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Zeiss Ikon Contax precision miniature camera; with camera cut away to show construction


Zeiss Ikon Voigtlander 'Vitessa' 126 CS Camera, c 1970


PIC camera


Compass miniature camera


'Kombi' Early Miniature Camera


Ernemann Ermanox F.2 Rigid Miniature Camera


'Ticka' Watch Camera


Merlin miniature metal rollfilm camera. Metal bodied camera for miniature rollfilm 20mm wide 18 x 18mm pictures. Single lens, of fixed aperture and focus. Instantaneous shutter. Black crackle finish. Folding frame finder.

Merlin Miniature Metal Rollfilm Camera

Made in England. Bloomed 'BOLCo' lens; for 127 rollfilm, 16 exposures. Flipflop shutter. Frame finder, no backsight.

VP Twin camera


Pocket camera for 110 cartridge film. Reomar lens F:25mm f/5.6; automatic exposure; brightline finder; piush-pull windon; hot shoe.

Kodak Mini-Instamatic S 40 camera

Zeiss Ikon coupled range finder miniature camera in case for 35mm film, 224 x 36mm. Zeiss Connar lens F:5cm f2-22 no 2256958. In interchangeable bayonet mount. Metal blind, focal plane shutter, 2/5/10/25/50/100/200/500/1000. Helical screw focusing - 0.9 metres coupled co-incidence range finder, optical direct vision finder with sliding mask for 8.5cm lens. Automatic exposure counter, co axil flash socket added, accessory shoe, no A20377 in ever ready case. White metal lens cap.

Contax miniature camera

Made in Germany by Steineck Kamerawerk. Subminiature camera for discs of film 25mm diameter, 8 exposures 7mm diameter. Steinhetl VI lens F:12.5mm f/2.8 fixed aperture, coated cobir enamel. Two-speed rotary shutter. Refelcting finder - concave mirror and ball and pin sight. Wristwatch shaped, on green leather strap. In case. Could be Steiner-Optik GmbH?. Designed in Germany by Dr R Steineck.

Steineck ABC wristwatch camera


Minifex miniature camera for 16mm rollfilm, 13 x 18mm. Fitted with a Vidar lens F:25mm f/3.5-8. Front cell focusing to 1m. With a Gautier Vario shutter 25/50/100/B//T with locking pin. Direct vision optical viewfinder, the camera used; 36 exposures Mimosa films of 16mm un-perforated film, the film is divided at the 18th exposure for convenient removal. E. Ludwig, Lausa-Dresden.

Miniflex miniature camera, c 1933


Miniature metal camera for 4 glass plates 28 x 28 mm. Fitted with a simple lens, rotating plate with three apertures, drop shutter built in, giving time exposure when camera is on its side. With rollfilm mechanism. E.B. Koopman.

The Presto camera

Kodak matchbox (MB) camera, 1943. For use by OSS in occupied Europe. Miniature box camera for 16mm film on spool pictures 14 x 14mm. F:1 inch lens anastigmat F/5. Swinging plate with f/11 aperture. Shutter 75/T. Fixed focus, depth of field 4 foot to infinity. Measures 60 x 38 x 22mm. Eastman Kodak, 1943.

Kodak Matchbox (MB) camera, 1943


Marion's metal miniature camera, c. 1887. Nickel plated brass camera for 2 x 2 inch plates. Fitted with a double rapid rectilinear type lens, fixed aperture, simple drop shutter. Sliding focusing. Ground glass screen, removable to take single metal slides.

Marion's metal miniature camera


Miniature box camera for 16 on 127 rollfilm. Duplar f/11 lens. In case.

Zeiss-Ikon Eho Camera and case

Ulca miniature camera. Miniature metal bodied camera for 20mm roll films for 18 x 18mm. Periscop doublet lens F:3.1cm f/10 fixed aperture and focus T/I shutter, with safety lock. Optical direct vision finder.

Ulca miniature camera, c 1935


Rigid-bodied miniature camera for 127 rollfilm, 3 x 4 cm. Lens panel extended on course Helical 3 by lever operation. Fitted with a Leitz Elmar lens, F:5cm f/3.5-16. No 110066. Compur shutter, 1/2/5/10/25/50/100/300 with cable release. Helical screw focusing to 2.5 feet. Collapsing optical frame finder with depth of field indicator. Serial No 9440. Nagel, c.1933. This camera was first manuafactured by Nagel-Werke and by Kodak AG from 1932. It was imported into Britain by R F Hunter and sold as the 'Rolloroy' camera

Nagel Pupille Miniature Camera


Kodak Retina IB camera, type 019, 1957-1960, with ever ready case, accessory case with lens hood. With flash and Synchro Compur shutter. Overall (deployed): 90 mm x 130 mm x 90 mm. Xenar f2.8, 50mm lens No 6293864 and a Synchro-Compur shutter. The camera has a built-in photoelectric exposure meter.

Kodak Retina IB camera, Type 019


Kodak Retinette IIA camera, 1959-1960. With Prontomat shutter. Serial no 68206. Overall: 96 mm x 126 mm x 70 mm. This was an advanced version of the Retinette 1A Type 035 camera, with a built-in photo-electric exposure meter.

Kodak Retinette IIA camera


Miniature camera for 30mm rollfilm 24 x 37mm. Lumiere Lypar anastigmat lens F:45mm f3.5-20. Helical focusing on front cell. Rimset shutter 25/50/100/125/B/T. Folding optical sports finder with parallax adjustment for 0.5m. No 26903. In ever ready case. Lumiere.

Lumiere Super-Elgy camera


VP twin camera, with crest 'L' on sailing ship. Plastic bodied camera for 127 rollfilm 1 1/4 x 1 5/8 inches. Fitted with a simple lens of fixed aperture and focus. Flip flop shutter. Folding single frame viewfinder. Made in brown Bakelite.

V P twin camera

Expo Police camera. Box form miniature metal camera for special rollfilm in cartridges. With fabric focal plane, simple lens and sliding plate with 2 apertures. T/I shutter, capped by released lever. Brilliant reflecting finder. Automatic exposure counter. Patents US Jan 31 1911. BP 14490 German 446410. Manufactured by Expo Camera Co., New York, USA.

Expo Police camera