Object type

Leeds Dewsbury & Manchester Railway Morley Contract Volume 1: Daily Journal from Decr. 18 1846 to Augst. 14 1847

1846-12-18 -1847-08-14

Notices of dismissal


Bronze quart measure

Train Service between London & Scotland 1st July 1895 to 31st December 1896


General Appendix to the Rules and Regulations and Working Time Tables with Sectional Appendix, London & North Eastern Railway (Scottish Area), 1 November 1947, 446 pages plus index, card covers, original colour blue (general), green (sectional), green binding.

General and Sectional Appendix, LNER (Scottish Area)


General Appendix to the Rules and Regulations and Working Time Tables with Sectional Appendix, London & North Eastern Railway (Southern Area), 1 November 1947, 579 pages plus index, card covers, original colour red, green binding.

General and Sectional Appendix, LNER (Southern Area)


General and Western Appendices to the Working Time Tables, Southern Railway (Western), 26 March 1934, 315 pages plus index, cloth covers, original cover green, green binding.

General and Western Appendices to the Working Time Tables, Southern Railway


Appendix to working time tables, North Staffordshire Railway, 1 May 1920, paper covers, 114 pages, original colour off-white, red binding.

Appendix to the working time tables


Appendix to the book of Rules and Regulations and to the Working Time Tables. Southern Railway (Isle of Wight), 2 February 1930, 94 pages, cloth covers, original cover blue, green binding.

Appendix to the Working Time Table -SR (Isle of Wight)


Great Eastern Railway Employees' Accident Benevolent Fund Index giving particulars of cases in which application has been made for grants, 1913 to 1923. Divided into alphabetical sections, then each section arranged chronologically by date of the Fund committee meeting which awarded the compensation. Each entry gives the employee's name, occupation, department, station, nature of injury, date of injury, date of committee meeting which awarded compensation, and remarks, usually detailing compensation amounts or treatment.

Employees' Accident Benevolent Fund - Index giving particulars of cases in which application has been made for grants


Furness Railway / Port of Barrow volume "Standing Orders" containing transcripts of company orders relating to activities in Ramsden Dock, Barrow-in-Furness, from November 1877 to September 1906. Also includes some printed notices fixed in. Indexed.

[Ramsden Dock] Standing Orders


South Eastern Railway / South Eastern & Chatham Railway Railway manuscript volume from Ashford Works, "Journeys run by No. 1 Royal Saloon Sept. 1895-July 1903, No. 2 Royal Saloon & Late Queen Victoria Saloon No. 3". Contains hand-written descriptions of journeys, persons carried and destinations, mileage, transcripts of letters etc. concerning the Royal Saloons. The majority of the entries are signed by Richard B. Howard.

Journeys run by No. 1 Royal Saloon Sept. 1895-July 1903, No. 2 Royal Saloon & Late Queen Victoria Saloon No. 3


Bound volume of circular letters of instructions issued by the Railway Executive Committee during the First World War. The letters were issued between April 1915 and April 1917, and concern carriage of freight, pigeons etc., fares for service personnel, military traffic, accounts etc. The volume was compiled by the Accountant's Office of the Glasgow & South Western Railway.

Railway Executive Committee Instructions No. 2


South Eastern Railway manuscript volume from Ashford Works, "Journeys run by No. 1 Royal Saloon", February 1886 to February 1895. Contains hand-written descriptions of journeys, persons carried and destinations, mileage, notes on problems and technical points, transcripts of letters etc. concerning the Royal Saloon. The majority of the entries are signed by Richard B. Howard.

Journeys run by No. 1 Royal Saloon


Volume, Private and Not for Publication, issued by the London & North Western Railway (LNWR), 'The Accounts Instruction Book for the Guidance of Station Masters, Goods Agents and Others in the Preparation of Their Accounts &c', 1908.

Accounts Instruction Book


Sectional Appendix to the Working Timetable and Books of Rules and Regulations, British Railways (North Eastern Region), Northern Section and Southern Section - bound together, 1 October 1960, 292 pages (North), 334 (South), cloth covers, original colour brown (North) and green (South), yellow binding.

Sectional Appendix to Working Timetable


Volume, paper with board covers, re-bound, Loco Engine Stock, Great Eastern Railway, manuscript copy kept by A.J. Hill, Chief Mechanical Engineer of the GER, Stratford Works. Originally written up circa 1904, corrected to 1 April 1921 and again to 10 October 1923. Gives details of locomotives, their numbers, wheels, dimensions, brakes, dates of modifications, when broken up etc.

Loco Engine Stock


Volume, paper with card covers, LNER Great Eastern Section Carriage Stock Book, London & North Eastern Railway. Volume listing carriage stock on the section of the LNER made up of the former GER, built between 1925 and 1930, with a few earlier coaches also recorded. Notes of alterations and disposals are dated up to 1958. Divided into First Class, Composites, Seconds, Thirds, Brake Seconds & Brake Thirds, Brakes and Miscellaneous Stock. Records number (with 1925 re-numbering added in), date built, "ac", drawing number, diagram number and particulars (e.g. alterations, transfers, disposals, where built if not at Stratford Works). Hand writing is similar to and book almost certainly follows on from GER Carriage Stock books [2010-7269 to 7274]. Almost certainly complied at Stratford Works.

LNER Great Eastern Section Carriage Stock Book

circa 1925-1958

Volume, paper with board covers, rebound and re-covered, GER Carriage Stock - Miscellaneous: Mail Vans, Carriage Trucks, Horseboxes, Cattle Boxes, Milk Vans, Fish Vans, written up circa 1902, entries backdated to 1870, with amendments made up to circa 1948. Details GER Mail Vans, Carriage Trucks, Horse Boxes, Cattle Boxes, Milk Vans, Fish Vans, their numbers, drawing and diagram references, compartments, suburban or main service, dates of modifications, dates of disposal. Some vehicle lengths also given.

GER Carriage Stock - Miscellaneous: Mail Vans, Carriage Trucks, Horseboxes, Cattle Boxes, Milk Vans, Fish Vans

circa 1902-circa 1948

Volume,. paper with card covers, Particulars of Tickets, Season etc. Examined / Register of Staff, maintained by the Midland Railway / LMS staff at Giggleswick station. Includes details regular returns of information, season ticket examinations, milk tests, claims for cash, list of station staff with personal details, details of taxis and coal merchants trading at the station, credit accounts etc.

Particulars of Tickets, Season etc. Examined / Register of Staff

circa 1911-1948

Volume, card, paper, Ledger of Fireman / Driver Dennis Brooks - 2, 20 August 1958 to 7 May 1981. Manuscript entries record the date, the name of Brooks' crew-mate, destination and start of shift time, also note of other activities such as Deltic training, leave etc. The back contains a weekly pay record from March 1944 to 1982. This ledger covers the period from when Driver Brooks became a regular locomotive driver. The later entries in the log are much sparser as Driver Brooks had heart problems and was relegated to shunting duties at Doncaster.

Ledger of Fireman / Driver Dennis Brooks - 2


Volume, paper with board covers, rebound and re-covered, GER Carriage Stock - Saloon & First, written circa 1904, entries backdated to 1875 with amendments made up to circa 1940. Details GER saloon and first class carriages, their numbers, drawing and diagram references, compartments, suburban or main service, dates of modifications, dates of disposal.

GER Carriage Stock - Saloon & First

circa 1904-circa 1940

Volume, paper with leather-covered card covers, Train Service between London & Scotland 1st January 1906 to 31st December 1915, assembled by the North Eastern Railway, York, 1915. Contains printed timetables comparing the East Coast, West Coast and Midland route times from London to Scotland. These timetables were instituted after the Races to the North.

Train Service between London & Scotland 1st January 1906 to 31st December 1915


Volume, paper with board covers, rebound and re-covered, GER Carriage Stock - Brake Thirds & Brakes, written up circa 1902, entries backdated to 1875, with amendments made up to circa 1958. Details GER brake third class and brake carriages, their numbers, drawing and diagram references, compartments, suburban or main service, dates of modifications, dates of disposal.

GER Carriage Stock - Brake Thirds & Brakes

circa 1902-circa 1958

Volume, card, paper, Ledger of Fireman / Driver Dennis Brooks - 1, 17 August 1937 to 17 February 1964. Manuscript entries record the date, the name of Brooks' crew-mate, destination and start of shift time, also note of other activities such as diesel training, leave etc. The back contains a weekly pay record from March 1944 to March 1964.

Ledger of Fireman / Driver Dennis Brooks - 1


Volume, paper with board covers, rebound and re-covered, GER Carriage Stock - Thirds, entries begin in 1901, with amendments made up to circa 1956. Details GER third class carriages, their numbers, drawing and diagram references, compartments, suburban or main service, dates of modifications, dates of disposal. Second of two volumes listing third class carriages.

GER Carriage Stock - Thirds

circa 1901-circa 1958

Volume, paper with leatherette-covered card covers and linen binding, G.E.R. Engine Book, circa 1921. Made up of printed proforma pages filled in with engine numbers, class, wheel arrangement and dates new, with a note of how many were extant in the GER fleet in Jan. 1921. Copy weight diagrams are mounted on the opposite pages. Inserted in the back is copy correspondence of L.C. Bowers, of the Locomotive Stores, Cambridge MPD, in response to the queries of Mr. R. Justin about a J37, a petrol shunter and S44 class locos, 1958-1959. Therefore the book may have belonged to Mr. Bowers.

GER Engine Book

circa 1921

Volume, paper with board covers and leather binding, GWR accounts debtor notes, Jan. to Jul. 1917. Consists of notes of monies owed to particular accounts by other accounts, external clients, other companies etc. Each note is stuck in, and stamped with an entry date and number which presumably refers to a ledger. This volume was one of a large series as it is numbered 120. The original title has flaked off the spine. Shows how the company was funded, property owned, dividends calculated, work undertaken across all branches of the company, the cost and purpose of war work, claims for damage following accidents (in one case for one of its ships damaged during war work) and how the company supported the War Office and claimed payments, etc.

Great Western Railway accounts debtor notes

1917-01 to 1917-07

Two diaries marked ‘diary number 1’ dated 1845 and 1847 of Peter John Margary (1820-1896). The first diary mainly documents the construction of the Exeter-Powderham contract whilst the second diary documents work concerning atmospheric engine houses. The diaries include details of the construction of bridges, viaducts, stations and reservoirs including accounts of the Powderham Topsham railway station, the Exe bridge, Dainton siding and reservoir and the St Thomas viaduct. The diaries include accounts of Margary working at the office in his house in Dawlish, meetings with ‘Mr. Brunel’ at his office in Duke Street, they note dealings with other engineers of the South Devon Railway including Messrs Hammond, Harrison, Glennie. They include accounts of travelling on the atmospheric railway and on mail trains, accounts of frequent visits to atmospheric engine houses including Starcross and Torquay, details of meetings with men from Boulton and Watt to set up engines in Atmospheric engine houses.

Diary of Peter John Margary 1847


No.1 Minute Book [of R. Stephenson & Co. 1 vol. Contains 'Memorandum for an Agreement of Copartnership between Robert Stephenson of Killingworth near Newcastle, George Stephenson of the same place, Edward Pease of Darlington, and Michael Longridge of Bedlington, for carrying on the business of Engine Builders, Mill Wrights &c at Newcastle upon Tyne ... [as] Robert Stephenson & Co.', 1823 Jun 23; minutes of meetings from 1823 Jun 24 to 1848 Sept 9; memoranda and copy letters, with one or two other items (up to 1853 May) tipped in. The original capital was £4,000 divided into ten shares of £400 each. The Stephensons and Longridge held two shares each, Pease held four]

R. Stephenson & Co. No. 1 Minute Book


Volume, paper, Crianlarich Book B Commenced 27-7-83, printed Train Register from Crianlarich Signal Box, with entries dated from 29 July 1983 to 22 Feb. 1984. Used by William Haining, signalman at Crianlarich signal box.

Crianlarich Book B Commenced 27-7-83


Volume, paper, Crianlarich Book A Comm. 5 12 83, printed Train Register from Crianlarich Signal Box, with entries dated from 5 Dec. 1983 to 10 Feb. 1984. Used by William Haining, signalman at Crianlarich signal box.

Crianlarich Book A Comm. 5 12 83


Volume, paper, Book of Special Stop Order forms, printed by the LNER, May 1937. The book mainly contains the duplicate forms, the top copies having been completed, torn out and passed to the train drivers. The forms were used at Bridge of Orchy station between February 1938 amd May 1972. Used by William Haining, signalman.

Book of Special Stop Order forms


Volume, paper, Crianlarich B, printed Train Register from Crianlarich Signal Box, with entries dated from 25 Jun. to 29 Oct. 1986. USed by William Haining, signalman at Crianlarich signal box.

Crianlarich B


Volume, paper, Crianlarich Upper Signal Box Comm. 13.00 hrs. 6/2/88 B, printed Train Register from Crianlarich Signal Box, with entries dated from 16 Nov. 1987 to 20 Mar. 1988. The cover has also been marked "Bill's last shift." Used by William Haining, signalman at Crianlarich signal box, the 'Bill' mentioned on the cover.

Crianlarich Upper Signal Box Comm. 13.00 hrs. 6/2/88 B


Volume, paper, Crianlarich Book B Comm. 23/12/85, printed Train Register from Crianlarich Signal Box, with entries dated from 23 Dec. 1985 to 8 Feb. 1986. Used by William Haining, signalman at Crianlarich signal box.

Crianlarich B Comm. 23/12/85


Volume, paper with buckram-covered card covers and leather spine, Register of Staff at Barnsley Station, 1900s-1950s. It is assumed that this volume comes from the main Barnsley Station which was co-owned by the L&YR and passed to the LMS and then British Railways. Entries give staff names and addresses, birth dates, dates of service entry, job, pay and next of kin. The entries have been updated to show transfers, resignations and retirements.

Register of Staff at Barnsley Station


[Bound volume, ca.1852 manuscript and printed, entitled] "Watch, Quarter & Station Bill of H.M.S. Britannia". [Volume consists of lithographed pages identifying the crew, (whose names have been inserted in manuscript), and detailing their duties. Three pages depict coloured signal flags. Title page bears coloured lithograph of Britannia off Valetta, Malta]

Watch, Quarter & Station Bill of H.M.S. Britannia

circa 1852

Illustrated volume entitled 'Cable Equipment for the North Eastern Railway Electrification', a description of extra high tension mains, telephone, pilot & lighting cables manufactured & laid by Siemens Brothers & Co., Limited, July 1904.

Cable Equipment for the North Eastern Railway Electrification


London Brighton & South Coast Railway. Volume compiled by J I Humphries, General Manager's Office, containing miscellaneous documents including reports, correspondence, notes, memoranda, cirulars, notices, proofs of tickets, examples of forms and stationery, etc. Compiled 1866-1873 but also includes documents dating back to 1842. 1 volume.

J I Humphries Archive, LBSCR


2 volumes of London Midland & Scottish Railway Coach renumbering schedules, c1932-c1946.

London Midland & Scottish Railway renumbering schedules

circa 1932 -circa 1946

Volume of drawings of locomotives by E. T. Lane, 1848-49 (see also 1923-436).

Locomotive Drawings by E.T. Lane


Volume, paper, card, leather, Methley Joint Committee Minutes of Meetings from 1864 to 1865, documents assembled by R.R. Nelson, Secretary, West Yorkshire Railway, 1864-1865, and William Grinling, Accountant's Office, Great Northern Railway, 1865-1885. The volume contains correspondence, minutes, manuscript and printed account sheets. The Methley Joint Railway was run by a joint committee of the NER, L&YR and WYR. The GNR took over the WYR in 1865. The documents bound into this volume were assmbled first by the WYR, and then by the GNR Accountant's Office, where the volume appears to have been made ("Accountant" is engraved on the spine and cover).

Methley Joint Committee Minutes of Meetings from 1864 to 1865


Volume containing printed circulars and instructions from the Divisional Superintendent of Operation at Crewe, Motive Power Department at Crewe and the Chief Operating Manager's Department at Euston to the Motive Power Department at Preston, concerning the operation and maintenance of locomotives from Lostock Hall Engine Shed, February 1935-May 1939, 1 volume.

Volume containing printed circulars and instructions concerning the operation and maintenance of locomotives


British Railways North Eastern Region and British Rail Eastern Region clock record book no. 5, covers clock numbers 15134 - 18030, continues the LNER clock record book series, 1 volume.

British Railways North Eastern and British Railways Eastern Region clock record book no. 5

circa 1923-circa 1948

Notebook, paper with card covers, APT-E Log 24-6-75 to 11-6-76. Log book containing handwritten entries by Ray Coleman, a BR engineer working on the APT-E project. Contains details of trial runs (including some on the Old Dalby test track), faults, performance etc. of the APT-E. Additional material has been inserted into the volume including a packet of prints, cuttings and articles, typed memoranda and instructions, graphs, drawings etc.

APT-E Log 24-6-75 to 11-6-76


Volume, paper, cord-bound with linen-covered card covers, Catalogue of Concrete Articles manufactured at Taunton Depot, also titled Taunton Concrete Depot Catalogue & Price List of Standard Articles on the title page, issued by the Chief Engineer's Office, Paddington Station, London, January 1948. Contains outline drawings and details of concrete items such as coal bins, fence posts, steps, channels, fireplaces, lintels etc. etc. made at the Taunton Depot. Copy belonged to the Regional Engineer.

Catalogue of Concrete Articles manufactured at Taunton Depot


Volume, Register of names and numbers of locomotives on the principal railways of the United Kingdom, by C.F. Dendy Marshall, 1885

Register of names and numbers of locomotives on the principal railways of the United Kingdom


Royal Train journey instructions and timings from the Passenger Train Office, 1st Floor, Western Tower, Reading. Royal rail journeys between 1959 and 1964 mostly starting or ending at London Paddington station to or from BR Western Region destinations. Includes instructions, specifications and timings, reasons for visits and the member of the royal family travelling. The briefing documents have been stuck into a credit account book with other documents such as staff notices of Royal Trains.

Royal Railway Journey Instructions and Timings


Volume entitled, 'A Handbook for Steam Railway Locomotive Enginemen', issued by the London Midland & Scottish Railway (LMS), December 1931. Front cover in black embossed with word Questions for Enginemen.

A Handbook for Steam Railway Locomotive Enginemen