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Contaflex camera


Kodak Duaflex Camera


Rolleiflex camera


Rolleicord II Camera


Newman and Guardia Twin Lens D D camera


Microcord Camera

Rolleiflex Twin-Lens Reflex Camera


Anscoflex II camera. Ansco Binghampton USA


Twin lens reflex camera for 35mm film, 24 x 36mm. Fitted with two Agfa color Apotar lens F: 45mm, f/2.8-22, coated. Helical focusing mount with finder lens, reflex screen with split image finder in centre. Folding hood with magnifier and optical frame finder. Prontor shutter 1/2/5/8/15/30/125/250/500/B. Coaxial flash socket. X-Synch. Lever wind. Rotary exposure counter. Film type reminder wheel. With lens hood. Serial No AB 3850. Agfa c.1961.

Agfa Flexilette Twin Lens Reflex Camera


Twin-lens reflex camera for 35mm film 24x36mm; Wollensak Anastigmatic lens F:44mm f/3.2 for both taking and viewing; Bolsey Synchro-matic shutter 1/10-1/200; coupled split-image rangefinder; full-size reflex finder coupled to taking lens; separate direct vision optical finder; pin and screw flash contacts; automatic diaphragm setting for flash, coupled to focusing; ERC; no. 635053.

Bolsey Model C-22 Set-O-Matic camera

Twin-lens reflex camera for 127 rollfilm 4x4cm; Tassar F:6cm f3.5; no. 124805; viewing lens Heidoskop anastigmat F6mm f2.8; Rimset Compur shutter 1-1/300; lever handle wind on; auto frame counter; rack and pinion focusing; sports finder in hood, optical. No. 134265. Black and silver with exposure tables on rear.

Rolleiflex Rolleicord 4x4 cm camera


Brownie twin 20 camera. Plastic bodied camera for 620 film 2 1/4 x 2 1/4 inches. Fitted with a meniscus lens, rotating plate with three apertures EV13, 14, 15. Three position helical focusing 4-6 feet, 6-12 feet, 12-infinity. Direct vision optical finder and brilliant reflecting finder with graining marks. Double exposure lock on shutter release. Screw flash contact with round flash holder. Kodak Limited, 1960-1964. Overall: 100 mm x 115 mm x 85 mm.

Brownie Twin 20 camera


Voigtlander Brilliant camera. Twin lens reflex camera for 120 rollfilm 2 1/4 2 1/4 inches. Voigtar anastigmat lens F: 75mm f/7.7-22-3 foxed stops on rotating plate. 2 blade shutter 25/50/B. Front cell focusing. Large brilliant reflecting finder with deep hood. Non focusing. Automatic exposure counter. Made in Germany. Overall: 162 mm x 90 mm x 82 mm.

Voigtlander Brilliant camera


Voigtlander Brilliant camera. Plastic moulded body for 120 rollfilm 2 1/4 x 2 1/4 inches. Fitted with a brilliant lens f/3.5-16 No.2704316, gear coupled to viewing lens. Rapid S/O f/2.2. No 5578980. Compur rapid shutter 1/2/5/10/25/50/100/250/500/B/T. Brilliant reflex finder with ground glass central spot. Folding magnifier and sports finder, optical, in hood. Automatic film metering, automatic counter. Depth of field scale round viewing lens. Compartment in side for filters containing Kodisk yellow filter, Voigtlander. Overall (deployed): 172 mm x 82 mm x 97 mm.

Voigtlander Brilliant camera


Twin lens reflex camera for 120 rollfilm 2 1/4 x 2 1/4 inch, No 033112 and a leather strap. Franke & Heidecke.

Rolleicord camera and leather strap

Voigtlander Superb camera, 1933. No. 2714879. With Compur lens; anastigmat skopar 1:35 F=7.5cm No 897754. Also Voigtlander Anastigmat Helomar 1:35 No 901515. Overall (deployed): 203 mm x 89 mm x 94 mm.

Voigtlander Superb camera


VS 28 Voigtlander Brilliant Camera. Twin-lens reflex - non-focussing finder. 120 rollfilm. Voigtar anastigmat lens f7.7 75mm. focussing to 3 feet. Aperture plate 7.7,11,22. Everset shutter 25/50/B. Automatic exposure counter. Overall (deployed): 166 mm x 90 mm x 85 mm.

Voigtlander Brilliant camera


Twin lens reflex camera for 620 rollfilm 2 1/4 x 2 1/4 inches (modified). Fitted with a Tessar lens F: 7.5cm, f/3.8-32 No.980689. Viewing lens, Heidoscope anastigmat F 75.3cm f/3.1 No.22202. Compur rimset shutter 1/2/5/10/25/50/100/300/B/T. Rack and pinion focusing. Hooded reflex focusing screen (spirit level missing). Sports finder in hood, metal mirror for eyelevel viewing. NO.22520. Francke and Heidecke. c.1930.

Rollieflex camera


Mamiya C220 f camera body Serial No W100730. Twin lens reflex camera. Lenses made in Japan. Top lens; Mamiya Sekor lens F:1:2.8, f=80mm, Serial no 959548. Lower lens Mamiya Sekor F:1.28, f=80mm, Serial No 959601.

Mamiya C220 Professional f Camera

Twin lens reflex camera for 620 rollfilm 2 1/4 x 2 1/4 inches. Fitted with a Kodak Anastar lens F:80mm f/3.5-22 both taking and viewing lenses. Flash Kodamatic shutter 2/5/10/25/50/100/300/B/T. Coaxial bayonet flash socket. Gear connected focusing front cells. Ground glass reflex focusing screen. Hood with magnifier ad frame sports finder. Knob automatic windon with exposure counter. No.64556. Eastman Kodak 1948-1954.

Kodak Reflex II Twin Lens Reflex Camera


Twin lens reflex camera, Rolleiflex 3.5F. Made by Franke & Heidecke. With synchro-compur shutter and Carl Zeiss lens. Overall: 205 mm x 110 mm x 100 mm.

Rolleiflex 3.5F

Microflex twin lens reflex camera manufactured by Micro Precision Products, Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey, 1959-1961. 77.5mm f/3.5 Micromar lens; viewing lens 77.5mm f/3.5; 120 rollfilm.

Microflex camera


Twin-lens reflex style box camera for 120 rollfilm 2.25x2.25 inches; Haking's Double Meniscus lens f/8; 1/30 sec, B shutter; full size reflecting finder; coaxial flash socket with 24x36mm adaptor masks; in original carton with instructions.

Halina Viceroy Camera

Twin lens reflex camera for 120 rollfilm 2 1/4 x 2 1/4 inches. With taking lens by Zeiss Tessar F: 7.5cm f/3.5-22 No.1664775 (coated). Viewing lens Heidoscope-anastigmat F: 7.5cm f/3.1. Compur shutter 1/2/5/10/25/50/100/300/B/T. Aperture and shutter lever set, numbers visible in window above viewing lens. Rack and pinion focusing on reflex window above viewing lens. Rack and pinion focusing on reflex viewing screen. Hood, magnifier, frame sports finder and level on ground glass screen. Lever windon, automatic exposure counter. Exposure calculator. No.424538. Francke and Heidecke. With leather camera case.

Rolliflex camera

Voigtlander Brilliant camera. Twin lens reflex camera for 120 rollfilm camera 2 1/4 x 2 1/4 inches. Fitted with a Voigtlander Voigtar anastigmat lens F:75mm f/7.7, 11, 22 in a rotating plate. Everset shutter 25/50/B. Front cell focusing not coupled to large brilliant hooded finder. With automatic exposure counter. Voigtlander. Overall: 160 mm x 90 mm x 82 mm.

Voigtalnder Brilliant camera


Foth Fothflex camera. Anastigmat Foth lens 1:3.5 f-75mm; no 3882. With lens cap. Overall (deployed): 212 mm x 92 mm x 98 mm. A twin lens reflex camera for 120 rollfilm, fitted with a Foth anastigmat f3.5, 75mm lens No 13962 and a focal plane shutter.

Fothflex camera


Voigtlander Brilliant camera. Overall (deployed): 172 mm x 87 mm x 88 mm.

Voigtlander Brilliant camera


Twin-lens reflex type box camera for 120 rollfilm 2.25x2.25 inches; Haking's double Meniscus lens f/8; 1/30 sec., B shutter; full size reflecting finder; coaxial flash socket; ERC and instructions.

Halina Super Reflex Vicetory camera


Twinlens reflex camera for 120 rollfilm 6x6cm; Zeiss T-coated Triotar lens F:7.5cm f/3.5 No 3359826. Compur Rapid shutter 1-1/250 sec. Knob windon; reflex ground glass screen with folding hood, magnifier; exposure calculator. No 1111229. Overall: 140 mm x 95 mm x 98 mm.

Rolleicord camera


Rolleiflex camera. Twin lens reflex camera for 2 1/4" square 120 film, made by Franke and Heidecke. Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar lens No. 174352 F 7.5cm. f3.5-22. Compur shutter 1/2/5/10/25/50/100/300/B. Upper lens Heidoscope-anastigmat F:7.5, f.3.7 No.429300 Focusing inf -c. 3'. Ground glass screen ruled in squares, spirit level cemented to the underside. Frame finder in hood - mirror in centre reflects eye for centreing. Depth of field table on rear of hood. Exposure guide on back. Lever wind; exposure counted. Removable back for plate holder (see 990-5036/552). With leather case and lens cover. No. 441416. Overall: 200 mm x 76 mm x 98 mm.

Rolleiflex Twin Lens Reflex Camera

Ricaflex camera. Twin lens reflex camera for 120 rollfilm 2 1/4 x 2 1/4 inches. Fitted with a Laack Poloyt lens F: 7.5cm f/3.5-32 No.490115. Viewing lens Laack Poloyt F: 7.5cm f.3.5. Stelo shutter 25/50/100/B/T. Lever focusing. Operating both lenses. Focusing screen missing, hood faulty. Depth of field scale on rear of hood. With magnifier.

Ricaflex camera. Twin lens reflex camera for 120 rollfilm 2 1/4 x 2 1/4 inches

Twin lens reflect camera for 620 rollfilm 2 1/4 x 2 1/4 inch. Simple lens of fixed aperture and focus; I/B shutter. With large brilliant reflecting finder. Kodak Limited 1950-5.

Kodak Duaflex camera


Twin lens reflex camera for 127 rollfilm 1 5/8 x 1 5/8 inches. With a simple lens of fixed aperture and focus. T.I shutter, flash synchronised, with 2 pin contact. Large brilliant reflex finder with hood and a braided neck cord. Kodak Limited, 1946-1960.

Brownie reflex camera


Voigtlander Brilliant twin lens reflex camera, for 120 film 2 1/4 x 2 1/4". Voigtlander anastigmat Voigtar F:75mm, f7.7-11-22 apertures in rotating plate. Shutter 25/50/B. Focussing (lower lens only) front cell inf-1 meter. Brilliant fullsize finder. Overall: 160 mm x 90 mm x 80 mm.

Voigtlander Brilliant camera


Voigtlander Brilliant camera. Twin lens reflex camera for 120 roll film 2 1/4 x 2 1/4. Fitted with a Voigtlander Voigtar Anastigmat lens F:7.5cm f/6.3-22. Front cell focusing to 4 feet. A.C.G shutter 25/50/`00/B/T. Large brilliant reflecting finder with collapsing hood, automatic exposure counter. Made in Germany. Overall (deployed): 165 mm x 85 mm x 90 mm.

Voigtlander Brilliant camera


Russian twin lens reflex camera for 120 rollfilm 2 1/4 x 2 1/4 inches. Fitted with a T-22 lens coated, F: 7.5cm f/4.5-22 no.080566. Lever cocked shutter 15/30/60/125/250/B with delayed action.. Taking lens gear coupled to viewing lens. Brilliant viewing screen with ground glass centre. Folding hood with magnifier and sports finder. Compartment for close up lenses or filters missing. Flash synchronized, with coaxial socket. Made in USSR. Overall: 165 mm x 87 mm x 95 mm. The Lubitel was a cheap, Russian-made copy of the Voigtlander Brilliant camera. It was used by police forces in the UK to take mug shots. With leather ever ready case.

Lubitel 2 Camera


Ross twin lens reflex camera. Wooden twin lens reflex camera for 5" x 4" plates. Takes lens Ross Goerz patent double anastic mat No. 3910 f 8-264, F:6". Viewing lens identical, number 4452. Separate Thornton Pickard T/I roller blind shutter. Sliding rising front, hooded ground glass, viewing screen with mirror in hood. Rack and pinion focussing. M2683.

Ross twin lens reflex camera


Ross twin lens reflex reflex camera. Box/bellows form camera for 3 1/4 x 3 1/4" plates. Fitted with pair of TT and H lens Nos. 2272 and 2267 f.6.5-45 Cooke Series III. F.5.1 inch (not original ?). Upper lens focuses on reflex screen. No shutters. Rack and pinion focussing to 18".

Ross twin lens reflex camera


The Carlton twin lens reflex camera for 3 1/4 x 4 1/4 inch plates. Taking lens is a black band rapid rectilinear No 88031 F:6 inch f/7.7-44. With Bausch & Lomb two blade shutter 1/2/5/25/50/100 with pneumatic release valve. Viewing lens is black band rapid rectilinear No 88031 with iris diaphragm f/6-32. Sliding rising front, rack and pinion focusing to 4 foot. Reflex ground glass screen with small hood. Sliding plate changing mechanism moves plates up from focal plane to upper compartment. H. Wood patent 20038.

The Carlton Twin Lens Reflex Camera


Ross twin lens reflex camera for 3 1/3 x 5 1/2 inch plates. With two Goerz patents, Ross double anastigmat lenses F:8 inch, f/6.8-64. Numbers 5839 & 58432. ON a common lens panel with rack and pinion rising front. Screw in yellow filter in holder between lens, rack and pinion focusing focal plane shutter, 14/16/24/36/?/T. With pull type cable relapse. Revolving back, reflex focusing screen with deep hood. Ross, c 1906. Overall (deployed): 520 mm x 195 mm x 267 mm.

Ross Folding Twin Lens Reflex Camera


Early twin lens reflex plate camera, no makers name; Edwards patent on plateholder. Twin lens reflex box/bellows form camera for 3 1/4 x 4 1/4" plates. RR lens F:6", f8-44, No shutter; rack and pinion focussing. Hooded reflex screen, viewing lens in rachwork mount. Possibly homemade (M2645).

Early Twin Lens Reflex Plate Camera

Made by father of donor, a Mr Yates. Twin lens reflex camera for 120 rollfilm 2 1/4 x 2 1/4 inches. f/6.8 lens but front element missing; Bausch and Lomb Unicom shutter Serial No 63553. 1/2/5/25/50/10/B/T. In sliding focusing mount. Reflex focusing lens in similar sliding mount. Overall (deployed): 235 mm x 100 mm x 156 mm.

Home-made Twin Lens Reflex Camera