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Object type
Place of origin

Brown glass bottle of aspirin and opium tablets


Aerosol bottle of asthma inhalant, Kent, England, 1960-1975


Pewter theriac container


Bottle for Dover Powder


Green poison bottle with lid labelled 'Opium Pulverat BP' made by James Woolley Sons and Co. Ltd


Bottle of the opiate painkiller 'Papine'


Bottle of 'Papine'


Gutta percha tube for 1/2 gr. compressed Tabloid brand opium tablets, empty with possible traces remaining. 80 mm x 15 mm diameter. Interior of the tube is lined with wax paper and contains a small amount of cotton, possibly obscuring traces of opium. Made by Burroughs Wellcome and Co., English, 1900-1910.

Gutta Percha tube for Opium tablets


Black gutta percha tube for 5 gr. Tabloid brand Aromatic Chalk Powder with Opium tablets, with possible traces remaining. 89 mm x 19 mm diameter. Interior of the tube is lined with wax paper and contains a small amount of cotton, possibly obscuring traces of opium or remaining tablets. Made by Burroughs Wellcome and Co., English, 1900-1910.

Gutta percha tube of Aromatic Chalk Powder with Opium tablets


Square glass bottle with cut-glass stopper approximately half full of 'Diarrhoea Powder' (opium and chalk). 57 mm x 37 mm x 37 mm, 99g. Dispensed by J. Martin, Bristol, English, nineteenth century.

Bottle of Diarrhoea Powder


Clear glass, circle based jar with top and bottom necks, cardboard cover. Glass rod inside. Containing three lumps of Malwah opium, different sizes. Glass rod covered in sealing wax. Label bears the legend 'Made in a gentleman's garden in Malwah'.

jar; controlled drug; opium


Small clear glass bottle with cork stopper, containing cholera pills. 47 mm x 18 mm diameter, 10 g. Dispensed by the Punjab Medical Hall, Lahore, Indian, 1871-1920.

Small bottle of Cholera pills


Square glass bottle with cut-glass stopper approximately containing of 'Dover's Powder' (ipecacuanha, opium, and morphine). 57 mm x 37 mm x 37 mm.

Dover Powder


Clear glass, circle based jar with top and bottom necks, broken cardboard cover. Containing a large lump of Patna opium from Calcutta.

jar; controlled drug; opium


Ambler glass bottle of 100 compressed tablets of 'Aspirin compounded with Dover Powder' (aspirin, phenacetin and compound of ipecacuanha containing Dover Powder). 137 mm x 56 mm x 36 mm, 269 g. Printed label reads, '../ASPIRIN COMPOUND/WITH/DOVER POWDER/.../The proportion of Dover Powder in/ this tablet does not bring the product/ within the scope of the D.D.A./ PARKE, DAVIS/& COMPANY, LIMITED Inc U.S.A./HOUNSLOW near LONDON' Produced by Parke, Davis and Co., Ltd., English, 1920-1950.

Bottle of Aspirin compressed with Dover Powder


Clear glass, square-based bottle with glass stopper, chamois, leather covering and paper label. To contain aproximately 2 ounces of simple tincture of opium (Tinct. Opii. Simpl) (tinctura opii simplex).

bottle; controlled drug; opium


Colourless glass bottle, with glass stopper and paper label, containing Laudanum (tincture of opium). The bottle is labelled a poison. Trace contents of evaporated substance. Manufactured by 'Savory and Moore, Chemists to the Queen, H.R.H. the of Wales, H.H. the Khedive of Egypt, and c.' The bottle probably dates between 1860-1890.

Bottle, with glass stopper, containing Laudanum

Small triangular based green glass, half-ribbed bottle with cork stopper and paper label. Bottle containing approximately 1 ounce of laudanum otherwise known as tincture of opium (tinctura opii simplex).

Bottle of laudanum

Opium ball, India, 1880-1930

Opium ball


Glass bottle with cork stopper and paper label, half-fluted. To contain approximately 4 ounces of liquid extract of opium (laudanum)(extractum opii liquidum).

Glass bottle with cork stopper and paper label, half-fluted. To contain approximately 4 ounces of liquid extract of opium (laudanum) (extractum opii liquidum)


Clear glass, circle based jar, broken, with no top. Containing large lumps of opium, different sizes. Labelled as originating from Constantinople.

jar; controlled drug; opium


Floral painted opaline glass shop round with lid used for Dover's powder (contains opium). By the Farmacia de Onate, Spanish, 1850-1900.

Opaline glass shop round for Dover's powder


Rectangular clear glass bottle with glass stopper, without metal stopper retaining clip, containing approximately 2 ounces of tincture of opium (tinctura opii simplex), unsigned, England, 1900-1910

Glass bottle, without metal clip to secure glass stopper, for tincture of opium


Glass bottle with glass stopper covered in chamois for Laudanum (opium tincture) with traces remaining. 116 mm x 40 mm, 147 g. Sprackett Chemists, Bristol, 1862-1900.

Bottle of Laudanum


Floral painted opaline glass shop round used for opium (OPIO), with traces remaining. By the Farmacia de Onate, Spain, 1850-1900.

Shop round for opium


Two glass bottles with green paper covers full of 'Cholera Drops'. Each: 60 mm x 22 mm diameter, 19g. Supplied by Willem Pitlo, Arnhem, Dutch, 1801-1900.

Two bottles of 'Cholera Drops'


Cloth cover containing a lump of opium plaster (emplast opii). Opium is a powerful analgesic. Part of this object is loose.

sample; controlled drug; opium


Clear glass, circle based jar, broken, with no top. Containing 3 large lumps of opium, different sizes. Labelled as originating from Calcutta.

jar; controlled drug; opium


Small clear glass, rectangle based bottle with glass stopper, and paper label. To contain Pills of Opium and Calomel. Some contents present.

bottle; controlled drug; opium

Glass vial with cork stopper to contain 10 hypodermic tablets consisting of 1/3 grain of opium concentrate which is equal to 1/6 grain of morphine. Morphine is a powerful analgesic and narcotic but it also has central stimulant actions.

phial; controlled drug; opium

Glass vial with cork stopper, chamois leather cover and paper label around the body. Uncertain contents but believed to be Tabloid brand of opium tablets.

phial; controlled drug; opium

Glass bottle with bakelite lid half-full of compound Aspirin and Opium tablets (TAB. ACID. ACETYLSALICYL et OPII P.B.). By Southall Bros. and Barclay (1935) Ltd., English, 1930-1950.

Glass bottle of Aspirin and opium tablets


Glass vial with cork stopper and paper apron around the neck and paper label around the body. The lid is broken. Containing Tabloid brand of lead with opium tablets. Believed to have been used to ease intestinal pain.

phial; controlled drug; opium

Clear glass bottle, with cork stopper, and paper label. Containing 5 poppy heads. Label inscribed 'Adormidera' and 'papaverum somniferum'. Poppies believed to be product of Spain.

bottle; controlled drug; opium


Square based clear glass bottle with glass stopper and paper label. Bottle to contain approximately 1 ounce of tincture of opium (tinctura opii simplex).

Bottle to contain tincture of opium

Glass, test-tube shaped vial with cork stopper, covered in chamois leather, wrapped with paper label to contain meconic acid, an opium consituent. Manufactured by T and H Smith, Edinburgh, London and Glasgow.

phial; controlled drug; opium

Small rectangular pocket dispensary with hinged metal segments, 7 of which contain pills (including opium, Dover's powder, quinine, and lead with opium), 2 contain packets of powder (calomel and antimony), with an informational leaflet. 84 mm x 57 mm x 13 mm. Made by Flockhart and Company, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1837-1870.

Small pocket dispensary containing drugs


Glass, oval based bottle with cork stopper. Paper label on front of bottle. Containing an estimated 288 Tabloid brand of Opium tablets. Paper label on reverse reads 'from Stanley, Expedition'.

bottle; controlled drug; opium


1x100ml glass bottle (sealed) of concentrated syrup of red poppy (SYR. RHOEAD B.P.C. 1949). 135 mm x 45 mm diameter, 266 g. Made by Wright Layman and Umney, English, 1949-1970.

Glass bottle of concentrated syrup of red poppy


Amber glass bottle with cork stopper for 500 ml of syrup of red poppies (SYRUPUS RHOEADOS) B.P.C. 1934, with traces remaining. 230 mm x 75 mm diameter, 526g. Made by Wright Layman and Umney, London, 1934-1949.

500ml bottle of syrup of red poppies B.P.C.


Glass, oval based bottle with cork stopper. Paper label on front of bottle. Containing an estimated 288 Tabloid brand of Lead and Opium tablets. Paper label on reverse reads 'from Stanley, Expedition'.

bottle; controlled drug; opium


Green glass poison bottle with bakelite lid full of Dover's Powder tablets (TAB. IPECAC. ET OPII). By Wright, Layman and Umney Ltd., English, 1920-1960.

Poison bottle of Dover's Powder tablets


Clear glass bottle with large glass stopper, paper label. Label inscribed 'chosa papaver somniferum L. papaveraceae' Believed to be the produced in India.

bottle; controlled drug; opium


Clear glass bottle, with cork stopper, and paper label. Containing remains of poppy heads. Label inscribed 'Post or Dodda' and 'papaver somniferum, Linn, fam papaveraceae'. Poppies believed to be product of Lahore, India.

bottle; controlled drug; opium


Small square glass bottle with chamois covering full of Dover's Powder. 40 mm x 28 mm x 22 mm, 31 g. Produced by Savory and Moore Ltd., London, c. 1870.

Small glass bottle of Dover's Powder


Blue glass bottle with cork stopper of Neboline Compound No. 14, 'Demulcent and sedative', 'compound camphor tincture' (possibly containing opium). height 97 mm x width 33 mm x depth 22 mm, weight 58.24g. Meant to be inhaled using a vaporiser. Made by Oppenheimer, Son and Co., Ltd., English, 1910-1920.

Bottle of Neboline Compound No. 14


Brown paper wrapping with label containing four (out of ten) glass phials with cork stoppers of 'Papaverin' (papaverine hydrochloride) tablets. 59 mm x 90 mm x 22 mm, 35 g overall. By Knoll, from Savory and Moore, English, 1930-1950.

Paper wrapping containing four phials of papaverin


Sealed bottle with bakelite lid full of Aromatic Powder of Chalk with Opium (Pulvis Cretae Aromaticus cum Opio). 100 mm x 54 mm diameter, 269 g. Produced by the British Drug Houses, English, 1960-1979.

Sealed bottle containing Aromatic Powder of Chalk with Opium (Pulvis Cretae Aromaticus cum Opio).


Gutta percha, long cylindrical container with cork and gutta percha screw cap, and paper label around. To contain Tabloid brand of Opium tablets. Used to relieve pain.

container; controlled drug; opium


Glass bottle with cork stopper (broken) half-full of Camphorated Tincture of Opium (Tinct. Opii Camph. Conc.) 220 mm x 75 mm diameter, 732 g. Handwritten note on label reads, 'Pars, Bournemouth, Jan 1947'. Made by the British Drug Houses, English, c. 1947.

Bottle of Camphorated tincture of opium