Eight Rollers for Cropper Platen Treadle Press, c. 1875 Eight Rollers for Cropper Platen Treadle Press 1875
Two heavy wooden (lignum vitae ?) rollers on iron shafts (one with a squared end), probably from a calendar or mangle. Found with 1934-655 Two heavy wooden (lignum vitae ?) rollers on iron
Hyatt 1935 type roller bearing split shafting box, for a 2" diameter shaft, no.1458 Hyatt 1935 type roller bearing split shafting box 1935
Lever watch in pinchbeck case by S. Weatherill, 1770-1818, Liverpool, no.741, silver dial, (chain twisted, hand bent) crank roller, donated by Evan Roberts in 1916 Lever watch in case with dial and crank roller 1770-1818
Brass roller for experiments with an inclined plane, supplied by W. & S. Jones in 1828 for #1-11-6 (Frame slightly distorted) Brass roller for experiments with an inclined plane 1828