Television camera tube, cylindrical. Printed paper label attached to body with sellotape: EMITRON CPS Type No.5954. Serial No. (manuscript) R134 2 Emitron television camera tube
Collection of historic television artefacts, 1950-1970: Miscellaneous television camera tubes Various television camera tubes, c 1960 1950-1970
Television camera tube, Emitron, pre-war, possibly demonstration model, c 1938 Emitron television camera tube, c 1938 1935-1940
Iconoscope, made by Dr V K Zworykin in his laboratory on 9 November 1931, successfully tested the next day. Prototype Iconoscope tube, 1931 1931-11-09
Super-Emitron television camera tube, in cardboard packaging, manufactured by EMI about 1937. Super-Emitron camera tube in original packaging 1935-1939