On Display
Object type

Pair of prosthetic/artificial arms for a child living with thalidomide impairments


Telescopic 'dressing sticks'


Protective helmet made for Ed Freeman


Prosthetic Potato holder


Lower limb artificial/prosthetic for a child living with limb difference


Pair of artificial legs worn by Ed Freeman


Artificial left leg, Roehampton, England, 1926


Pair of artificial/prosthetic legs for a teenage boy living with thalidomide impairments


Artificial leg, Roehampton, England, 1961


Artificial arms, Roehampton, England, 1957-1967


Artificial arm for a young child


Artificial legs, Roehampton, England, 1949


Artificial right leg, Roehampton, England, 1934


Pair of lower limb prostheses, Roehampton, England, 1959


Artificial arm, Roehampton, England, 1964


Artificial foot (model)


Pair of artificial/prosthetic arms for a child living with thalidomide impairments


Vivien Leigh and Laurence Olivier at Roehampton

31 May 1949

Artificial bootees, Roehampton, England, 1965-1975


'Sitting socket' mounted on a toy dog, Roehampton, England, 1966


Sketch of patient with woollen top, arm over chair back by Paul Drury. Graphite sketch of patient, seated and torso depicted. He is leftward facing, but seated on right of image, the chair-back visible on left of scene. His right arm is draped over the chair back, his jacket opened revealing a cable-knit jumper with chunky V-neck. His left arm is resting on his lap, out of scene. His gaze is leftward. He is young, no older than middle aged, with a faint moustache and slicked back hair.

Patient with woolen top, arm over chair back


Annotated preparatory sketch by Paul Drury. Recto: Annotated ink sketch, densely drawn within a graphite square. One bottom annotation may be ‘Tank’. Drawing may relate to blitz theme subjects. . Verso: Graphite preparatory sketches, two in squares and a loose sketch on one half of page.

Preparatory sketch, annotated


Sketch of Operation with patient and two technicians by Paul Drury. Ink sketch on blue paper. Scene showing the rear view of a patient on an operating table, his right leg crossed over his left, the subject of the procedure. Two technicians are at the end of the bed, one has only his torso visible but is aproned and looking down at his work. A second technician is shown seated full length on a stool, with a focused expression on his face, leftward facing.

Operation with patient and two technicians (Mounted with 70)


‘Jet on the Bound’ by Paul Drury. Ink sketch on the reverse of Ministry of Pensions paper. Preparatory drawing for ‘Female ARP Warden controlling a fire hose’, with figure in background with possible hose, and similar blaze in foreground with burning furnishings. Words ‘Jet on the Bound’ inscribed beneath image. Smaller sketch on right of page of helmeted figure, and on bottom left of page that may be an upturned stool.

Jet on the Bound'


Sketch of rolls of bandages by Paul Drury. Annotated graphite study of rolled and unrolled bandages in a pile on possible shelf or table, suggested by lines on bottom of image. Page of drawing had been folded over, paper stained on bottom, folded edge.

Rolls of bandages


Sketch of sorting bandages by Paul Drury. Ink sketch in squared off box. Scene depicting full-length seated man in jacket, with feet together, arms outstretched and facing downwards. He is unrolling a bandage on his lap, with bandages piled in front of and behind him.

Sorting bandages (Mounted with 68)


Pencil sketch for 'Learning to Walk again’ by Paul Drury. Rear view, full length sketch of patient, standing with the aid of a wheeled walking frame. His arms rest on crutch-like devices, there are straps crossed over his back.

Pencil sketch for 'Learning to Walk again’ by Paul Drury. Rear view


Sketch of Nurses engaged in operation, with uniformed officer overseeing by Paul Drury. Ink sketch on blue paper. Scene showing operating room, with folding screen in background with person observing from behind it, shown to the left of image. Centrally, the buttocks and back of a patient lying face down on the operating table can be seen. To the left of the image, a bespectacled nurse is looking downwards at the operation. A second nurse is depicted masked, with arms raised above the patient engaging in the operation. A little behind her are two figures standing and observing, one nurse and one male figure with his right hand on his face, and left arm folded in a thoughtful expression. In the foreground is the largest figure, the rear view of a male technician leaning over the work, his face turned from the viewer. By the operating table is a bowl and scissors.

Nurses engaged in operation, with uniformed officer overseeing (Mounted)


Drawing of splints, casts and plaster beds coming to life, by Paul Drury, 1941. Drawing depicting room contining spints, casts and plaster beds. In the centre of the image is a full body plaster cast with arms reaching out, with four full body plaster human-shaped figures surrounding - two kneeling down and two stood near. One figure is holding crutches. Surrounding central scene are multiple casts of different body parts, including many hands and legs.

Splints, casts and plaster beds coming to life


Sketch of Jack wilde bending at work by Paul Drury. Graphite sketch on Ministry of Pensions paper. Image depicting a technician, identified as Jack Wilde, bending whilst working on an object. He is wearing a watch on his left wrist, an apron and his hair is centrally parted.

Jack wilde bending at work


Sketch of Jack Wilde working by Paul Drury. Graphite sketch of face and figure. On left side of page is a detailed study of Jack Wilde’s face in a concentrating expression. On right hand side is Jack Wilde shown supporting an outlined patient and gazing down, wearing a jacket, waistcoat and tie.

Jack Wilde working


Drawing of Stretcher Case after Dunkirk, by Paul Drury. Recto: Gouache drawing depicting view from above of patient lying on stretcher, filling almost the entire page. His head and bandaged and bloodied, as well as his right hand which is folded on his chest. His legs are outstretched, his left foot is wearing a white sock, his right leg is bandaged and bloodstained, supported by a splint. His right toes peep out of his cast. Verso: woman in headscarf lying on her front, and small sketch of foot.

Stretcher case after Dunkirk


Sketch of amputee and seated patient sorting bandages with crutches behind by Paul Drury. Graphite sketch of two male figures and a head. Figure on left is seated in bed with left leg amputation. He is wearing a shirt, with a cigarette hanging from his mouth as he looks down at the bandages held in his hands. Next to him, a second male figure is seated on a chair, looking slightly down and rightward at the bandages he holds. In background are crutches and textiles, and a male head sketch with cigarette. Annotations relating to colour along top half of image.

Amputee and seated patient sorting bandages with crutches behind


Drawing of Horley Table II, by Paul Drury. This drawing depicts the same three figures in Horley Table I. The patient is depicted centrally, his arms are behind his head and his legs are spread shoulder-length apart, suspended by the Horley Table straps. His feet are held by two vice-like contraptions at the end of the table, in the drawing's foreground. The patient gazes directly at the viewer. One plasterer is stood in the midground, at the patient's hips, wearing an apron and looking at his work of applying bandages. A second plasterer is in the foreground, he is turned towards us, but is shown concentrating on something in his hands. A bowl with a loose bandage is placed on the table, in the foreground.

Horley table II


Oil painting of wounded soldier in bed, Paul Drury, 1939-1945. Painting depicting soldier sitting up in bed, propped by pillows, facing towards left side of image. He wears a white shirt, his right arm is laying across his stomach, holding an item and wearing a brown watch. His right arm is held at an angle by a splint, his arm has a green tint and there is a cloth resting on his right shoulder with a stain in a similar green tone. Next to the soldier's bed is a table with ashtray and two bottles. Oil paint on canvas.

Wounded soldier in bed


Sketch of three card players by Paul Drury. Loose pen sketch of three male sitters on left side of page, seated by table. Central male figure is bespectacled with a tobacco pipe, he holds cards in his hands above a table. On the left corner of the page is a male head and chest observing the game. A third male sitter observes from the corner of the table, gazing downwards.

Three card players sketch


Preparatory sketch for ‘ARP Demonstration’ by Paul Drury. Ink sketch on the reverse side of Ministry of Pensions paper. Squared off image of a crowd of figures within a bombed out building, with ARP warden demonstrating instructions in centre.

Outline of ARP Demonstration sketch


Sketch of nurse operating on rear of patient on operating table by Paul Drury. Recto: Graphite sketch on lined paper. Male patient lying belly down on operating table, with face raised from the bed. A gloved nurse, stood to the left of the patient, is engaged in an operation on the patient’s back. Behind the nurse is a male observer, above her is a lamp, around the scene are forms suggestive of more figures, possibly onlookers. . Verso: Smaller, and less finished version of the scene on recto side, within a square. Some darker detail on patient’s face.

Nurse operating on rear of patient on operating table


Sketch of arm splint drying in front of fire grate by Paul Drury. Annotated graphite sketch depicting a cradle-shape arm splint, perched on an open box, drying in front of a fireplace. To left of fire grate is a portion annotated with ‘crutches’, alongside the arm splint is a length of bandage.

Arm splint drying in front of fire grate


Preparatory sketch by Paul Drury. Annotated graphite sketch on the reverse of Ministry of Pensions paper. The sketch is within a squared off box. The composition is dense, with swirls and potential chest of drawers on one side. May relate to other Blitz and bombsite topic drawings.

Preparatory sketch by Paul Drury


Sketch of Jack Wilde working on plaster casts by Paul Drury. Graphite sketch of Jack Wilde, holding a roll of plaster around a leg. His cuffs are rolled upwards and his gaze is directed towards his work, he is smoking a cigarette.

Jack Wilde working on plaster casts


Drawing of Corporal Warren Ward 15, by Paul Drury. Portrait of a male patient. Sitter has curly hair, with short shaven sides. His head rests against the back of his hand, which is loosely bandaged with a loop around the sitter's neck. The patient's gaze looks downwards, he is dressed in an open necked shirt, showing one button, and a jacket. Picture squared off by a pencil line, with elbow finished more loosely in margin. Perforated top edge to paper.

Corporal Warren


Drawing of patient with leg injuries, crutches behind, by Paul Drury. Portrait drawing showing head and shoulders of patient, his gaze is towards the left of the image. He wears a light coloured jacket and shirt, with collar unbuttoned. His hair is curly, longer on the top than on the side of his head. Behind the patient, the top portions of two crutches are visible.

Patient with leg injuries, crutches behind


In the Shelter, drawing, by Paul Drury. Drawing depicting approximately 20 figures sitting and standing in an air raid shelter. The view shows a low ceilinged but open space, with square columns and beams. In the foreground are six figures with their backs towards the viewer, a figure on the right hand side has his left leg outstretched in a bandage and a bag placed at the end of his foot. Next to him is a figure with his hand to his mouth, crutches resting on the wall next to him. The midground and background feature different groups of figures standing and siting. One prominent figure on the left-hand midground is stood leaning to one side in a light coloured jacket and hat. Paper has been scored and folded on right side.

In the shelter


Horley table study with smaller copy and two small sketches of people by Paul Drury. Recto: Ink sketch of horley table with patient and two technicians. Annotations on right side: 'Try [illegible] on slab' and 'No'. Beneath this are a pen sketch of male head, sketch of torso facing left, and a smaller, less finished, sketch of same horley table scene. . Verso: Sketch, possibly of lumber room and ladder.

Horley table study with smaller copy and two small sketches of people by Paul Drury


Sketch of two soldiers in bunk beds by Paul Drury. Recto: Ink sketch of soldiers sleeping in bunk beds, similar to ‘Watercolour sketch of soldiers in bunks’. On bottom bunk, one soldier has a knee raised under his blanket, hands resting on his chest and facing upwards in his sleep. On the upper bunk is a soldier lying on his side, one arm on his legs, and his left arm possibly amputated. He is facing outward. . Verso: Pen and graphite sketch of the Stigmata scene found within other Drury artworks within this collection. A food at the end of the bed has a stigmata hole, a cluttered trolley with drawers open sits in the midground, in background is a figure in bed.

Two soldiers in bunk beds and stigmata sketch


Profile study for ‘The Pensioner’ or plaster technician, Mr Edwards by Paul Drury. Graphite profile sketch of Mr Edwards, plaster craftsman, or The Pensioner. The sitter’s head is leftward facing, and a small study of the nose is placed near the face. Jacket and shirt are outlined but not finished.

Profile study for 'The Pensioner' aka plaster technician Mr Edwards


Sketch of technician stood at workbench with bowl by Paul Drury. Graphite sketch of full length male figure. The technician is stood at a workbench, with an item in his right hand. He is dressed in a long work jacket. On the workbench is a bowl, and behind the figure are coats hanging on the wall. Annotated on centre top.

Technician stood at workbench with bowl


Preparatory square sketch by Paul Drury. Blue coloured pencil sketch of undefined subject within a box.

Small preparatory square sketch


Sketch of plaster bed armature and plaster casts by Paul Drury. Annotated graphite sketch on reverse of Ministry of Pensions paper. The sketch takes up over two thirds of the page, and is a study of broken and shattered plaster casts laid on the ground.

Plaster bed armature and plaster casts on Ministry of Pensions paper
