GRUNDIG STENORETTE `M' Dictating Machine, made in UK by Grundig (Great Britain) Ltd, Serial no. 209165, complete with dust cover, foot switch, microphone and earphones Stenorette 'M' dictating machine 1955
"Tape-Riter" dictation machine manufactured by Hartley Electromotives Ltd. of Shrewsbury, c. 1954 'Tape-Riter' dictation machine, c. 1954 circa 1954
Grundig Stenorette "R" Dictaphone with five cassettes, one dynamic microphone 515, one remote control foot pedal and earphones, in carrying case. Grundig Stenorette "R" Dictaphone with five cassettes
Emidicta portable dictation machine model 2401, c.1955 Emidicta portable dictation machine model 2401, c.1955 circa 1955
Audiograph dictation machine by The Gray Manufacturing Co, Hartford, Conn, U.S.A. c. 1958. Audiograph dictation machine by the Gray Manufacturing Co, c.1958 1958