer and reservoir indicator, Andrew Ross, 2, and 21 Featherstone Buildings High Holborn, London, England, 1843-1859

Weather station comprising mercury barometer and hygrometer, 1843-1859


Angle barometer by Baltasar Knie, Edinburgh, 1776-1815. Signed Baltasar Knie Fecit Barometrum on mahogany board, with spirit thermometer signed Baltasar Kinie Fecit Thermometrum

Angle barometer by Baltasar Knie, 1776-1815


Eighteenth century Dutch mahogany double-stick contra-barometer, signed A. Rebalio, Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands, 1701-1800

Double-stick contra-barometer, by A. Rebalio, Rotterdam, 1701-1800


Long-range mercury and glycerine barometer by Negretti & Zambra, London, 1876.

Long-range mercury and glycerine barometer, 1876


Double barometer and thermometer by Domenico Sala, London, 1751-1800

Double barometer and thermometer by Domenico Sala


Mercury manometer precision barometer 41/62, no. 141, by C.F. Casella and Co. Ltd, London, England, 1962.

C.F. Casella and Co. Ltd Manometer precision barometer, 1962


Mountain barometer by J. Newman, in case for different instrument, M 103, 1820-1850

Mountain barometer by J. Newman


Station mercury barometer Mk II marked S 32365/44/55/66, in borrowed box, by F. Darton & Co. Ltd, London, England, 1944.

Station mercury barometer Mk II marked S 32365/44/55/66