Object type

Stirn's waistcoat camera and neck cord



Box containing camera parts and accessories


Accessories for Culpeper microscope


Box of conversion accessories for Newman Sinclair NS400 cine camera

Accessories for Bob Godfrey Animation Equipment

Accessories for a horizontal optical comparator

Accessories for a horizontal optical comparator

Box of accessories from the English Reifler escapement astronomical clock designed by E. T. Cottingham


Accessories from Otto Crossley slide valve gas engine

Accessories for a horizontal optical comparator

Box of accessories used in Elliott 900 series computers

Epidural accessories pack, England


Box of accessories for the Sorvall Porter Blum MT2 ultramicrotome

Chessell type 320 6-channel chart recorder, 1979


Open University McArthur microscope and accessories


Box of accessories for polarization experiments

Circuitboard and accessories from Kontact Executive Workstation by Mitel


Accessories for BBC Microcomputer

Combined "pistol grip" handle for Rycote Windshield

Epidural block procedure pack and epidural accessories pack


Ultra-violet scanner accessories


Accessories for use with Animation Rostrum Camera

Accessory for filters


Accessories for Animation Rostrum Camera

Polari-scope and accessories, in case with key

Dynamics kit accessories


Dynamics kit accessories


Plastic bag containing accessories for Model 362 Gene Scanner, United States, 1989


Plastic and metal buckle, c. 1940.


Accessories for Epson HX-20 portable computer


Marshall 1960A-H 300W 4x12 switchable stereo angled cabinet


Marshall 1960A-H 300W 4x12 switchable stereo angled cabinet and associated accessories


Kyocera Yashica Samurai Model 1300DG zoom digital camera, 2001.

Kyocera Yashica Samurai Model 1300DG zoom digital camera and accessories


Theodolite goniometer and accessories:- Tube with mirror and lens for working with daylight, Tube-key for inserting and withdrawing lens in signal tube, Electric lamp for illuminating signal (Cezapski model), Four detachable crystal mounts, made by R. Fuess, Berlin

Theodolite goniometer and accessories:- Tube with mirror and lens for working with daylight

Set of microscopical accessories

Set of microscopical accessories

Tin case associated with the MoD HF radio station D11/R230, containing one Teleprinting ribbon by Perlon, one Valvespount, one metal spring, six metal components bagged, one paint brush, one metal component, three metal components bagged, two RAOC primary packs, one lightbulb, and one metal component

Tin case associated with the MoD HF radio station D11/R230

DEC RK05 Disk Drive Accessories, c.1974

DEC RK05 Disk Drive Accessories


Various accessories used by Crookes in his spectroscopic observations

Various accessories used by Crookes in his spectroscopic observations

Radiometer Accessories by the Instrumentation Laboratory, 72 Emdrupvdj, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1900-1980.

Radiometer Accessories by the Instrumentation Laboratory


Accessories from Otto Crossley slide valve gas engine (4383): Two bolts each with split nut and spring.

Accessories from Otto Crossley slide valve gas engine

Wild photomicro accessories

Wild photomicro accessories

Accessories from Otto Crossley slide valve gas engine 4383: One hanging trip to hit and miss firing valve.

Accessories from Otto Crossley slide valve gas engine

Box of accessories for Tell Tale

Box of accessories for Tell Tale

Box of accessories for use with animation rostrum camera including bulbs, lenses, changing bags and 200ft magazine.

Accessories for use with Animation Rostrum Camera

Accessories for Kontact Executive Workstation by Mitel, 1983-1985.

Accessories for Kontact Executive Workstation by Mitel


Hair grip of tortoiseshell - effect cellulose nitrate rod, which is circular in cross-section, grip is bulbous at bent end, about 1900

Objects made from celluloid, 1880s-1920s.


Gevafax X12 photocopier accessories, including: instruction booklet; service manual logbook; specimen of paper copying; printed actetate; sheet of adhesive labels; Agfa-Gevaert reply-paid envelope; print drum record card; carton, for toner bottles; and three bottles of toner, all by Agfa-Gevaert AG, Leverkusen, Koln, North Rhine-Westphalia, West Germany, 1979-1981

Twelve Gevafax X12 photocopier accessories

Box and accessories for Kyocera Samurai Model 2100DG zoom digital camera, 2001, including: camera strap; memory card; cable; 3 x CD-ROM software.

Box and accessories for Kyocera Samurai Model 2100DG Zoom Digital Camera


Box of various animation accessories used by Bob Godfrey.

Animation Accessories used by Bob Godfrey