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Pewter theriac container


Aerosol bottle of asthma inhalant, Kent, England, 1960-1975


Brown glass bottle of aspirin and opium tablets


Green poison bottle with lid labelled 'Opium Pulverat BP' made by James Woolley Sons and Co. Ltd


Bottle for Dover Powder


Bottle of the opiate painkiller 'Papine'


Bottle of 'Papine'


Gutta percha tube for 1/2 gr. compressed Tabloid brand opium tablets, empty with possible traces remaining. 80 mm x 15 mm diameter. Interior of the tube is lined with wax paper and contains a small amount of cotton, possibly obscuring traces of opium. Made by Burroughs Wellcome and Co., English, 1900-1910.

Gutta Percha tube for Opium tablets


Black gutta percha tube for 5 gr. Tabloid brand Aromatic Chalk Powder with Opium tablets, with possible traces remaining. 89 mm x 19 mm diameter. Interior of the tube is lined with wax paper and contains a small amount of cotton, possibly obscuring traces of opium or remaining tablets. Made by Burroughs Wellcome and Co., English, 1900-1910.

Gutta percha tube of Aromatic Chalk Powder with Opium tablets


Square glass bottle with painted inscription for Laudanum (LAUD: HYSTER) (opium tincture) with traces remaining. 144 mm x 50 mm x 50 mm, 138g. Unknown maker, possibly German, 18th century.

Glass bottle for Laudanum


Lipped poison bottle, clear glass,with trace contents for TR. OPII (tincture of opium). 82 mm x 243 mm, 609 g. English, 1860-1900

Bottle for opium tincture


Square glass shop round with glass stopper for liquid opium sedative, with trace contents. 66 mm x 66 mm x 220 mm, 667 g. Painted label in faded gold, black and red reads, 'LIQ:/OPII.SED:' Additional label on the back reads,' LIQ.OPII SEDATIV.' English, 1851-1900.

Shop round of opium sedative


Square glass bottle with chamois-covered stopper full of 'Brown Compound Mixture' tablets (opium, benzoic acid, camphor, antimony, anise and ammonia chloride). 95 mm x 44 mm x 50 mm, 209g. Ferris & Co. Ltd , English, 1893-1900.

Bottle of Brown Mixture Compound tablets


Green paper packet containing poppy capsules, 176mm x 121 mm x 16 mm. Printed label on the packet reads, '717 POPPY CAPSULES/ (papaver somniferum)' and has a red mark ' B 4'. Europe, 1880-1940.

Paper packet of poppy capsules


Pewter canister with screw top mostly full with 'Diascordio', an ancient medical preparation which contains poppy syrup. 52 mm x 24 mm diameter, 45 g. Unknown maker, Italian, 1771-1850.

Canister of Diascordio


Square glass bottle with cut-glass stopper approximately half full of 'Diarrhoea Powder' (opium and chalk). 57 mm x 37 mm x 37 mm, 99g. Dispensed by J. Martin, Bristol, English, nineteenth century.

Bottle of Diarrhoea Powder


Small glass dispensing bottle with ivory and cork stopper with traces of Calomel( mercury chloride) and opium. 42mm x 16mm diameter. Gold printed label reads, 'CALOMEL C. OPI/gr.ij./gr.fs.' Calomel was often used as a laxative or an a disinfectant. English, 1850-1900.

Small dispensing bottle for Calomel and Opium


Round glass bottle with glass stopper for Laudanum (opium tincture) with traces remaining. 127 mm x 32 mm diameter, 94 g. Unknown maker, English, c. 1870.

Bottle for laudanum


2 litre glass bottle of Opiate Squill Linctus (Gee's Linctus), full. 300 mm x 100 mm diameter. Manufactured by Macarthys, English, 1960-1985.

2 litre glass bottle of Opiate Squill Linctus (Gee's Linctus)


Small clear glass bottle with cork stopper, containing cholera pills. 47 mm x 18 mm diameter, 10 g. Dispensed by the Punjab Medical Hall, Lahore, Indian, 1871-1920.

Small bottle of Cholera pills


Round block of opium, with slice missing, wrapped in leaves. Approx. 110 mm diamter, 514 g. Paper label underneath reads, ' TURKISH OPIUM.' Unknown maker, Turkey, probably 19th century.

Round block of opium, with slice missing, paper label: 'TURKISH OPIUM'


Square glass bottle with cut-glass stopper approximately containing of 'Dover's Powder' (ipecacuanha, opium, and morphine). 57 mm x 37 mm x 37 mm.

Dover Powder


Ambler glass bottle of 100 compressed tablets of 'Aspirin compounded with Dover Powder' (aspirin, phenacetin and compound of ipecacuanha containing Dover Powder). 137 mm x 56 mm x 36 mm, 269 g. Printed label reads, '../ASPIRIN COMPOUND/WITH/DOVER POWDER/.../The proportion of Dover Powder in/ this tablet does not bring the product/ within the scope of the D.D.A./ PARKE, DAVIS/& COMPANY, LIMITED Inc U.S.A./HOUNSLOW near LONDON' Produced by Parke, Davis and Co., Ltd., English, 1920-1950.

Bottle of Aspirin compressed with Dover Powder


One 500ml glass bottle (approx. 300ml remaining) with cork stopper of camphorated syrup of opium. 260 mm x 75 mm diameter, 791 g. By Evans Medical Supplies Ltd., English, 1940-1970.

500ml glass bottle with cork stopper, of camphorated syrup of opium. 260 mm x 75 mm diameter


Bottle, amber glass, cork stopper, for opium tincture, trace remains. Printed label on white paper with maroon text reads, 'Opiumtinktur'. 83mm x 32 mm x 22 mm, 56 g. Unknown maker, probably German, 1900-1910.

Amber glass bottle of opium tincture


Glass bottle with metal screw top full of Compound Syrup of Cocillana (contains cocillana, opium, antrimony and morphine). 164 mm x 53 mm x 30 mm, 308 g. Prepared by Wright, Leyman and Umney Ltd., London, 1940-1960.

Bottle of Compound Syrup of Cocillana


Rectangular glass bottle with paper-covered cork stopper approximately one-quarter full of 'Syr. Diacody', or Diascorde syrup. 110 mm x 68 mm x 55 mm, 239g. Unknown maker, Italian, 1780-1850.

Glass bottle of 'Diacody Syrup'


Glass bottle with cork stopper of opium tincture with a trace remaining. Bottle is stained, probably from the evaporation of the alcohol in the tincture. Inscription reads, 'U3/K/Opium tinktur/F.' Unknown maker, probably German in origin, 1900-1910.

Glass bottle of opium tincture


Mis-shapen block of Indian opium, wrapped in paper. Paper label illegible. 200 mm long, 553 g. Unknown maker, India, probably 19th century.

Mis-shapen block of Indian opium, wrapped in paper, 200 mm long


Dispensing bottle with traces of opium. Gold label with black print reads, 'Opium/ gr. j.' English, 1850-1900.

Dispensing bottle of opium


Four glass phials with metal caps containing ipecacuanha and opium tablets, 0.3 g, wrapped in paper, with two additional packets not in a phial. Each phial: 101 mm x 18 mm diameter, 21 g. Unknown maker, produced for the German Army by various depots in Frankfurt and Cologne, 1915-1916.

Four glass phials and two additional packets not in a phial, all containing ipecacuanha and opium


Clear glass shop round with glass stopper for opium liniment (LIN: OPII), with dried residues in base and neck. 205 mm x 77 mm diameter. This liniment would have been applied topically. Unknown maker, English, late nineteenth century.

Shop round for opium liniment


Square glass bottle with glass stopper for Laudanum (opium tincture), with a small amount of liquid remaining. 65 mm x 30 mm x 30 mm, 55g. Unknown maker, French, 18th century.

Bottle of Laudanum


Glass bottle with bakelite lid half-full of compound Aspirin and Opium tablets (TAB. ACID. ACETYLSALICYL et OPII P.B.). By Southall Bros. and Barclay (1935) Ltd., English, 1930-1950.

Glass bottle of Aspirin and opium tablets


Green glass poison bottle, rectangular, with ribbed back and glass stopper for tincture of camphorated opium (TR: OPII: CAMPH), traces remaining. 210 mm x 80 mm x 50 mm, 349 g. Unknown maker, probably English, 1860-1920.

Poison bottle for camphorated tincture of opium


Small glass bottle with chamois covering full of Lead and Opium pills. 45 mm x 20 mm diameter, 13 g. Label reads, 'R. Scott Thompson and Co./ Medical Hall Calcutta/ LEAD AND OPIUM PILLS/ Use.- In mild cases of diarrhoea and dysentery./ Dose.- One every 3 hours, til purging abates.' Dispensed by R. Scott Thompson and Co., Calcutta, India, 1831-1900.

Small bottle of Lead and Opium pills


Small rectangular pocket dispensary with hinged metal segments, 7 of which contain pills (including opium, Dover's powder, quinine, and lead with opium), 2 contain packets of powder (calomel and antimony), with an informational leaflet. 84 mm x 57 mm x 13 mm. Made by Flockhart and Company, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1837-1870.

Small pocket dispensary containing drugs


Wooden box with sliding lid containing chunks of 'Gum Opii', opium gum. 35 mm x 102 mm x 70 mm, 50.5g. Prepared by the Apprentice Chemists Association, England, c.1880.

Box of Opium gum


Glass bottle with glass stopper covered in chamois for Laudanum (opium tincture) with traces remaining. 116 mm x 40 mm, 147 g. Sprackett Chemists, Bristol, 1862-1900.

Bottle of Laudanum


1x100ml glass bottle (sealed) of concentrated syrup of red poppy (SYR. RHOEAD B.P.C. 1949). 135 mm x 45 mm diameter, 266 g. Made by Wright Layman and Umney, English, 1949-1970.

Glass bottle of concentrated syrup of red poppy


Rectangular glass bottle with a glass stopper containing aromatic powder (chalk and opium powder). 108 mm x 33 mm x 26 mm, 120g. Unknown maker, Australian, c.1860.

Bottle of Aromatic Powder


Rectangular block of Persian opium, with slice missing, wrapped in red paper. 50 mm x 110 mm x 75 mm, 417 g. Paper label on the bottom reads, ' PERSIA/ OPIUM'. Unknown maker, Persian, probably 19th century.

Rectangular block of Persian opium, in red paper, label reads: 'PERSIA/ OPIUM'


Amber glass bottle with cork stopper for 500 ml of syrup of red poppies (SYRUPUS RHOEADOS) B.P.C. 1934, with traces remaining. 230 mm x 75 mm diameter, 526g. Made by Wright Layman and Umney, London, 1934-1949.

500ml bottle of syrup of red poppies B.P.C.


Two glass bottles with green paper covers full of 'Cholera Drops'. Each: 60 mm x 22 mm diameter, 19g. Supplied by Willem Pitlo, Arnhem, Dutch, 1801-1900.

Two bottles of 'Cholera Drops'


Painted wooden drug jar, for unidentified opium mixture (OPUM/ TEBAIC) with wood lid and traces remaining. 151 mm x 75 mm, 237 g. Unknown maker, probably Swiss, 1770-1830.

Wooden jar for opium mixture


Paper-wrapped and sealed glass bottle of Dr. Bow's Liniment with informational leaflet. 155 mm x 30 mm diameter. Dr. Bow's liniment contains hard soap, opium, and ammoniated camphor liniment. Prepared by Dr. Bow's son, from the Robert Opie Collection, 1900-1920.

Paper-wrapped and sealed glass bottle of Dr. Bow's Liniment with informational leaflet


Sqaure glass bottle with pewter top containing 'Laudano' (Laudanum). 65 mm x 27 mm x 25 mm, 43g. Unknown maker, Italian, 1771-1850.

Glass bottle of 'Laudano'


Glass bottle with glass stopper for Laudanum (opium tincture), with traces of original contents remaining. 110 mm x 32 mm x 26 mm, 95g. Unknown maker, English, c1870.

Bottle for Laudanum


Pewter canister with screw top containing the ancient medical preparation 'Theriaca' or Theriac (contains opium). 52 mm x 23 mm diameter, 39g. Unknown maker, Italian, 1775-1850.

Pewter canister of Theriac


Rectangular glass bottle with paper covered cork stopper inscribed with 'Laudan Liquid', a small amount of content remains. 115 mm x 65 mm x 50 mm, 181g. Unknown maker, Italian, 1780-1850.

Glass bottle for liquid laudanum
