Three different examples of Hungarian miners lamps, pre 1865 Three different examples of Hungarian miners lamps -1895
Safety lamp, Stephenson, by George Knight & Son, London, marking: makers name, 1839-1857. Stephenson's Safety Lamp, 1839-1857 1839-1857
Ordinary open miners lamp from Linares Spain, burning olive oil Ordinary open miners lamp from Linares Spain -1878
Safety lamp, Clanny no.5, from the Royal Commission on Accidents in Mines, 1879-86, maker E. Thomas, Aberdare, marking: makers name and trademark, 1870 Clanny Safety Lamp, 1870 1870
L E type Bull's eye electric miners lamp, complete with accumulator L E type Bull's eye electric miners lamp
Sussmann electric miner's lamp (with detachable top to enable bulb to be replaced) Sussmann electric miner's lamp (with detachable top)
"Protector" type C.T. Underground Relighter complete with "Protector" C.T. 33A miner's lamp "Protector" type C.T. Underground Relighter
Miners lamp used in the copper mines of Mansfeld, Prussia, Saxony, pre 1865 Miners lamp used in the copper mines of Mansfeld
Miners lamp, one of two, with storage box for both, used in the coal and ironstone pits of Ayrshire, N.B. pre 1865. Miners lamp