Extending bellows stereoscopic camera of the "tailboard" type with hinged focusing screen and roller blind shutter. Probably French, c. 1890. Extending Bellows Stereoscopic Camera 1890
Extending bellows stereoscopic camera by C.E. Clifford with three double dark slides, all in fitted box/stand, c. 1880. Extending Bellows Stereoscopic Camera 1880
Photo-stereoscopic camera in shape of binoculars, by C.P. Goerz, Berlin, 1899. Serial number 101609. Photo-stereoscopic camera in shape of binoculars 1899
Stereo-binocular camera, c.1901, marked and marketed by W Watson & Sons, 313 High Holborn, London. To be held to the eye like binoculars which it resembles in appearance. With a negative changing box and carries 12 plates 4 3/4 x 2 "onwhich 24 pictures may be taken. Fitted with 2 Zeiss Tessar lenses f.6.3 62mm (signed E. Kraus Paris). With a shutter with speeds 1/25 1/80 sec and time. Finder fitted to the eye piece. Metal construction. Watson & son c.1900 The Watson Steroscopic Binocular Camera 1900
35mm stereo camera for two 24 x 24mm pictures. Fitted with two Wray stereo lenses f/4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16 apertures on linked rotating plates. F:35mm, coated. With paired I/B shutters. Coaxial flash socket. Direct optical vision finder. Accessory shoe. No.001211. Wray, made under licence by Graflex Corps, USA, c.1960. Wray StereoGraphic camera 1959-1965