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ABC Wax promotional cap


FLS Aerospace Ltd cap.

Railway uniform cap


Leather Overman's Cap


Cap, Thameslink Driver's Uniform


Station Master cap, British Railways (Western Region)


Peaked cap

Baseball cap worn by Paul Berry on the set of the 20th Century Fox film Monkeybone (2001)


RAF Officers' cap

Cap, BR, Diesel Driver

Mining official's leather cap

Cap, BR, Marine (style MS & MA) 1953

LNER Porter Cap

Great Western Railway page boy cap


Cap, London & North Eastern Railway, Driver, grease top cap, formerly owned by driver Norman McKillop, Haymarket Shed, Edinburgh.

Grease top cap, London & North Eastern Railway


Disposable cap, usually worn beneath protective hood mask, as worn by frontline health workers during the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone, 2014-2015

Disposable cap worn by frontline health workers

circa 2014

Cross-Sectional bubble-cap from petroleum fractionating column.

Cross-Sectional bubble-cap




Cap, LNER, Guard

Cap, London & North Eastern Railway, Guard

Cap, LMSR, Driver/Fireman, Grease-top cap

Cap, London Midland & Scottish Railway, Driver/Fireman, Grease-top cap

Cap, GWR, Ticket Collector

Cap, GWR, Ticket Collector

Cap, London & North Eastern Railway, Station Master

Cap, London & North Eastern Railway, Station Master

Cap, paper, Kids Out Quids In!, issued by British Rail, advertising an offer to buy an Awayday ticket and take 4 other people for £1 each. Offer ran 1 April-10 September 1983.

Kids Out Quids In!


Guard's cap, Great Western Railway.

Guard's cap, Great Western Railway

Cap, BR, Passenger Guard

BR passenger guard cap

Tibetan fur-cap as used by sherpas and muleteers on the 1933 Everest expedition

Tibetan fur-cap as used by sherpas and muleteers on the Everest expedition 1933

Collection of nurses and midwife's caps, consisting of 10 caps, 1 collar, 4 sets of cap strings, assorted dates, all 20th century, British

Collection of nurses and midwife's caps


Cylindrical glass cap

Cylindrical glass cap


Buddhist priest's cloth helmet with plaques of human bone, called a nag-pa, Tibetan, 18th or 19th century

Buddhist priest's cloth helmet with plaques of human bone


Railway uniform cap, London Midland & Scottish Railway, Goods Porter, size 7, made by R. Z. Bloomfield Limited, London.

London Midland & Scottish Railway goods porter cap

Railway uniform cap, British Railways, Steam Locomotive Driver, grease-top cap, size 7, made by J. Compton, Sons & Webb Limited, 1948-1960.

BR steam lcomotive driver cap


Cap, BR(WR), Supervisary Foreman, 1948-59

BR(WR) supervisary foreman cap


Railway uniform cap, British Railways, Guard, size 7, corporate Image style c.1982, BRB standard pattern, contract 392, item 15, catalogue number CRE 28/325, style 'pc', approved by E.J. Lowe, obsolete 1983.

British Railways guard cap

circa 1982

Cap, BR(WR), Station Master. 1959-65

British Railways (Western Region) station master cap


Railway uniform cap, British Railways, Marine, size 6 7/8, made by J. Compton, Sons & Webb Limited, London.

Cap, BR, Marine

Cap, BR(ScR), Goods Guard, 1948-59

BR(ScR) goods guard cap


Railway uniform cap, Southern Railway, Station Manager's, 1930-1948.

Cap, Station manager's, Southern Railway, 1930-1948

Lace cap

Lace cap

Lace cap

Lace cap

Lace cap

Lace cap

Cap, BR, Relief Station Master, c.1958. Navy, gold braid on peak. "Station Master" in gold script

Cap, BR, Relief Station Master

Cap, BR, Grade A Supervisor, 1979

Cap, BR, Grade A Supervisor, 1979

Cap, BR Carman's size 7 1/8", by M & J Goldstein Ltd, c.1948-1955

Cap, BR Carman's size 7 1/8"

Cap, BR (Pullman), Pullman Controller, c.1968. Navy map, Corporate Image design with one row of gold-wire braid round turned-up back. Gold braid on peak. Brass and enamel Pullman Crest badge. Formerly worn by Controller of South Wales Pullman

Cap, BR (Pullman)

Cap, Odakyu Electric Rly (Japan), Airforce blue cap with black peak: overlapping crown. Gilt badge

Cap, Odakyu Electric Railway (Japan), Airforce blue cap with black peak

Railway uniform cap, British Railways, Driver, size 6 7/8, corporate Image style 1982.

Cap, BR, Driver (Corporate Image style) 1982

Railway uniform cap, British Railways (North Eastern Region), Station Master, size 6 7/8.

BR(NER) station master cap

Railway uniform cap, British Transport Commission, Police Inspector, size 7 1/8, made by Christys' London, c.1949.

British Transport Commission police inspector cap

circa 1949

Cap, BR, Diesel Driver, c1960

British Railways Diesel Driver Cap

circa 1960

Railway uniform cap, London Midland & Scottish Railway, Parcel Porter, size 6 3/8, made by Sanders & Brightman, Luton.

London Midland & Scottish Railway parcel porter cap