On Display
Object type

Dynamo 1325 type No. 6 105 V by Hartmann & Braun

Dynamo by Gebruder Kaiser Elektrotechn

Electrical Generator

Siemens D.C. Generator

Pilsen Joel dynamo, about 1875


Million volt impulse generator

Dynamotor ringing generator made by D & M


"Incanto" patent automatic acetylene generator

Four thermoelectric generators

Faraday's Disc Electrical Generator


Automatic acetylene generator water to carbide dipping type Thorn & Hoddle's patent 1896

Dynamotor ringing generator


Electrostatic Generator

circa 1820

Elwell Poulsen Arc generator

Cast Iron Dynamo No. 1631


Generator Motor No 1052

Siemens Generator

Parsons' Steam Turbine Generator, 1890s


'Newton-Derby' Lightweight Totally Enclosed Aircraft Generator

Amertec II Technetium-99m generator with transparent casing to show internal arrangement

circa 1990

Waveform generator

Cue-dot generator by Alpha Television Services, 1961


Unidentified generator marked William Gowlland 1916 Ltd.

Experimental acetylene generator, water to carbide displacement type, 1899

Hand-powered electric generator for points motors, by the Westinghouse Brake & Signal Co, London & Chippenham.

Hand-powered electric generator for points motors

small generator on wood plinth. manufactured by Protector Lamp Lighting Co.

small generator on wood plinth.

Dynamo part; with a coil inside a 'D'-shaped rings. Manufacturer unknown

Part of a dynamo

electric generator; consists of two parts joined in iron casing. upper section is a rotating dynamo on a long rod, and lower section is a roll with copper wiring wrapped around it. Marked 'RD NO 362095' Manufactured by Veritys Ltd.

Verity electric generator

Portable Generator- wooden cubic generator with a leather handle on top for carrying and a winding handle which is separated from the object. Manufacturer unknown.

Portable generator

generator part; circular with turnable handle on top. manufacturer unknown

Circular generator part

Technetium-99m generator cut away to show interior by Amersham International, and glass effluent phials, c. 1981

Technetium-99m generator cut away to show interior by Amersham International


Petrol-air gas generator for domestic lighting

Petrol-air gas generator for domestic lighting

Two pole enclosed type generator

Two pole enclosed type generator

Circular motor generator contained in a wooden box. Maufactured by Kelvin and White

Kelvin and White generator

Four hand driven magneto-electric generators, some or all connected with Wheatstone

Four hand driven magneto-electric generators

Experimental acetylene generator carbide to water type 1897

Experimental acetylene generator carbide to water type 1897

Miniature petrol-electric 40W generating set by Honda 1965

Miniature petrol-electric 40W generating set


Honda EM650 generator, used by Simon Bates and Jonathan Ruffle of BBC Radio One on their round-the-world trip, 1989

Generator used by Simon Bates and Jonathan Ruffle

circa 1989

One Sutcliffe glass gas generator (with ground glass adaptor with tap). c.1900.

One Sutcliffe glass gas generator (with ground glass adaptor with tap). c.1900

Auxiliary generator and control panel from Foyers Aluminium Works. c.1896.

Auxiliary generator and control panel from Foyers Aluminium Works. c.1896

Generator for Mitchell 35mm cine back projector used at Pinewood Studios Process Stage.

Generator for Mitchell 35mm cine back projector used at Pinewood

Electric generator; with coils under armature, carbon brushes and rheostat control on top. Three bearings (one additional one outside drawing pulley). All mounted on cast iron latheplate. Manufacturer Unknown


Sony BVG-100PS Model No 1 time code generator. Serial number 12220.

Sony BVG-100PS Time Code Generator

Opperman generator used as a plating generator on the site being redeveloped by UMIST (University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology). Made by Carl Opperman, Electrical Engineers, 2 Wynyall Street, Clerkenwell.

Oppermann generator

Motor/dynamo made by Gebruder Kaiser Elektrotechn. Fabrik, Leipzig.

Dynamo by Gebruder Kaiser Elektrotechn

Engine driven aircraft generator-sectioned

Engine driven aircraft generator-sectioned

Signal generator no. 1, Mk 11 manufactured by Marconi Instruments, c. 1935

Signal generator no. 1


Mather and Platt generator no.104, 82V, 200A.

Mather and Platt generator no.104

Circular plates, attached to square iron frame, with copper wire wrapped around the plates. Manufacturer unknown


dynamo; copper coil in iron frame. manufacturer unknown
