Print, drypoint, Liverpool Street Station by Edward Bawden, signed by artist, Interior view of station looking down onto concourse and platforms. Framed and glazed. Liverpool Street Station 1925-1930
Lithograph, portrait of Sir David Dale, framed, Formerly displayed in the Committee Room of the North Eastern Railway Headquarters in York. sir david dale
Etching, floods at York, view from above Scarborough Bridge, by Newton Taylor, 1962, framed. Floods at York, View from Above Scarborough Bridge 1962
8 x Adversarial Stickers: Pieces of Paper or photo paper with various patterns printed on them, made by Earlence Fernandes and colleagues CSE, University of Washington, Seattle, USA. 2017-18 US Stop Sign vandalised to confuse the computer within an autonomous vehicle 2017-18
Print, linocut, Liverpool Street Station, by Edward Bawden, 1961. Depicts a view of the interior of the station, showing the concourse, roof structure and a small steam tank engine waiting at the platform, with passengers about the board the carriages. Framed and glazed, 90 x 180 cm. Liverpool Street Station 1961
Lithograph, portrait of James Kitson after the painting by John S. Sargent, framed, 550 mm x 710 mm. Formerly displayed in the Boardroom of the North Eastern Railway Headquarters in York. Framed and Glazed. James Kitson
Cartoon, "The Grey Knight", original by Bernard Partridge, caricature of Viscount Grey of Falloden, Chairman of North Eastern Railway 1904 - 1906, drawn for "Punch" in 1912, framed, Formerly displayed in the Boardroom of the North Eastern Railway Headquarters in York. Written on mount: "THE GREY KNIGHT "PUNCH" 1912 & 1933. THE RT HON VISCOUNT GREY K.G. SECRETARY OF STATE FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS 1905-1916. CHARIMAN OF THE NORTH EASTERN RAILWAY COMPANY 1904-1906 DIRECTOR OF THE LONDON & NORTH EASTERN RAILWAY COMPANY 1923-1916" The Grey Knight 1912
Print, linocut, "The Rocket", by Edward Bawden, 16/25, engine and tender with driver, in black and white, c1950, image: 12.5 x 16 cm, overall: 457 x 383 mm. The Rocket 1950
Poster, Southern Railway. 'Conducted Rambles, Winter' by Audrey Weber, 1936. Coloured lithograph depicting a man on horseback in a snow-filled landscape, with winter foliage below, with a hare, sleeping dormouse and fox . Text in bottom margin reads "Southern Railway Advertising. Ad 3950 1000/1936. Printed in Great Britain by Waterlow & Sons Ltd. Litho. London and Dunstable". Format double royal. Conducted Rambles, Winter 1936
Giclee print 'Kaleidoscope Ganesh' produced from an iPad painting by Chila Kumari Burman, 2017 showing Ganesh in kaleidoscope effect in various bright colours on a white background. The frame embellished with mirror pieces. Kaleidoscope Ganesh 2017
Book, "Drawings of the London & Birmingham Railway" by John Cooke Bourne and John Britton, published by Day & Haghe, about 1838. Lithographs based on Bourne's drawings depicting the London & Birmingham Railway, including its construction and main architectural features, accompanied by a descriptive text by John Britton. Comprises 29 pages of plates and 26 pages of contents and description. Lacks frontispiece and title page. Leather bound. Drawings of the London & Birmingham Railway circa 1838