Object type

One of fourteen modern pocket tinder-tubes

One of fourteen modern pocket tinder-tubes

One of fourteen modern pocket tinder-tubes

One of fourteen modern pocket tinder-tubes

Crocodile-tooth Tinder-tube (length 3 ins)

Crocodile-tooth Tinder-tube (length 3 ins)

One of fourteen modern pocket tinder-tubes

One of fourteen modern pocket tinder-tubes

One of fourteen modern pocket tinder-tubes

One of fourteen modern pocket tinder-tubes

Tinder-tube (length 2 5/8 ins) of iron; cap and flint both secured by small chains

Tinder-tube (length 3 1/4 ins) of brass; cylindrical

Tinder Tube of Brass

Tinder-tube (length 3 1/2 ins) of brass

Tinder-tube (length 2 1/2 ins) of horn

Tinder-tube (length 3 1/2 ins) of brass

Crocodile-tooth Tinder-tube (length 3 ins)

Tinder-tube (length 2 3/4 ins)

One of fourteen modern pocket tinder-tubes

Crocodile-tooth Tinder-tube (length 4 ins)

One of fourteen modern pocket tinder-tubes

One of fourteen modern pocket tinder-tubes

Brass gilt tinder-tube

Tinder-tube (length 2 ins) of thick brass

Tinder tube

Tinder-tube (length 2 1/4 ins) of brass; surface embossed with figures of three sportsmen

Tinder Tube of Brass, brass cap.

Tinder Tube of Brass

Tinder Tube of Brass, brass caps


Tinder-tube (length 3 ins) of ivory


Tinder-tube (length 2 3/4 ins) in hard wood

Tinder-tube (length 60 cm) of horn

Tinder tune

Crocodile-tooth Tinder-tube (length 4 ins)

Tinder-tube (length 3 1/4 ins) of silver; curved

Tinder-tube (length 3 ins) of silver or nickel; curved


Tinder-tube (length 3 ins) of silver; curved

Tinder Tube of Brass

Tinder-tube (length 3 5/8 ins) of copper

Tinder-tube (length 2 5/8 ins) of thin brass; of cheapest kind, without decoration; attached (but perhaps not belonging) is a steel of Algerian type (see no. 182).

Tinder-tube (length 2 5/8 ins) of thin brass; of cheapest kind

[One of] fourteen modern pocket Tinder-tubes [nos. 1180-1193], each with a length of match-tinder, steel, and flint; all probably of French manufacture.

One of fourteen modern pocket tinder-tubes

[One of] Two Tinder-tubes (lengths 3 1/8 ins) of nickel; caps secured by small chains; tubes plain and without decoration.

One of Two Tinder-tubes, nickel

[One of] Two Tinder-tubes (both length 3 3/8 ins) of silver or nickel, of good class; caps secured to tubes by small chains; tubes decorated by floral designs, engraved.

One of Two Tinder-tubes (both length 3 3/8 ins) of silver or nickel

Tinder Tube of white metal.

Tinder Tube of white metal.

Tinder Tube of Silver hallmarked Geo. III on initial letter P.

Silver tinder tube

[One of] fourteen modern pocket Tinder-tubes [nos. 1180-1193], each with a length of match-tinder, steel, and flint; all probably of French manufacture.

[One of] fourteen modern pocket Tinder-tubes, probably French

Crocodile-tooth Tinder-tube (length 3 ins), with slip-on cap of brass, but no collar or chain; exterior of tooth carved into form of a female figure, holding flowers in right hand, fan in left; purchased in Naples. [One of thirteen specimens (nos 890-902). Each is made from a crocodile tooth. 'The open end of the tubes have a fixed collar, generally of silver, but sometimes of gold or brass ... The exterior of the tooth is, in most cases, beautifully carved, generally into the form of a lady attired in a European costume of the Eighteenth Century and holding a fan, the figure being curiously bent backwards following the curve of the tooth. In somes cases, however, the carving is either absent or of very poor artistic merit. The thirteen examples, all collected by Mr. Bidwell, comprise, with two exceptions, all that are known to exist anywhere. All came, Mr Bidwell believes, from Goa... and all are doubtless of native workmanship.']

Crocodile-tooth Tinder-tube (length 3 ins)