Object type

Protective trousers, for coke oven operative's protective suit


Carbon fibre (Panotex) suit (as used at Royal Wedding Fireworks Display, 1981)

Carbon fibre (Panotex) suit, type used at fireworks displays


"NOMEX" fire resistant fabric boilersuit

Nomex fire resistant boiler suit

Coke oven operative's protective suit in yellow wool gaberdine (trousers and jacket), pair of chrome leather and cotton gloves, 'Airstream' helmet, battery pack, and belt, unsigned, British, 1981. Trousers and jacket are water repellant and flame resistant, Zirpro treated wool. Clothing used at British Steel Corporation's Redcar works.

Coke oven operative's protective suit in yellow wool gaberdine (trousers and jacket)


Pair of motor racing boots in triple laminated Nomex

Pair of Motor Racing Boots in Triple Laminated Nomex

Fire suit comprising aluminised asbestos suit, (suit type Bristol AS1) manufactured by Bristol Uniforms Limited, England, 1981. Type of suit worn to protect against high temperatures, to rescue from burning aircraft or at petro-chemical works.

Aluminised Asbestos Fire Suit


Pair of chrome leather and cotton gloves, for coke oven operative's protective suit, unsigned, British, 1981. Clothing used at British Steel Corporation's Redcar works.

Pair of chrome leather and cotton gloves


Protective jacket, for coke oven operative's protective suit in yellow wool gaberdine, unsigned, British, 1981. Jacket is water repellant and flame resistant, Zirpro treated wool. Clothing used at British Steel Corporation's Redcar works.

Protective jacket, for coke oven operative's protective suit


Aluminised asbestos gauntlet gloves for fire suit, manufactured by Bristol Uniforms Limited, Bristol, England, 1981. Type of gloves worn with fire suit, to protect against high temperatures, to rescue from burning aircraft or at petro-chemical works.

Aluminised asbestos gauntlet gloves for aluminised asbestos fire suit


Chrome leather hide boots with neoprene sole, for fire suit, manufactured by Bristol Uniforms Limited, Bristol, 1981. Type of boots worn with suit, to protect against high temperatures, to rescue from burning aircraft or at petro-chemical works.

Chrome leather hide boots with neoprene sole, for aluminised asbestos fire suit


Glassfibre polyester resin helmet with aluminised pigment surface, aluminised asbestos neck curtain and polycarbonate and wiregauze visor, manufactured by Bristol Uniforms Limited, Bristol, 1981. Type of helmet worn to protect against high temperatures, to rescue from burning aircraft or at petro-chemical works.

Glassfibre polyester resin helmet for aluminised asbestos fire suit


Fire suit comprising aluminised asbestos suit, with glassfibre polyester resin helmet with aluminised pigment surface, aluminised asbestos neck curtain and polycarbonate and wiregauze visor, chrome leather hide boots with neoprene sole and aluminised asbestos gauntlet gloves (suit type Bristol AS1) manufactured by Bristol Uniforms Limited, Bristol, England, 1981. Type of suit worn to protect against high temperatures, to rescue from burning aircraft or at petro-chemical works.

Aluminised asbestos fire suit with helmet, boots and gloves


Airstream' helmet, for coke oven operative's protective suit, unsigned, British, 1981. Clothing used at British Steel Corporation's Redcar works.

'Airstream' helmet, for coke oven operative's protective suit