Map, railway, 'Dumfrieshire', c. 1840, coloured, 1 inch to 1 mile, publisher/printer Johnston & Weir, paper-backed linen, in slip case. Map, railway, 'Dumfrieshire' 1840
signalling and telegraph department; electrification; different signalling and control systems; telegraph office messenger; telegraph & electrical installation squad, Carlisle, Stranraer; telephone switchboard; duties, wages; telegraph lineman, Edinburgh; key token; Leclanche cells; intermediate block signal maintenance; Second World War; block controls installation; loyalites between CR and GSWR; Quintinshill incident; WCML electrification; single line working; pole route maintenance; Cairn Valley signalling system; area reorganisation; equipment; interlocking signals; resignalling, Dumfires, 1956; royal train duties, 1946-54; domestic life; seasonal jobs; tablet working equipment; maintenance; experience; different signalling systems; naming signal boxes; safety improvements; nationalisation; water troughs; track circuits; training, electrical signalling; tablet failure; maintenance and installation experience; motor operated points; weather problems; cables; automatic half-barrier installation; level crossing; electrification; WCML; staffing; Sykes signalling; long section working; block circuit; electrification; work study; maintenance; anecdotes; rules; anecdotes; redundancy; d.o.b. 1912-12, railway work 1927-1977, Scotland. 3.1496 x 2.8346 x .315 in. Veevers, James Wannop 2001-01-10
Test materials for Progressive Matrices (1938) and the associated Mill Hill Vocabulary Scale, by J.C. Raven, published by H.K. Lewis, 1938-1950, The Crichton Royal, Dumfries, Scotland Test materials for Progressive Matrices (1938) and the associated Mill Hill Vocabulary Scale 1938-1950