BTS 1" analogue high definition television (HDTV) video recorder, manufactured by BTS Broadcast Television Systems GmbH,1990-1991. BTS was a joint venture company of Bosch and Philips. Both companies manufactured HDTV OB Vans which included this type of recorder, as part of the editing and master control facilities to provide broadcast infrastructure for the 1992 Olympics. The HD standard was 1250-line multiplexed analogue components (HD-MAC). Compatible receivers were made by Philips. BTS BCH 1000 1" analogue high definition television (HDTV) video recorder 1990-1991
Ampex M1 format ARC-40 video cassette recorder, made by Panasonic about 1983. Otherwise known as a 'Chromatrack' or 'Hawkeye' machine. With two operating manuals. Panasonic Ampex M1 Format ARC-40 Video Cassette Recorder, c 1983 1982-1984
BeoVision MX 2000 TV Set, Bang & Olufsen, Denmark, 1985-1989. Bang and Olufsen Beovision MX2000 colour television and Beocord VHS82 video recorder 1985-1989
Ampex VPR-2 1inch c-format video tape recorder, c. 1978-1980. Ampex VPR-2 Video Tape Recorder 1978-1980
Beocord VHS82 video cassette recorder with red finish, manufactured by Bang and Olufsen 1985-1988. With video control unit and instruction booklets. Bang and Olufsen Beocord VHS82 video recorder, 1986 1986-1988
RCA M1 format video tape machine made by Panasonic, otherwise known as 'chromatrack' or 'Hawkeye', 1982-1984. Fitted with time base corrector boards. Panasonic RCA M1 format video tape machine, c 1983 1982-1984