Portable Isleworth Gravimetric Dust Sampler, type 113A, marked NCB and MRE, from the Occupational Health Department of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, by Casella and Co. London, England, 1965-1985 Portable Isleworth Gravimetric Dust Sampler
Type C2000 portable gas and air sampler, made of plastic, metal and glass, made by Rotheroe and Mitchell Ltd., South Ruislip, English, 1950-1979 Type C2000 portable gas and air sampler 1950-1979
NCB-MRE portable Dust Sampler, type 101C, from the Occupational Healtth Department of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, by Casella and Co. Ltd, London, England, 1950-1970 NCB-MRE portable Dust Sampler
Koptez Konimeter for the determination of dust concentrations in the atmosphere, contained in wooden box with twelve Konimeter slides, from the Occupational Health Department of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, by Scientific Instrument & Engineering Works, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1930-1960 Koptez Konimeter for the determination of dust concentrations in the atmosphere
Personal Gravimeric Dust Sampler, model B T13040, from the Occupational Health Department of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, by Casella and Co. Ltd, London, England, 1970-1990 Personal Gravimeric Dust Sampler
Personal dust sampling equipment, consisting of two portable type L2C Dust samplers and two type BC3 Battery Chargers, from the Occupational Health Department of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, by Rotheroe and Mitchell, South Ruislip, England, 1970-1980 Personal dust sampling equipment
Vacuum sampler (resembling white spray can), unsigned, British, 1971-1980. Vacuum Sampler, 1971-1980 1971-1980
High flow personal Sampling Pump, model T13055/1, from the Ocupational Health Department of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, by Casella and Co. Ltd, London, England, 1980-1990 High flow personal Sampling Pump
Three colour change sealed glass tubes, supplied by SKC Ltd, England, and made by Gastec Corporation, Ayase-Shi, Kanagawa prefecture, Kanto, Japan, 1996-1999. Used with gas sampler to give an on-the-spot reading, either after a fixed volume of air has been drawn through the tube, or gradually over time with exposure. Colour change tubes for air change sampler, 1996-1999 1996-1999
Personal Dust Sampler, type L10B, from the Occupational Health Department of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, by Rotheroe and Mitchell Ltd, South Ruislip, England, 1978 Personal Dust Sampler
MSA Electrostatic Sampler, model F, in leather carrying case, from the Occupational Health Department of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, by the Mine Safety Appliances Co, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, 1960-1980 MSA Electrostatic Sampler
Portable personal Gas/Air Sampler, type C2000, from the Occupational Health Department of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, by Rotheroe and Mitchell Ltd, South Ruislip, England, 1960-1980 C2000 portable personal gas/air sampler