Object type

in london there are full facilities for a two hundred strong conference at the charing cross hotel

gleneagles hotel

Brochure for 'West Side Story'


Brochure for 'Camelot'


Brochure describing Flying Scotsman given out at British Empire Exhibition


turnberry hotel, ayrshire

LNER rail operating company brochure titled ‘LNER On Track’, issue 1 with headline ‘Azuma transforming rail travel’

March-June 2019

Book catalogue of works in Physics and Astrophysics published by Princeton University Press in 2016


Choosing and Using: Male and female sterilisation


'What is emergency contraception?


midland hotel manchester room service and directory


Printed ephemera related to a trip to Trondheim in 2017


Brochure from Starmus festival in Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain) celebrating Hawking

Intercity Executive Guide


The Midland Pullman


British Transport Hotels in England and Scotland for business and leisure


Old Course Hotel, St Andrews, Fife, Scotland

royal station hotel york

The Eighties... The Age of the Train


High Speed Train


Brochure for 'It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World'


Brochure for 'Cleopatra'


Brochure for 'Doctor Zhivago'


Three-cylinder superheated 4-6-2 pacific type express tender locomotive


Brochure for Radio Caroline


Hib: Guidance for health professionals in answering parents' questions.


Choosing and Using: Emergency Contraception


Is everybody doing it? Your guide to contraception


How much do you know about venereal disease?


[Commemorative brochure] 1887 Oct / Gaceta de los Caminos de Hierro de Espana y Portugal. [Brochure, in French "en memoire de l'inauguration du Sud-Express Calais-Paris-Madrid-Lisbonne et de l'honorable visite de MMrs les Invites Etrangers a Lisbonne et a Cintra du 23 au 25 octobre 1887", but specifically relating to the railway from Lisbon to Cintra. 8p.]



A brochure for 'The Open Road', a series of short films made by Claude Friese-Green in 1926.

A brochure for 'The Open Road'


Brochure published "to commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the passenger carrying Stockton & Darlington Railway Company and Swindon's contribution to Railways during the period."

Swindon Works

Fell Developments Ltd. brochure describing the Fell Diesel-Mechanical Locomotive no. 10100, circa 1948. Includes 2 illustrations of the locomotive, layout diagram, schedule of Fell patents, etc. 11pp.

The Fell Diesel-Mechanical Locomotive

circa 1948

Westinghouse Air Brake Co. (Union Switch & Signal Division) brochure "Industrial Car Retarder Installations" describing railroad car retarders for freight yards. Includes diagrams, reprints, booklets etc. 1959. Bulletin no. 184.

Industrial Car Retarder Installations


Louisville & Nashville Railroad brochure "Proudly Presenting... Hills Park Yard", by R. R. South, describing the Hills Park freight yard in Atlanta, Georgia. Reprinted from the Louisville & Nashville magazine, October 1957. 8pp.

Proudly Presenting... Hills Park Yard


Speedlink - A Railfreight Service. Brochure published by British Railways Board Central Advertising Services describing Speedlink services including road/rail transfer, TOPS system, wagons, ferry services etc. In a wallet at the back are separate leaflets describing the TOPS system and the Railfreight Facilities Grant and a general brochure about Railfreight. Published 1982.

Speedlink - A Railfreight Service


Brochure - Freight : The North Eastern Region of British Railways in the service of Industry. BR (NE Region) brochure describing and illustrating wagon types, freight services, loads hauled, containers, sea routes etc. 1961. 38pp.

Freight : The North Eastern Region of British Railways in the service of Industry


Brochure, card, "Hoverspeed Streamlining the Channel Winter 1982-1983", with colour pictures of continental destinations, printed by Weather Oak, 1982.

Hoverspeed Streamlining the Channel Winter 1982-1983


Brochure - Advanced Transport Technology. British Railways Board / Railway Technical Centre brochure describing the work of the Railway Technical Centre at Derby, including the APT. Black & white illustrations. 31pp.

Advanced Transport Technology


Brochure - paper written by David Newbegin of Durham County Council and John Shelley of Bullen Consultants describing the conversion of Newton Cap viaduct from a railway to a road bridge, giving the history of the line, the viaduct etc., 1994. 11.6929 x 8.2283 in.

Newton Cap Viaduct - Conversion from Railway to Highway


Booklet - Role of the Railcar. Self-Changing gears Ltd. booklet describing railcars in use around the world including Britain, Ireland, Australia, Nyasaland, Peru etc. Produced 1955. 24pp.

Role of the Railcar


Brochure, Great Northern Railway, 'Indicate Briefly a Few of the Principal Places and Districts of Interest Served by the Great Northern Railway, and to Specify Various Arrangements Particularly as Regards the Inner Man which have been Framed for the Comfort and Convenience of Travelers over the System'.

Indicate Briefly a Few of the Principal Places and Districts of Interest Served by the Great Northern Railway

Brochure, Golden rail continental holidays '83, Holidays by rail to Belgium, France, Spain, Austria, Italy, Switzerland and Germany, front cover has a cartoon image of a continental city with images and information on the inside.

Golden rail continental holidays '83


Brochure, paper, Inverness to Wick and Thurso, issued by British Rail (Scotrail) and the Highlands and Islands Development Board, printed by Ogilvy & Mather (Scotland) Ltd. One of a series of four brochures "Great Railway Explorations of the Scottish Highlands". Contains cartoon map, description of the route, photographs, useful addresses etc.

Inverness to Wick and Thurso


Brochure, paper, ScotRail. Investing for the future, produced by ScotRail, 2009. Describes ScotRail's investments and future plans (ScotRail operated as part of the First group). 16pp with illustrations, map.

ScotRail. Investing for the future


brochure, paper and card, 'Super Express 3000 1957', information on the Super Express 3000 locomotive, illustrated in colour, in Japanese, published 2006.

'Super Express 3000 1957'


Brochure, paper, Making it up to you when things go wrong - Our 'Delay Repay' and 'Seat Guarantee' schemes, issued by Virgin Trains East Coast, 1 March 2015. One of the first brochures issued with VTEC branding when they took over the franchise from East Coast. Note that the brochure was actually published by East Coast and uses the same cover artwork as the previous East Coast refund leaflet. 5pp and claim form.

Making it up to you when things go wrong


Brochure, paper, The Screaming Valenta, Sat. 15th November 2014. Souvenir brochure from the run of the NRM's HST prototype power car on the Great Central Railway North after its restoration project, "Project Miller." Produced by the 125 Group. Collected by NRM Head Curator Andrew McLean who was on the run.

The Screaming Valenta


Brochure, paper, Passenger's Charter - Our commitment to providing you with a safe, high quality service on the East Coast Main Line, issued by Virgin Trains East Coast, 1 March 2015. One of the first brochures issued with VTEC branding when they took over the franchise from East Coast. Note that the brochure was actually published by East Coast. 31pp with network map on back cover and photograph of the new King's Cross concourse on the front.

Passenger's Charter


Brochure, paper, 1985 Passenger Advertising Campaign, issued by British Rail. Internal staff brochure introducing the 1985 advertising campaign including the 'We're getting there' slogan, and giving examples of TV and poster adverts, and advertising for InterCity, London & South East and Provincial services, national products and sales messages and customer care. With an introduction by J.J. O'Brien, Joint Managing Director - Railways.

1985 Passenger Advertising Campaign