Object type

Motorcycle magneto


Motor car ignition set

M L magneto type RF4 no.112, c. 1917, sectioned


Bosch magneto Type ZEV no. 1286705

Bosch motor car magneto type Z E 2

Simms-Bosch magneto for 3-cylinder engine

Magneto spanner

circa 1930

Magneto for Douglas motorcycle


Motorcycle Magdyno combined lighting and ignition unit


R.B. magneto Type N 10/4 W No. 522579

Bosch K.4 low-tension magneto, c. 1906-8


Motor car magneto

circa 1929

Motor car electric generator

circa 1921

Motorcycle magneto

circa 1921

Simms automatic advance and retard mechanism for mechanism

circa 1933

Simms-Bosch Magneto type D2R. c.1910.

circa 1910

Leather box containing spare parts for Bosch


Bosch motor car magneto type DA 2

Leather box containing spare parts for Bosch, type ZR 4, dual ignition, c. 1912

Leather box containing spare parts for Bosch


Fitted box of spare parts for Bosch type "H.L.8" car magneto, c.1912

Fitted box of spare parts for Bosch type "H.L.8" car magneto


Components for Voltex bat-mag for motor cars: rotor, complete; coil; distribution bush, complete; breaker cup, complete; duplex coil; switch

Motor car ignition set

C.M.I. magneto for motor cycles, made by the M-L Magneto Syndicate Ltd., c.1921, sectioned, on wooden base.

Motorcycle magneto

circa 1921

Simms-Bosch magneto for 6-cylinder engines

Simms-Bosch magneto for 6-cylinder engines

E.I.C magneto for B.S.A. motor cycle, type A. anticlock spring control No.85916. A three piece tool set is attached, and a wooden mounting base is provided.

Magneto for B.S.A. motorcycle


Dixie 6 cylinder magneto (c.1916)

Magneto for a motor car

circa 1916

B.L.I.C. stationary armature 4 cylinder magneto for motor cars, sectioned

Magneto for motor car

C.G.4 magneto No.B.456, for motor cars, made by the M-L Magneto Syndicate Ltd., c. 1922, sectioned

Motor car magneto

circa 1922

Simms high tension magneto type S4 with variable ignition, for four cylinder petrol engine, made by the Simms Magneto Co. Ltd., c. 1911

High-tension magneto for motor car engine

circa 1911

Dixie motor car magneto, 1903-1904

Dixie motor car magneto, 1903-1904


Simms-Bosch magneto for 6-cylinder engine

Simms-Bosch magneto for 6-cylinder engine

Villiers two-stroke motorcycle engine, with flywheel, magneto, sectioned, made by the Villiers Engineering Co., c. 1919. Mounted on wooden stand.

Motorcycle engine

circa 1919