Trophy designed for the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering, 2013 2013 Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering trophy 2023
Trophy designed for the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering, 2019 2019 Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering trophy 2022
Trophy awarded to the winners of the 2023 Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering, Andrew Blakers, Martin Green, Jianhua Zhao and Aihua Wang, for their work on PERC photovoltaic technology. 2023 Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering trophy 2023
Sigma Instruments thickness gauge, 1951 stored in a box and fitted with a inspection fitting for measuring screw thread acceptibility. Purchased from Plessey Records in 1951. Sigma Instruments thickness gauge 1951
Fosteronic electronic continuous balance circular scale temperature indicator (serial No. E10088) by Foster Instrument Co. Ltd., Letchworth, Hertfordshire, England 1960. For use with nickel-wound resistance thermometer. Fosteronic Pyrometer Indicator, 1960 1960
Fixed focus radiation pyrometer, temperature indicator, by Foster Instrument Co. Ltd., Letchworth, England, 1950. Temperature range 700-1400°C, temperature indicator in mahogany case with glass display cover. Photo-Electric Radiation Pyrometer (Temperature Indicator), 1950 1950
Oral history recording; Expanding National Archive of Railway Oral History; Ken Bird; childhood; family life; sport; railway clubs; BRSA; pubs/drinking; work culture and relationships; conditions at work; depots; marshalling yards; changes in the railway industry; unions; signalman; British Rail; privatisation; ethnic minorities; 1950s; 1960s; 1970s; 1980s; 1990s; 2000s; Stratford; Cudworth; Barnsley; Crofton; Wakefield; York; Healey Mills; Southend; London; Tilbury; Teeside; Yarm; Liverpool Street; West Ham; Fenchurch Street Bird, Ken 2006-08-23
Portable potentiometer model 3155-DPW serial no. 68561 scale no.2235, by the Foster Instrument Co. Ltd., Letchworth, Herts, England, calibrated for e.m.f. (0-20 and 0-60mV), thermocouple temperature (various), resistance (0-60 and 0-600 ohms), and as a potential source. (Slightly damaged) Portable potentiometer model 3155-DPW serial no. 68561 scale no.2235 1960-1970
Early example of a Sigma mechanical comparator with workings visible. Made 1945-1955 Early example of a Sigma mechanical comparator circa 1940
Sigma mechanical comparator fitted with a perspex cover to reveal workings and with the original instrument cover; complete with an inspection fitting on the instrument platform; dated 1940 to 1950. Sigma mechanical comparator 1940-1950