Object type

'Bipulverette Thyromang' pills


Bottle containing some aspirin tablets, prepared by the British Drug Houses Ltd., London, 1930-1970

Bottle containing aspirin tablets

Glass bottle, thought to contain quinidine sulphate crystals, supplied by Savory and Moore, London

Glass bottle, thought to contain quinidine sulphate crystals

Bottle, brown glass, stoppered with seal, damaged, for chloroform, containing liquid, scale moulded on side, from German W.W.I medicine chest, German, 1914-1918

Bottle, brown glass


Brown glass specimen bottle, containing Rangoon petroleum, from Burma, bottle English, 1880-1920

Brown glass specimen bottle


Large brown glass ampoule of chloroform solution, prepared by Max Jenne of Kiel and Lubeck, German, 1913

Large brown glass ampoule of chloroform solution


Glass bottle, containing thyroid iodo-acetosalicylic capsules from Oxo Ltd., London

Glass bottle


Bottle of aspirin and quinine compound tablets prepared by The British Drug Houses Ltd., London, 1964-1979

Bottle of aspirin and quinine compound tablets prepared by The British Drug Houses Ltd.

Glass bottle, containing 'Bipalatinoids', tablets from Oppenheimer, Son and Co., London, SW9, England, 1915-1935.

Glass bottle


Brown bottle, containing citronella oil from Ceylon, supplied by Wright, Layman and Umney Limited, London, bottle English, 1900-1950

Brown bottle


Bottle containing pills with deleted label recording "Euflavine" tablets prepared by British Dyestuffs Corp. Ltd., and supplied by The British Drug Houses Ltd., London, 1900-1930

Bottle containing pills labelled "Euflavine"


Glass bottle, containing lenigallol powder from Knoll and Co., Ludwigshafen, germany

Glass bottle


Bottle, brown glass, for holding iodoform, containing powder, from German medicine chest A656265, German, 1914-1918

Bottle, brown glass


Bottle of "Alocol" tablets, prepared by A. Wander Ltd., London, 1930-1960

Bottle of "Alocol" tablets

Bottle, glass, brown coloured, for iodoform, containing white powder, from German W.W.I medicine chest A656271, German, 1914-1918

Bottle, glass, brown coloured


Brown glass bottle for Jodoform or Iodine, glass stopper, metal clip over stopper, with content

Brown glass bottle for Jodoform or Iodine

Small brown glass bottle with cork stopper and paper label. Containing approximately 1/4 ounce of Alypin nitrate. A substance as toxic as cocaine but reserved for use in surface application to mucous membranes. Its correct name is amydricaine. It employed in the field of opthalmology in a 2-4% solution, but it does not produce midriasis or disturbance of accomodation. In nose and throat work a solution of 5-10% may be employed, and in neurology a 1-4% solution. Its exact uses are unknown - it is thought that it may be used to create a local aneasthetic reaction similar to other members of the 'caine' class of drugs.



Glass bottle, containing uranium nitrate crystals from The British Drug Houses Ltd., London

Glass bottle containing uranium nitrate crystals


20 brown glass ampoules of digipuratum solution for injection, in 2 cardboard boxes, for German military use, prepared by Knoll and Co., Ludwigshafen, Germany, 1914-1918

20 brown glass ampoules of digipuratum solution for injection


Bottle containing "Pulverette" lithium hipurate compound pills, prepared by Oppenheimer, Son and Co., London, 1920-1940

Bottle containing "Pulverette" lithium hipurate compound pills

3 tall brown glass bottles made by Leune Company, Paris, French, 1925-1929

3 tall brown glass bottles made by Leune Company


Glass bottle, containing quinine salicylate powder from the British Drug Houses, London

Glass bottle


Glass bottle containing geranium oil from William Toogood Ltd of London

Glass bottle containing geranium oil from William Toogood Ltd of London


Bottle of "Bimez" tablets, prepared by ICI, Pharmaceuticals Division, Wilmslow, 1950-1970

Bottle of "Bimez" tablets


Bottle, brown glass, glass stoppered, for liquified phenol, three quarters full of liquid, from medicine chest A656265, German, 1914-1918

Bottle, brown glass


Bottle of `Tabloid' quinine acetylsalicylate tablets prepared by Burroughs Wellcome and Co., London, 1900-1924

Bottle of `Tabloid' quinine acetylsalicylate tablets prepared by Burroughs Wellcome and Co.

Bottle containing pills of colocynth and hyoscyamus, prepared by Evans Medical Ltd., Speke and Liverpool, 1910-1950

Bottle containing pills of colocynth and hyoscyamus

Glass bottle, containing aperient granules in pill form, from Parke, Davis and Co., London

Glass bottle


Glass bottle, containing desiccated pituitary substance in powder form, from Willows, Francis, Butler & Thompson, Ltd, of London

Glass bottle


Glass bottle, metal cap, containing tablets from Oppenheimer, Son and Co., London, SW9, England, 1910-1940.

Glass bottle


Glass bottle, containing pituitary gland of a sheep, powder anterior lobe from the British Drug houses Ltd.

Glass bottle


Glass bottle, containing 'bipalatinoids', by Oppenheimer, Son and Co., London, SW9, England, 1915-1935. Supplied by N. F. Tyler, 87 Abingdon Road, Kensington, London.

Glass bottle


Bottle, stained brown, for silver nitrate, containing a few crystals, from German W.W.I medicine chest, A656271, German, 1914-1918

Bottle, stained brown


Glass bottle, corked, containing mild silver protein or silver nucleinate crystals from Wiilows, Francis, Butler and Thompson Ltd., London, English bottle, 1880-1930

Glass bottle


Glass bottle for carbolic acid liquid, cut glass stopper, kept in canister, (see part 20)

Glass bottle for carbolic acid liquid

Brown glass bottle for silver nitrate crystals, glass stopper, metal clasp over stopper, with content

Brown glass bottle for silver nitrate crystals