Object type

Album of cyanotypes of British and Foreign Ferns


The Return After Three Days


A Pictorial Record of Television Development photograph album


Great Central Railway Extension to London Contract No. 1 - album of photographs


Album of press cuttings about the death of William Friese-Greene in 1921

circa 1921

Ministry of Supply Medical Services Exhibition album


Record album


An album with a black cover of press cuttings relating to the life and work of William and Claude Friese-Greene.

Album of press cuttings


Album of photographs taken in the Gold Coast and the U.K. between 1910 and 1915 by unknown photographer.



Album in the form of a book; 30x37mm; with ivory covers and brass clasp (part missing); 8 double sides with tiny photographs 8x11mm of celebrties; for doll's house?; M2416.

Miniature album

Album with red leather covers, with openwork brass decoration; clasps similarly decorated; 24 double sides aperture pages for mixed cdvs and cabinets; foredges marbled; marbled endpapers; contains identified photographs of members of the Gardner family.

Photograph album for CDVs and Cabinets

"PARIS ET VERSAILLES" an album of `Heliotypics de E Le Deley', c. 1900

Paris Et Versailles

Album for 5x7 inch negatives; 100 glassine envelopes bound in press-stud fastened album; with quantity of film negatives.

Kodak Negative album

Album, album of black & white prints, paper, card, string, brass, Sir W.G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co. (Engineers) Ltd. publicity photographs, circa 1930s. The prints depict: LNER railcars; locomotives and railcars for overseas customers including BAGS Railway, "universal" locomotive, Baroda Railway; industrial shunting locomotives for the Ribble Navigation, "BLD" yard shunter for Frodingham Iron & Steel Co. Includes some photographs of motors, engines etc. Each vehicle is identified with a running number prefixed DT. Photographs issued by the Publicity Department at the Scotswood Works. 31 prints.

Armstrong Whitworth publicity photographs


Album, album of black & white prints, paper, card, string, brass, Sir W.G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co. (Engineers) Ltd. publicity photographs, circa 1930s. The prints depict: locomotives and railcars for overseas customers including M&SM Railway, Ceylon Government Railways, Central Argentine Railway, Western Australian Government Railways; industrial shunting locomotives including North Sunderland Railway, Dunston Power Station, Penmaenmawr Granite Co. Includes some photographs of motors, engines etc. Each vehicle is identified with a running number prefixed DT. Photographs issued by the Publicity Department at the Scotswood Works. 20 prints.

Armstrong Whitworth publicity photographs


Album of aerial photographs of Great Western Railway Docks, and their plans.

Great Western Railway Docks

Photographic Exchange Club album, belonging to Mansell of Jersey, 1855.

Photographic Exchange Club album


Photograph album, 'A Short History of the John Menzies Bookstalls', by David F. Ramsay, index of contents, bound volume covered in plastic.

A Short History of the John Menzies Bookstalls

Album, plastic with vinyl-covered card covers with metal corners, containing card postcards. Collection of postcards of the 10 Railway Convalescent Homes, collected by Roy Smith. The postcards show exterior and interior views, views of the garden and occasionally groups of residents. The homes were: Herne Bay; Bridge House, Dawlish; the old Wool Hall, Lavenham; Trenython, Par; Shottendane, Margate (for women); Ascog Mansion, Isle of Bute; The Bedford, Buxton; The Old Abbey, Llandudno; Leasowe Castle, Cheshire; and Ardenlea, Ilkley. The album contains over 170 cards and Mr. Smith has added notes of the homes' opening and closing dates.

Postcards of the 10 Railway Convalescent Homes

Album of military regiment photographs. Dark red album with the word "Photographs" in gold in the centre of the front cover. Taken by unknown photographer.

Album of military regiment photographs

Family Album. Board cover in red and brown with "Photographs" diagonally across the bottom right hand corner in grey. Created by H Cutner between 1913 and 1920.

Family Album, board cover in red and brown with "Photographs"

Album of family snapshot photographs, created by unknown photographer.

Album of family snapshot photographs

"East African Railways and Harbours" - album containing stock lists, diagrams and photographs of East African Railways & Harbours steam and diesel locomotives, circa 1953. Contains updates up to 1956.

East African Railways and Harbours

circa 1953

Carte de visite and cabinet card album.

Carte de visite and cabinet card album

Photograph album with brown fabric cover entitled 'Kodak Enlargement Competition Photographs April 1909'.

Kodak Enlargement Competition Photographs album, April 1909

Album of photographs, navy blue cover, unknown photographer(s), various subjects including children at play and seaside scenes.

Photograph album

Album: Unsere Luftflotte im Weltkriege, 1914/15. A set of six illustrations depicting German airships and aeroplanes, by Hans Rudolf Schulze with a printed introduction in German. 16x12 in. /1. cover. /2. Militartaube auf Erfundungsflug bei den Masurischen Seen. [bombers ...] /3. Deutscher Doppeldecfer auf Erfundungsfahrt an der Marne [biplane...] /4. Luftschiff Schutte-Lanz Warschau bombardierend [airship...] /5. Deutsche Wasserflugzeuge uber der englischen flotte. [flying boats over the English fleet] /6. Reichsmarineluftschiff - Wacht an deutscher Ostseefuste [airship ...] /7. Militar-Doppeldecfer uber dem Urgonnerwald. [biplanes over ...]

Unsere Luftflotte im Weltkriege


Album; 152x121mm; black paper mache covers lacquered black; front has spray of roses in mother of pearl set in ovel of small pieces of mother of pearl; small flower of mother of pearl set with gold design on back; tooled leath spine with 'album'; single plain clasp; page index for 50 CDV. Empty - album does not contain photographs.

Photograph album

Album; 12 double sided aperture pages for 6x9cm pictures; miscellaneous snapshots on most pages.

Small album marked 'Frenagraphs'

Album; 140x76mm; small red leather photograph album held by 'rose' design clasp which opens in the form of a fan; very ornate gilt clasp; both covers with small design of stars, circles and spades in gold; gilt edged pages; to hold 20 CDV photographs. Empty - album does not contain photographs.

Fan-shaped' photograph album

Gold plush covered album hinged on similar base; album hinges downwards to open; hoop clasp; aperture under bevelled blass in front to take cabinet print; 20 double sided aperture pages in dark green paper with chromolitho designs for cabinets only. Empty - album does not contain photographs.

Plush covered stand mounted album

Musical box photograph album; brown tooled; gold embellished leather cover; 11 doublesided aperture pages for mixed CDVs and cabinets, some chromolitho printed; musical box movement in rear half; two tunes, with key; operates as clasp is opened; gilt fore edges. Mostly empty - album contains two photographs. One tune played is 'The Lost Chord' by Arthur Sullivan.

Musical-box photo album - The Regina Album

Light brown padded leather covers; 18 double sided aperture pages for cabinets; gilt foreedges; foliage motif endpapers.

Album for cabinet photographs

Album; 12 aperture pages, doublesided for 3.5 inch square snapshots; various shapes; entitled 'Photographs.'

Snapshot album

Lacquered covers, red-brown with gold embellishment; 2 figures on raft - ivory inlay faces; zig-zag bound pages, 50 135x90mm hand coloured albumen prints of Japanese secenes, most with ricepaper interleaving.

Japanese album of Japanese views

Photo album containing postcards of Japanese steam locomotives. Also contains smaller cards - collectors' cards or bubblegum cards? Contains 88 cards in total.

Postcards of Japanese steam locomotives

Album in brown cloth, printd cover, "Brownie and I" with line illustration Nd, 1900-30

Brownie and I


Postcard album of postcards, occupational type, industry and manufacturing, leisure and recreation. Assembled by donor

Album of postcards

Portrait album of European celebrities and actresses. Cabinet and carte de visite, some hand-coloured. Various photographers. N.d. 1860-1880

Portrait Album of European Celebrities and Actresses


Album of 68 photographs of China, 1875-80, by Thomas Child and others

Album of 68 photographs of China


[Album of newspaper cuttings, compiled in 1890s by S. Bastard, chiefly re an airship designed by William John Bastard (1825/26-1899) to rival Hiram Maxim's flying machine which is also featured. pp. 1-9 & 50-59 used. With three photographs including one of W J Bastard's grave in Southgate Cemetery]

Album of newspaper cuttings


[Album of 531 postcards and photographs of submarines, pre-World War I to nuclear submarines, including submarine depot ships]

Album of 531 postcards and photographs of submarines


[Album of press cuttings and photographs recording the construction of the BBC's new television transmission mast at Crystal Palace, 1954-57 / W. S. Pilecki. Pilecki was the designer of the mast. He was employed by BICC, the contracted constructors of the mast, and was later their export director. The mast, over 700 feet high, was to replace that at Alexandra Palace. The album comprises many press cuttings, over 200 b & w photos, and two xerox items: 'loading coefficients' and 'unit stress diagram']

[Album recording construction of television mast at Crystal Palace]


Memorabilia album from SS Arandora Star’s voyage to the West Indies, 1930

Memorabilia album from SS Arandora Star’s voyage to the West Indies

Memorabilia album from SS Alcantara’s voyage to South America, 1936

Memorabilia album from SS Alcantara’s voyage to South America

Memorabilia album from RMS Alcantara’s voyage to South America, 1936

Memorabilia album from RMS Alcantara’s voyage to South America

Memorabilia album from Union-Castle line cruise to South Africa, outward on RMMV Winchester Castle, and return on MV Carnarvon Castle, 1931-1932

Memorabilia album from Union-Castle line cruise to South Africa

Large red album documenting the life of Mrs Mabel G. Bruce and her activities in Bradford Camera Club

Bradford Camera Club Album


Photographs, album of 48 photographic prints (albumen, silver gelatine, and printing out paper) and one loose cellulose nitrate negative, depicting social activities of London, Brighton & South Coast Railway staff, and sports of the Brighton Railway Athletic Club, 1880 to 1921. The album includes a typewritten introduction, headed Secretary’s Office and dated March 1908, explaining the subjects it will feature. These include staff outings to Newhaven and Dieppe, sports meetings, group photographs and portraits, including two of soldiers who died in the First World War. There is a cutting with cartoon illustrations of ‘Sports at the Nest, Brighton Railway Athletic Club’s Day Out’ from 1921, and a loose cutting of the Railway Benevolent Institution’s Annual Dinner in May 1920. There is a loose print of the staff of the Secretary’s Office. The album, with green and black covers, is in poor condition, with broken spine, loose front cover, and friable and dirty pages, 195 x 225 x 58mm. See Southern Railway Magazine, May 1923, pp 110 – 111 for a brief history of the Brighton Railway Athletic Club, including a photograph of the Honorary Sports Secretary, Mr S C Edwards, who features in the album.

Album of prints of the London, Brighton & South Coast Railway staff


Kodak negative album. 100 glassine envelopes in binder; with index; contains quanitity of celluloid negatives.

Kodak Negative album