On Display
Object type

Letter regarding a memorial in Sheffield, Great Central Railway


rules of the pension fund of the great central ralway company


Sea to Sea Expresses, Liverpool, Grimsby, York and Hull


England's Latest Port


GCR Victoria Station Sheffield


Great Central Railway locomotive, number 102


Director class "Butler Henderson", Great Central Railway


Blackpool; For gorgeous sights



A string of Pearls, The Gems of the Chiltern Hills

circa 1910

Step on at Grimsby for the Continent


England's Greatest Poet

Great Central Railway and Other Railways in Connection


Letter regarding the unveiling of a war memorial


Bell, Manchester Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway and Great Central Railway, no markings, with bracket, ex Dunford Bridge Halt Signal Box.

Bell, Manchester Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway and Great Central Railway

Boundary post, Cheshire Lines Committee, cast iron, Great Central Railway pattern, lettered "C.L.Comee", about 1900 to 1948.

Cheshire Lines Committee boundary post

circa 1900-1947

Carriage window glass, framed, etched, Great Central Railway.

Carriage window glass, Great Central Railway

Appendix to working timetable, Great Central Railway, Issue 6, 1 October 1914, 235 pages, paper covers, original colour buff, black binding.

Appendix to working timetable, Great Central Railway


Guidebook, Great Central Railway, "A Short Description of Some of the Features of the Country", 1910, places along the line, 22 pages, soft cover. 9.0551 x 4.7244 in.

GCR - A Short Description of Some of the Features of the Country


Guidebook, Great Central Railway, 'Historical and Antiquarian Notes from Annesley to East Leake', by R A Wilde, 23 pages, soft cover, inscribed with signature of May Wilde. 8.4646 x 5.5118 in.

GCR - Historial and Antiquarian Notes from Annesley to East Leake

Guidebook, Great Central Railway, "A Short Description of Some of the Features of the Country", 1910, places along the line, 22 pages, soft cover. 9.0551 x 4.7244 in.

GCR - A Short Description of Some of the Features of the Country


Ticket, card, Great Central Railway, "Turn on Another Companies Line".

Turn on Another Companies Line

Specification, Great Central Railway, Atlantic Type Locomotive 4-4-2, April 1905, 30 pages.

GCR 4-4-2 Specification


Rule book, Great Central Railway, Rules and Regulations, 1912, 388 pages, blue hard cover, includes loose supplements dated 1913 and 1916.

Great Central Railway Rule Book 1912

Certificate, Great Central Railway to Edith Addison, special reward fund for merit in rescuing a passenger at Fairfield, 7th February 1916, first reward to female employee of GCR, colour printed in glazed frame, 516mm x 441mm.

Certificate to Edith Addison Great Central Railway


Appendix to working timetable, Great Central Railway Issue 5, 1 January 1908, 248 pages, paper covers, original colour buff, unbound.

Appendix to working timetable, Great Central Railway


Handbill, Great Central Railway, 'Storeton, Heswall Hills, Neston and Oarkgate, Burton Point and Saughall', made at Stockport, 1906.

storeton, heswall hills, neston and oarkgate, Burton Point and Saughall


Timetable cover, card, red with gold lettering, Great Central Railway, with the company logo.

Great central railway timetable cover

Album, Great Central Railway, illustrated official album.

Great Central Railway, illustrated official album

Music programme from Great Central Railway opening of the extension to london railway. Dated 9th March 1899. With gold border.

opening of the extension to london railway


Paper notice, Great Central Railway, Rotherham Weekly Zone tickets, September 1920(Other IDs 83/44/31).

Great Central Railway


Great Central Railway handbill advertising Sunday excursions. Return excursion tickets to Checker House, Retford, Leverton, Cottam and Torksey every Sunday, for 1/-. Dated July 1903 and signed by Sam Fay, general manager.

Great Central Railway handbill advertising Sunday excursions


Fare table, three copies, Great Central Railway, from Healing Station.

Great Central Railway fare table

Commemorative medallion, Great Central Railway, alloy, commemorating the opening of Nottingham Central Station on Queen Victoria's birthday, 24 May 1900, Dimensions: 45mm dia.

Medallion commemorating Nottingham Central Station opening, Great Central Railway

Great Central Railway and British Railways Eastern Region drawings and photographs of Keadby Lift Bridge and Trowse swing bridge, c1912-1970. 1. Plan and elevation of Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge over River Trent at Keadby for Great Central Railway, 25 April 1912; 2&3. Site survey and general arrangement of Trowse Swing Bridge and environs over River Wensum by Rendel, Palmer & Tritton, consulting engineers, no date; 4&5. Photographs of Trowse Swing Bridge, 12 items mounted on two sheets.

Drawings and photographs of Keadby Lift Bridge


Notice. Great Central Railway. Notice! Immingham Dock Bye-Laws. Notice is hereby given that the Great Central Railway Company intend to apply to the Boark of Trade for the confirmation of certain Bye-Laws.....relating to the Loading of Coal and the Use of the Coal Hoists. 5 September 1911. Black text on white background. With note added by the Port Master, Grimsby Docks, concerning the posting of this notice in the neighbourhood of Immingham Dock. Printed by Carr & Forman, Printers, 88 Cleethorpe Road, Grimsby.

Notice! Immingham Dock bye-laws


Notice. Great Central railway. Platform Tickets. Black text on white background. Printed by Chas Sever, Printer, Manchester.

platform tickets

Rule book, Great Central Railway, general, 1897, 344 pages, dark red cloth.

Great Central Railway Rule Book 1897


Papers, Records of the Sir Edward Watkin Special Award Fund, administered by the North Eastern Railway, the London & North Eastern Railway, and British Railways (Eastern Region), 1907-1986. The Fund was established with money gifted by Sir Edward Watkin. It gave grants to employees who had carried out services above and beyond the call of duty, or 'meritorious acts.' It later also gave grants to deserving families of employees. The records consist of two Registers of Rewards, one Agenda Book, one file of agendas and accounts (from the BR period), and one file of blank certificates.

Records of the Sir Edward Watkin Special Award Fund


Appendix to working timetable, Great Central Railway Issue 3, 1 November 1897, 214 pages, cloth covers, original colour red, black binding.

Appendix to working timetable, Great Central Railway


Guidebook, Great Central Railway, "America's Motherland", by T W D Smith, c. 1915, places to visit in Great Britain, cost new 1/- or 25 cents, 256 pages, hard cover.

America's Motherland


Map, alternative routes, Great Central Railway, 1846, 1 inch to 7.5 mile, monochrome, published/printed by British Rail Planning Office, Euston, paper.

Map, alternative routes


Circular, Great Central Railway, Payment to platelayers & Permenant way labourers, 13 October 1898, (Other IDs 76/25/611).

Great Central Railway


Memorandum, Great Central Railway, relating to traffic from Robin Hood Station, East and West Yorkshire Union Railway.Re-invoice 233 & 566 referring to non-delivery of casting concerned 29 December 1902, (Other Associations 80/25/44; 1317/2/61).

Memorandum, Great Central Railway, regarding invoices


File of Great Central Railway papers relating to the death of Fireman A.W. Ford, fatally injured at Wortley on locomotive no. 444 on 23 February 1916. Includes reports, correspondence, particulars of the accident, papers re compensation to his widow, evidence from the inquest, etc.

Papers relating to the death of Fireman A.W. Ford


Great Central Railway, "Appendix to the Working timetable, From November 1st 1897 and until further notice", issued by William Pollitt General Manager, printed by Henry Blacklock, October 1897.

Great Central Railway Appendix to the Working timetable


Ticket, card, Great Central Railway, "Tank of Water off Another Company's Line".

Tank of Water off Another Company's Line

Notice, Great Central Railway, entitled 'Zone Tickets Grimsby and Cleethorpes', printed by Charles Sever, September 1920. (4 copies)

Zone Tickets Grimsby and Cleethorpes


Book of timetables, Great Central Railway, printed by Love and Malcolmson Ltd., Holborn, 1911.

Great Central Railway timetables


Particulars of M/M Engines Loaned to the Great Central Railway. Book made up of typed pages with details of Ministry of Munitions locomotives loaned to the Great Central Railway, 1919. Covers locomotive numbers 1606 to 2118 (not inclusive) and gives details such as maker, date built, miles made overseas, lubircator, brakes etc. Also contains entries for repairs at Gorton which have not been filled in. Made in the Locomotive Works Manager's Office, Gorton, 1919.

Particulars of M/M Engines Loaned to the Great Central Railway