Photograph of Great Western Railway staff at Millbay Station, Plymouth, in front of a saddle tank locomotive, including Frank Goodenough. The photograph is mounted on card, and was taken by O. H. Webb of Plymouth. Staff at Millbay Station, Plymouth (supplied title) 1920-1929
Twelve postcards and six photographs showing Finsen and other light therapy, at the London Hospital, as well as several of associated nursing staff, early 20th century Twelve postcards and six photographs showing Finsen and other light therapy 1900-1939
Three four-colour half-tone reproductions of Autochromes by Edward Steichen. From "Camerawork", April 1908. Each approx. 7 1/2 x 5 3/4 inches. 1. Portrait: "Lady H." 2. Portrait "G. Bernard Shaw". 3. "The log cabin". (3 prints in one frame). Autochromes 1908
Eight photographs of the bas reliefs in the Great Hall at Euston Station. The images included are of: London, Carlisle, Lancashire, Liverpool, Manchester, Northampton, Chester and Birmingham. Eight Photographs of the Bas Reliefs in the Great Hall at Euston Station
Framed photograph of contemporary print showing P.S. "Unicorn" (1836) wrecked at Cape Chatte Bay Framed photograph of a print of the PS Unicorn
Framed photograph of contemporary print showing P.S. "Royal William" (1837) Framed photograph of a print of the PS 'Royal William'
Four photographs in one frame, showing 'speedy' type water-tube Thornycroft boilers, patented in 1885 by J I Thornycroft and Co., showing boilers in the Thornycroft factory in Chiswick, (c.1885), unknown photographer, British, 1885-1889, and frame by Science Museum, Workshops, South Kensington, London, England, 1960-1970. The boilers' name arose from the HM torpedo gun-boat 'Speedy' onto which they were fitted in 1892. Four photographs, in one frame, showing the Thornycroft 'speedy' type water-tube boiler 1885-1889; 1960-1970
Black and white photograph reproduced from negatives taken by anthropologist Dr. A.C. Haddon during his field work in the Torres straights showing stone formations representing island groups used in initiation ceremonies Photographic print of stones on Mer Island
Black and white photograph reproduced from negatives taken by anthropologist Dr. A.C. Haddon during his field work in the Torres straights showing stone formations representing island groups used in initiation ceremonies Photographic print of stones on Mer Island