On Display
Object type

Tape dispenser and Scotch sticky tape


Tidal Turbine Blade from Orbital Marine Power's SR2000 Turbine


Pluto bumper stickers


Mercury total immersion thermometer


Crystallised Sugar Solution in Display Jar, 1920-1930


Crystallised Sugar Solution in Display Jar, 1920-1930


Crystallised Sugar Solution in Display Jar, 1920-1930


Crystallised Sugar Solution in Display Jar, 1920-1930


3D printed 'Crayon Creature' models


Roll of bio-hazard tape

circa 2014-15

IBM San Jose Disk Storage Progress showing improvements in data storage


Small Polymer Solar Cell with Carbon Contacts


Three books used in experiments on the gender behaviour of children


Paper place mat, white with Silver Jubilee logo in centre. Overall: 195 mm x 325 mm.

Paper place mat

Three sheets of yellow sticky labels, for use by laboratory workers in the 'diagnostic tent' at the Manteneh Ebola Treatment Centre during the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone, 2014-2015

Yellow sticky labels, for use by laboratory workers

circa 2014-15

Framed diagram of the 'Atlas of Acupuncture Points', showing a full length frontal view of a male figure marked with acupuncture points and connecting lines, from the surgery of a British practitioner c.1996, originally designed by Shohaku Honma in 1946, published by Ido-No Nipponsha, Yokosuka, Japanese, 1970-1990.

Framed diagram of the 'Atlas of Acupuncture Points', front view


Framed diagram of the 'Atlas of Acupuncture Points', showing a full length back view of a male figure marked with acupuncture points and connecting lines, from the surgery of a British practitioner c.1996. originally designed by Shohaku Honma in 1946, published by Ido-No Nipponsha, Yokosuka, Japanese, 1970-1990.

Framed diagram of the 'Atlas of Acupuncture Points', rear view


Four glass prisms, one broken, made 1850-1924 (see note)

Four glass prisms


Made by Chas. M Higgins and Co., Brooklyn, NY. London Office 106 Charing Cross Road. Adhesive for photographers, patented in US and England December 29 1891, September 1899. In glass jar with printed metal screw top.

Higgin's Photo-Mounter adhesive


Model of A Quiet Afternoon in the Cloud Cuckoo Valley by Rowland Emett, scale approximately 1-inch to 1-foot, about 1983. Depicts eccentric scenes on Emett's fantastical Far Tottering & Oyster Creek Railway with the locomotive 'Wild Goose' visiting Cowparsley Meadow, Far Tottering, Wisteria Halt, Shrimphaven Sands, Twittering Woods and Oyster Creek. Enclosed in a Perspex case.

Model of A Quiet Afternoon in the Cloud Cuckoo Valley by Rowland Emett

circa 1983

A home-made 'lockdown cinema', designed to sit over a laptop to produce the illustion of cinema attendance. Made by Tom Kingsley, London, January 2021 and first demonstrated on his Twitter feed.

Home-made lockdown cinema for laptop

January 2021

Single sheet of red sticky labels, for use by laboratory workers in the 'diagnostic tent' at the Manteneh Ebola Treatment Centre during the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone, 2014-2015

Red sticky labels for use by laboratory workers

circa 2014-15

Two sheets of blue sticky labels, for use by laboratory workers in the 'diagnostic tent' at the Manteneh Ebola Treatment Centre during the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone, 2014-2015

Blue sticky labels, for use by laboratory workers

circa 2014-15